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Author Topic: BF3 Pack (RTB)  (Read 160911 times)

Can you start posting pictures of the gun you add?

1. He doesn't know how to script

2. He just plain sucks at modeling

Conclusion: He should not make add-ons

Conclusion: Bug Off
« Last Edit: May 14, 2012, 06:06:48 PM by Sgt. A Walter »

these are terrible

How are you helping anyone by saying that

The models arent so good, the scripts are a mess, you did an awful job balancing these, and the hands just do not fit at all. Whenever someone says something negative about them you just insult them. My friend said something bad on youtube and you removed the comment. I'm tired of seeing this pack on servers, and Corp quit wasting your time with this, just do something your own, your way better than this. You could have done a way better job with this, I'm hoping you improve. Whenever someone points out a flaw, you ignore it and don't improve anything,
« Last Edit: May 14, 2012, 09:02:11 PM by Aware »

Everything you typed has been established already many times in the entire topic, so why bother posting it again?

Everything you typed has been established already many times in the entire topic, so why bother posting it again?
Whenever someone points out a flaw, you ignore it and don't improve anything,

Read my small wall of text

Read my small wall of text

By the way you ignored all of my other points, try again
note how OP ignored nearly all of the points in my post and isn't fixing the weapons. THIS REMINDS ME OF SOMETHING...

doesn't matter anyway because all what you said is true anyways lol

The models arent so good, the scripts are a mess, you did an awful job balancing these, and the hands just do not fit at all. Whenever someone says something negative about them you just insult them. My friend said something bad on youtube and you removed the comment. I'm tired of seeing this pack on servers, and Corp quit wasting your time with this, just do something your own, your way better than this. You could have done a way better job with this, I'm hoping you improve. Whenever someone points out a flaw, you ignore it and don't improve anything,
First of all I never removed anything on youtube
Secound of all you should see how many people calling my stuff all sorts of things, compared to all the bad comments I get I rarely retaliate 
Third of all if you don't like my stuff just don't use 'em
« Last Edit: May 14, 2012, 09:32:48 PM by Sgt. A Walter »

So why is it that these weapons have the accuracy of an imperial stormtrooper and all do 50 damage per bullet?

Walter, just for the sake of improvement, I'm trying to help you here.
-Models contain too many polygons
-try to get more detail in but not too much detail.
-model the gun after the respective weapon, taking off parts of it only to the point where it is still recognizable.
-time your animations where the time is equal to the amount of distance the bone has moved.
-When it comes to scripting, you can use a base script, then use derivative scripts to parent or "base" datablocks off the orignal script.
-try packaging your weapons in packs, rather than one for each .zip file.
-spend some time to see how people model their stuff. My style is a derivative of shad an other people's models I've seen. Sometimes you can get a style in simply by copying a person, then altering parts of it over time to fit your desired looks.
-If you aren't going to try to change anything, at least try to change it yourself, because I know you're more than capable of doing this stuff man.

This is the last bit of advice I'm going to give you, take it or leave it.
sorry bout the bluntness, but that's what it's coming to.

I like Sgts weapons. The models are good as far as I can tell. These guns are fun to use. Simple as.

Walter, just for the sake of improvement, I'm trying to help you here.
-Models contain too many polygons
How do I lower polys? (without re-doing model)

-take off parts of it only to the point where it is still recognizable.

Do or don't?

-time your animations where the time is equal to the amount of distance the bone has moved.

I don't use blender so I don't know what that means

How do I lower polys? (without re-doing model)

just delete this pack if you're this incompetent. it's glitchy, hands reach out 4 miles, you refuse to fix anything because you're a lazy stuff.

How do I lower polys? (without re-doing model)
If you've noticed on parts of the model where there is a long plane, delete the unnecessary stuff and reconnect to make it one instead of two. And yes, you may have to redo the model. I did that with mine
Do or don't?
Depends. When I made the AKs-74u, I didn't add the handle or screws to it, just some of the really visible stuff

I don't use blender so I don't know what that means
Doesn't milkshape have some sort of timeline to show you how long an animation takes? Ask NEkram for help, she's got good tips for milkshape animation. Actually, Check this out