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Author Topic: BF3 Pack (RTB)  (Read 164205 times)

Another problem with the guns...

Another picture?

I tested them, and found some bugs/problems. I tested V4 so it might be out dated.  No wonder.

I'd post pics but I can't seem to get them to work... Photbucket

Anyway, the biggest thing was the M16 reloading. -snip-

That's it. The M16 reloading.

Where are the bullets?
« Last Edit: January 02, 2012, 07:51:14 PM by Caveman1127 »

I tested them, and found some bugs/problems. I tested V4 so it might be out dated.

I'd post pics but I can't seem to get them to work...

Anyway, the biggest thing was the M16 reloading. And the RPK didn't get in-game.

I tested them, and found some bugs/problems. I tested V4 so it might be out dated.

I'd post pics but I can't seem to get them to work...

Anyway, the biggest thing was the M16 reloading. And the RPK didn't get in-game.
It is for me.

Reload animations consist of taking the same magazine you took out of the gun to put back in and somehow refill your clip.
And that's actually how all Blockland weapon pack reloading animations work, and all FPS games for that matter if you watch closely enough.

Moving on, I'll update with my comments on this seemingly bad pack as well.

It's bad right now. But what about later?

There are so many things you're wrong about in this post, I don't know where to start.

1. I don't think it sucks because of some little reasons. There are many reasons.

2. Once again, the comments are not loving useless or lies. They are criticism, telling what is bad about the pack.

3. You say that these weapons are exactly like the game, then you say that you've never even played it. wow.

4. Read my criticism on the first page, then test the weapons ingame, many of them are still true even after the updates.

5. I don't want the guns to be perfect, I just don't want them to be horrible.

You are a bunch of stuff.

MORE lies! I used the wepons dude! They don't fit your description at ALL! Have you even downloaded the new pack? Do that and THEN see if their horrible.

P.S: I watched the walkthrough jerk. I DO know what some of the guns look like. Thanks for callin me a bunch of stuff too. That was totally necessary for a non-offensive comment some dude sent you. Relax.

He's not being nice to me. Should I not defend myself if someone is trying to kill me?
He did before.

Whoah, whoah man. I didn't try to kill you. What are you talking about?

MORE lies! I used the wepons dude! They don't fit your description at ALL! Have you even downloaded the new pack? Do that and THEN see if their horrible.

P.S: I watched the walkthrough jerk. I DO know what some of the guns look like. Thanks for callin me a bunch of stuff too. That was totally necessary for a non-offensive comment some dude sent you. Relax.
So half of my comments are useless and/or lies

To be honest, the pack is well done, but the animations and models need some serious work.

Another problem with the guns...

Another picture?

That's it. The M16 reloading.

Where are the bullets?

Yeah, I noticed too. After going to my bot tdm however, it may be to our advantage to take away the bullet effects. That would be alot on the screen and it could lag up. It shoots alot of bullets man. If he decreases the bullet size, it might help. the damage is instant too.  If someone shoots while aiming at you, strafing will not save you. Not even a little. This is the muscle of the pack i guess.

When quoting pictures, just replace the img tags with -snip-

Doesn't take up the entire page.

So half of my comments are useless and/or lies

To be honest, the pack is well done, but the animations and models need some serious work.

No dude, NOT you. Like at the beggining of the post. I was talking to shell. He made a post that wasn't really correct when I downloaded the pack. He said everything was horrible, even though they weren't. I had a feeling that he was just raging. It may be criticism, but is it constructive? When you criticize, you state ways you can help. Shell just said everything sucked and offered no help.

Well, everything BL related is getting delayed due to school.
Damn AP bio and english...

When quoting pictures, just replace the img tags with -snip-

Doesn't take up the entire page.
Sorry. New to the whole forum thing. Usually, I never post, but certain people just make you do it some times.

Another problem with the guns...

Another picture?

That's it. The M16 reloading.

Where are the bullets?

the bulles are there they just go fast, the tracer is just gone