
Do you agree with the OP?

100% - Yes, It's like the OP read my mind.
75% - Yes, I think most of what I've read holds true.
50% - Meh, Some of it I agree with, some of it I don't.
25% - No, For the most part, I don't really see any of this, but I can agree with a few things.
0% - No, The OP clearly has no idea what he's talking about.

Author Topic: Blockland Today - The Fun Is Missing... Or is it?  (Read 22601 times)

I'd play if people came to my server. I spent a few days making a rooftop TDM and nobody came. The top server was some stuffty knife TDM.

The exact point this was posted. We need bad servers off the top of the server list so that good servers can actually be enjoyed.

Bureau of Blockland Integration
BBI, pretty cool, but maybe something like...
Blockland Social Helpers
« Last Edit: February 23, 2012, 11:20:18 PM by Maerwynn »

"Integration" sounds a bit forced.

"Blockland Information Committee"

"Integration" sounds a bit forced.

"Blockland Information Committee"
Hmm, that seems good, but we aren't really a committee, more like a small group.
"Blockland Social Squad"?
I like that.

Or even better, "The Blockland Information Councilors".

It's hard for me to disagree with this, haha.

Hmm, that seems good, but we aren't really a committee, more like a small group.
"Blockland Social Squad"?
I like that.
Not really promoting Social movements, as trying to educate Blocklanders of what BL has to offer.

I've noticed that TDM servers try to be realistic rather than fun.

Not really promoting Social movements, as trying to educate Blocklanders of what BL has to offer.
True, perhaps Blockland League of Teachers

I've noticed that TDM servers try to be realistic rather than fun.
I guess instead of fun > realism, it's now fun < realism.

I've noticed that TDM servers try to be realistic rather than fun.
>Implying Realistic =/= fun

True, perhaps Blockland League of Teachers
Blockland Mentors' Union

I've noticed that TDM servers try to be realistic rather than fun.
They do try to, but fail miserably. Blockland isn't the kind of game to make something realistic in.

Blockland Mentors' Union
Holy stuff, I think I like this.
I may have just gotten an erection, or it could have been the Dr. Pepper I just drank.

Blockland Mentors' Union
This will work
Group'll be up by tomarrow, perhaps now would be a good time to think about content to include, ideas, practices, techniques, ect.

This will work
Group'll be up by tomarrow, perhaps now would be a good time to think about content to include, ideas, practices, techniques, ect.
Guy's I'm feeling a bit sick.  Will participate when I can.