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Author Topic: Zombies in the Bluzone** [[CLOSING]]  (Read 489790 times)

I also dislike how if non admins try to make any events (finding something of importance, etc) they usually get shunned. If we have an idea for an event can we like..send it to an admin or something so they can make it a thing?

Most of the time it's something very ridiculous and would screw what is canon. Sometimes a non-admin does find something that we make an event out of.

Most of the time it's something very ridiculous and would screw what is canon. Sometimes a non-admin does find something that we make an event out of.
I also dislike how if non admins try to make any events (finding something of importance, etc) they usually get shunned. If we have an idea for an event can we like..send it to an admin or something so they can make it a thing?

I agree
An unstable murderer running loose in my camp.

At the very least I'd make a motion within the group to have her exiled.
This is what I did with William. But unfortunately, everyone thought I was the dangerous one of the situation. So, I took it upon myself to slip cyanide pills into his mouth as he slept. He spit them out (which I thought was stupid RPing-he ended up dying soon after anyway) and he assumed it was me who did it. Everyone in the camp was now trying to kill me, except 3 people who guarded my wounded body.
It was kinda fun, but the reason people don't do stuff like that is because they're afraid to kill anyone. If you kill (down) an admin, they might ban you. If you kill a noob, they'll shoot you up as they're downed. And in general, if you shoot anyone, they won't die right away. I think people should get real, especially if you have multiple characters, and just die right away. Also, sometimes people will just keep jumping around and shooting you, pretending they weren't shot or, 'it just skimmed their clothes'. None of this 'coughing up the pills' stuff. I can understand getting attached to certain characters, like me and Pip Kiro, but if you have a ton of characters that are somewhat disposable, cut the "GET DEM 2 DA MED CENTUR" crap and just die.
Like I said, I'm gonna make characters that are disposable, so if you see 'Kiro' above my player, but my name isn't Pip Kiro, if you shoot me I'll probably instantly die.

Most of the time it's something very ridiculous and would screw what is canon. Sometimes a non-admin does find something that we make an event out of.
Most of the time the ideas aren't as silly as having giant lizards that live in caves...
« Last Edit: June 18, 2012, 05:01:42 PM by Kiro »

Most of the time it's something very ridiculous and would screw what is canon. Sometimes a non-admin does find something that we make an event out of.
Eh, Maybe we can irc or pm you or knaz on these forums ideas? I just think more events should centre around non admins, that's all.

I have had people IRC me before asking me if they could do something. When it doesn't screw with the canon like I mentioned, I'll let them do it and paza! We have an event.

Eh, Maybe we can irc or pm you or knaz on these forums ideas? I just think more events should centre around non admins, that's all.
Another thing to note: The more characters are involved/put themselves in the RP, the more likely they are to get admin. (At least I think)

Are you going to add a map for the sewers

It's not that regular players aren't allowed to make events, it's just that they don't make events.

In my experience everyone just sits around and waits for a band wagon to jump on.

I agreeThis is what I did with William. But unfortunately, everyone thought I was the dangerous one of the situation. So, I took it upon myself to slip cyanide pills into his mouth as he slept. He spit them out (which I thought was stupid RPing-he ended up dying soon after anyway) and he assumed it was me who did it. Everyone in the camp was now trying to kill me, except 3 people who guarded my wounded body.
I think people should get real, especially if you have multiple characters, and just die right away. Also, sometimes people will just keep jumping around and shooting you, pretending they weren't shot or, 'it just skimmed their clothes'. None of this 'coughing up the pills' stuff. I can understand getting attached to certain characters, like me and Pip Kiro, but if you have a ton of characters that are somewhat disposable, cut the "GET DEM 2 DA MED CENTUR" crap and just die.
Like I said, I'm gonna make characters that are disposable, so if you see 'Kiro' above my player, but my name isn't Pip Kiro, if you shoot me I'll probably instantly die.
Most of the time the ideas aren't as silly as having giant lizards that live in caves...

The thing is, I don't want to buff weapon damage and sometimes it's just hard to dictate S2K rules.

S2K is Shoot to Kill, and its counterpart is S2M- Shoot to Miss. There's also S2I which is Shoot to Injure.

If any of you have ever been under fire from the Apache, you'll notice that it actually isn't a huge threat because it almost always misses. I don't actually want to kill players, I just want to get them moving or instigate some role play. The only instance where I'll kill someone is if they're persistent and continue to fire at the Apache.

S2M and S2I are the most ideals forms of firefight in the Bluzone, because it's a roleplay and not a deathmatch. The thing is, though, the Bluzone is absolutely riddled with power roleplaying. This is where you decide someone's fate through roleplay, or constantly overrule things that have happened.

Say, someone grabs you and throws you over their shoulder and onto the ground, they'd go:
^picks him up, heaving him onto his shoulder before smashing him into the ground.
This is actually power roleplaying.
Instead, what you are supposed to do is:
^attempts to heave him up onto his shoulder.
You need to give the other character a chance to respond, a chance to retaliate- and that's where the Bluzone falls.
You usually end up with one good roleplayer, and someone who isn't so good. The good roleplayer gives off a notion of an action, and the poor roleplayer never complies.

Power roleplaying is a bannable offense, and no-one ever reports it when it happens.
Don't complain, if you don't report.

Also, in regard to the comment on the Mutalids, if mutations living in caves is silly then what are your thoughts on zombies? What are your thoughts on the Military attacking its own people? What are your thoughts on the Survivor Base being completely under the radar?

Every roleplay has plot holes, and in this case they're being explained with theories and science fiction.

He set his name to something absurd, and he had already read the rules after he spawned.
the rules said "do not abuse the name system" which I assumed meant don't keep changing your name or something. so I sit there like wtf are we doing and I change my name and I get banned in like 5 seconds.

Ignored the welcome message too, I take it?

The website has got to be the ugliest website in the last 10 years. I have no clue about what "Admin page" is or what the point of it is. That said, I do like the remote chat thing; my only question is why not just use IRC instead of inventing your own almost IRC but not really protocol?

Ignored the welcome message too, I take it?
What was the welcome message?

The Wild Territory East base has a certain...item that's in a really awkward spot

The website has got to be the ugliest website in the last 10 years. I have no clue about what "Admin page" is or what the point of it is. That said, I do like the remote chat thing; my only question is why not just use IRC instead of inventing your own almost IRC but not really protocol?

We didn't really spend much time on the website- it runs off the server. It's main purpose is for admins to control a few things outside of the server. It'll probably have a makeover some time, but I don't see it as a priority.

The remote chat is beyond the IRC; it allows you to talk in the server. It's mostly for admin use, so they can moderate without actually opening Blockland.