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Author Topic: Boss Battles - Six years...  (Read 1791360 times)

what is the time limit until the afk pop-up appears. i go to the bathroom to pee and multiple times the afk message was there when i was back, and i have no idea how long
I was always thinking that this should have an AFKKiller rather than AFKKicker, but maybe set to kill after 3 minutes.

I was always thinking that this should have an AFKKiller rather than AFKKicker, but maybe set to kill after 3 minutes.

Theres a reason why its an AFK kicker instead of a killer. When a person joins the minigame, the boss's HP will increase because it scales off players in the mini.

The game mode needs a rework so its not "Kill the guy with 1,000,000 HP!"
but that's what boss battles is :I

also you have like tank turrets cannons and minibosses too

How about just multiply everything by 4, problem solved.


Maybe for April Fools day Boss Battles will temporarily be all stats are multiplied by 10 or something.

How about just multiply everything by 4, problem solved.


Maybe for April Fools day Boss Battles will temporarily be all stats are multiplied by 10 or something.
or show fake health lel

or show fake health lel

Or or or or or Gizmo will get complete control of everyones health and receive permanent Super Admin. Forever. How fun and foolish :D

but that's what boss battles is :I

also you have like tank turrets cannons and minibosses too
Aware has showed me that the game is pick firebug stick to the boss and hope for the best.

Aware has showed me that the game is pick firebug stick to the boss and hope for the best.
Yea firebug is a good replacement for runner, the jets still help nullify fall damage and let you get away fast.

but that's what boss battles is :I

also you have like tank turrets cannons and minibosses too
but like the bosses don't feel unique to me, they're all just run around and hit things, like boss battles in games the boss actually feels like a challenge or has some crazy 'think outside of the box' moves

like legend of zelda bosses, god of war, etc all have some crazy things they can pull off and can catch you off guard pretty easily, and god of war is extremely hard with it's bosses which should be the difficulty of the boss. i know it's controlled by a player and the boss fight 'difficulty' can't really be changed, but there should still be some bosses with crazy moves that are easier to get a hang of


And today marks the milestone of myself being granted super admin. Yay. Probably going to setup some fireworks, shoot 'em off later tonight or something for players to enjoy.


oh yeah, it'd be nice to have spyro back


Quote from: Ipquarx
(App = Xquavier the Umbreon) Ipquarx: How the hell am I supposed to pronounce your name?
I think you pronounce it "Ex-Quave-eeer the Umbreon"

Yea firebug is a good replacement for runner, the jets still help nullify fall damage and let you get away fast.
No thats not what I'm point out, I'm pointing out the fact that like 75% the boss gets killed by flamethrower W+M1