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Author Topic: Boss Battles - Six years...  (Read 1779212 times)

There a chance someone can give me a DL link to the edited OMA used for this?

One Man Army - the Slayer game mode.

There a chance someone can give me a DL link to the edited OMA used for this?
At this point it's pretty tied into several other mods on the server. Disconnecting it and using it on its own would probably just lead to tons of console errors and even less functionality than the default one.

Ok. What I specificly wanted, was the Most Damage thing and the Boss Health Digitary thing.

Ok. What I specificly wanted, was the Most Damage thing and the Boss Health Digitary thing.
Think most damage is in there by default, though I rewrote ours a couple times. I think it also gives boss health as a percent.

Think most damage is in there by default, though I rewrote ours a couple times. I think it also gives boss health as a percent.
Um, it does show most damage but only to the person who did the most damage. Also, deafult only shows health as a percentage.

ephialtes feels useless. it feels like the shockwave has such a narrow shot when it should be a big AoE wep, and it doesn't help that he's pretty weak and that he basically relies on how the map is actually layed out.

The shockwave is always a hit or miss when you use it. Really annoying since most of the time when you're getting rocketed around constantly. When the shockwave does work, it does some stupid crazy stuff like flinging who you hit behind you. I agree with you; I never liked Ephi either. As a boss, he's literally the spammer of them all. Having no other attacks, playing and fighting him gets dull quickly.

Also I missed when you joined because I was off doing stuff :c

The thing with Ephi-Badspot comparison, is to make them basicly equal in power, you need to give Ephi high health. Badspot has slow speed and super-weapon, so Ephi should have high speed and health, with no good weapon.

The thing with Ephi-Badspot comparison, is to make them basicly equal in power, you need to give Ephi high health. Badspot has slow speed and super-weapon, so Ephi should have high speed and health, with no good weapon.
but that makes ephi useless, again. if he has a stuff weapon but moves around well all he can to is just run and pray. there's no point in a boss that just dodges attacks, that's an endurance test.

Oh, ore he could have a 75% 50% chance to dodge damage, but if he does he dodges to the side or somethimg.

Oh, ore he could have a 75% 50% chance to dodge damage, but if he does he dodges to the side or somethimg.
.....now you're just not making any sense
the point of my post is that ephi was pretty useless from the start and that a boss based around dodging damage is useless
why did you suggest that he still dodges damage
instead of, you know
dealing damage

Well he can slam people into walls to kill them.

Well he can slam people into walls to kill them.

Except when they're Firebugs.

Except when they're Firebugs.
Even if if that wall is right behind them or close to that.