
Favorite lane?

Bot Lane
57 (35.2%)
Middle Lane
46 (28.4%)
Top Lane
36 (22.2%)
Jungle Lane
23 (14.2%)

Total Members Voted: 162

Author Topic: League of Legends - Megathread  (Read 433227 times)

didn't leave lane until I had 7.6k gold

you're a bit late there by 2 days
I just got internetcollege in my dorm rather recently. ;-;
god this is a horid typo how did i even manage this
« Last Edit: July 15, 2013, 08:30:30 PM by Evar678 »

friend showed me this song, i really like it a lot because Thresh is my main. anditscute

I just got college in my dorm rather recently. ;-;


I just got college in my dorm rather recently. ;-;
? ? ? ? ?

friend showed me this song, i really like it a lot because Thresh is my main. anditscute


Probably means internet. Common typo, I do it quite frequently.

Man I think Lucian looks really slick, art-wise. It's a shame that his moves are p unoriginal.

I really enjoyed this patch. So many good changes.

I like to play adc but I've never played Draven only against him. Anyone that have played adc facing Draven would know that early laning can be quite a bitch. This update suits me well and I think his new passive sounds p interesting.

Code: [Select]
- The Mirror Image will now attempt to run instead of standing still
I really don't know if this is positive or not. Having a moving duplicate perhaps could trick the enemy easier but tricking them into believe you're a duplicate by standing still yourself sound so much more rewarding. Like the Wukong trick.

Code: [Select]
By constantly shifting between forms as they move about the map, certain champions have been artificially accelerating their access to fully stacked Tear items (Muramana and Seraph's Embrace) without using their mana.

The following abilities no longer count as a spellcast for the sake of items like Tear of the Goddess, Sheen, etc.

    Elise's Spider Form / Human Form
    Nidalee's Aspect of the Cougar
    Jayce's Transform: Mercury Hammer / Mercury Cannon

So needed. Why haven't this been fixed before?

Code: [Select]
    Added new item: Orb of Winter
        Recipe: Rejuvenation Bead + Rejuvenation Bead + Negatron Cloak
        Total Gold Cost: 2080 (combine cost: 1180)
        +70 Magic Resist
        +20 Health Regen per 5 seconds
        Unique Passive: Grants a shield that absorbs damage. The shield will refresh after a short period without taking damage.

YES! BEST ITEM EVER! I will sure use this frequently. Finally an item having a good amount of MR! Health regen and a shield on top of that. Glorioussss.

Code: [Select]
    The load screen now includes Summoner Icons
        The progress bar has been removed due to space constraints
        The ping of other Summoners has been removed

I appreciate this.


well that was fun
but seriously, bought ga so i'd protect my kda and never popped it... one of the most weird roflstomps i've had in awhile, lanes started absolutely normally except for me maintaining a small cs lead on ez and then maokai ganked once and this happened


That's Vayne for ya.

first penta yayyy
(im only lvl 25)

Got my first and only on around lvl 5. :) Not trying to be an ass. I just thought of it seeing you brought up pentas.

Is it bad that I'm a Tristana that likes to sit behind teammates and give them covering fire.

Is it bad that I'm a Thresh that can't decide between AD or Health/Armor.

Is it bad that I'm a Thresh that can't decide between AD or Health/Armor.
Is it bad that I'm a Kennen that can't decide between crit/ad/armorpen or ap/armor/magicpen

Is it bad that I'm a Kennen that can't decide between crit/ad/armorpen or ap/armor/magicpen
Is ad actually good on Kennen? I think it would considering stun + ult then auto attack might be good combo. Plus his good farming with Q's

ad kennen works and I would say it is good because of his stun and the passive on W

I used to main adc Kennen for most of season 2, he's super easy to rack up farm with early on, and once you get some attack speed and crit you're stunning your target every couple of seconds. It's beautiful. The ult works really nicely if you're getting 2v1'd or even 3v1'd if you're a bit ahead. Focus down the squishiest person near you until everyone has two stacks and press w. By then you should've killed your first target. Then you can either get away or take the rest on while they're stunned.

Adc Kennen also nearly never runs out of energy because of his passive restoring it when you stun someone.