


Author Topic: Earth 3.0 - I'm back  (Read 151754 times)

Ok i am getting hand of the now just different from Peekarica

I saw Hit Man on the peekapeepa or whatever forums, he's bashing this one.
How'd he get admin? Wasn't he trolling or something here?

I just poked around and this forum seems to have better spelling.
« Last Edit: August 16, 2011, 01:23:09 PM by ? »

I saw Hit Man on the peekapeepa or whatever forums, he's bashing this one.
How'd he get admin? Wasn't he trolling or something here?

What do you mean Bashing? ruining it .

What do you mean Bashing? ruining it .

I was looking forward to it due to the Blockland community being a pile of stuff.

So you hate This Topic

hit man is very very rarely on Peekarica

New Porlaq has come up with an idea of a long range space transport ship, we are now in the process of making it.

Look people, I've made a total a** hole of myself. I'm willing to admit that, and I'm going to try to make ammends.

1. I am ending the military blockade of my waters, and unsealing my borders.

2. I am surrendering alll of the land in dispute to Irajina.

3. I am discontinuing the military programs that worried Irajina to the extent of a migration to orbit.

4. I am Selling 75% of my nuclear weapons to Aemilius in return for oil.

Feep, Battlebrain, I didn't appreciate your overly hostile response to my conquest of unclaimed territory. It did nothing but force my hand earlier to enact such countermeasures as I did. I don't respond well to threats; try reason next time.

Oasis, you say stop saving pics as jpeg, what should I save them as?

I was only seeking the betterment and general survival of my country. If that means taking lands in future, I will do so, carpet bombs or not. I hope this will all go toward peace. If not, plan B is mutually assured destruction.

Thanks, but you can keep that land. I moved off to the other planet anyways.

Well, since you don't want it, it becomes neutral territory. Glad to have it be nobody's problem now.

Good luck finding Earth 4.0 Irajinan leaders.

You know what, I'd like to take the same path as Plethora. I'd like to apologize for the unprovoked attacks, and I hope we can all forgive each other and be at peace.

The civilian transports and military escorts have left orbit for the moon of Rahkn, where ally Farken resides. 15 million citizens have been left behind to keep a population on Enduva.
« Last Edit: August 16, 2011, 02:58:37 PM by Comatose »

With the help of a new pellet rifle developed by the IWS, Iodine government officials have pushed back the rioters.
Once the situation was clear, the space officers have announced that they have created and are preparing to launch the Phoenix USRC. The Phoenix is an unmanned space reconnaissance craft. The shell it is launching in is not the Phoenix, it is simply to hold it. Within the shell is a large satellite with cameras, an engine and enough hydrogen fuel to last for 5 years of constant propulsion.

The new Pellet Rifle

The Phoenix's shell in the launching bay

A strange energy burst has been detected coming from the NRTHRN-FCE1 satellite.

After one week in space, the Phoenix USRC has discovered a planet that, by observation, seems habitable. An atmospherics drone has been dispatched to receive more info.

When the Republic of Iodine moves from 3.0 to 4.0, Irajinia will purchase some LRS and pellet rifles.