
x86 Or ARM?


Author Topic: [MEGATHREAD] Personal Computer - Updated builds thanks to Logical Increments  (Read 1331299 times)

wait, what exactly are jumpers? i've never heard that term

yes i've built a computer
They're made effectively to short a connection between two pins on your motherboard. It's a removable component, but it completes a circut. You move use the CMOS jumper if you want to clear your BIOS settings, for example.

Could i get an answer please I really need to know....
We already told you, any prebuilt computer does not give you as much performance for your money

They're made effectively to short a connection between two pins on your motherboard. It's a removable component, but it completes a circut. You move use the CMOS jumper if you want to clear your BIOS settings, for example.
Is that like where you short the two pins the power button is connected to which turns your computer on?

Is that like where you short the two pins the power button is connected to which turns your computer on?

yes. same concept, it closes a circuit.

Ok, so on my computer, there is no "sleep" option, so I figured I'd go change that in the BIOS. Everywhere I look, it says it'd be under Power Management, but I only have Power. Also, there doesn't appear be any settings under this "Power" tab that would change it, does this mean my MB doesn't support sleeping?

Mobo model: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813131795

They're made effectively to short a connection between two pins on your motherboard. It's a removable component, but it completes a circut. You move use the CMOS jumper if you want to clear your BIOS settings, for example.

I have the CMOS reset switch on my case's restart button. :)

Ok so how long has the title been telling of a thread update?

Why spend $1500 on a netbook then?
The point is to find a cheaper laptop.
I always thought these were pretty neat.


Not exactly a powerhouse, but lightweight and fast. 8 hour battery life and touchscreen.

edit: The price on newegg is kinda inflated though, go look around for deals at other sites.
Thanks! That still id a biy pricey but a defibite possibility

need some quick help

I need to connect my GPU to a TV using a DVI port.

should I use DVI to HDMI, or DVI to VGA? does it even matter? (the TV has both HDMI and VGA ports)

(also I can't just use straight up HDMI because this TV will be a secondary monitor, and my primary is using the HDMI port off my GPU)

need some quick help

I need to connect my GPU to a TV using a DVI port.

should I use DVI to HDMI, or DVI to VGA? does it even matter? (the TV has both HDMI and VGA ports)

(also I can't just use straight up HDMI because this TV will be a secondary monitor, and my primary is using the HDMI port off my GPU)

I don't think it matters, if anything comes up with that then PM me, ok?

need some quick help

I need to connect my GPU to a TV using a DVI port.

should I use DVI to HDMI, or DVI to VGA? does it even matter? (the TV has both HDMI and VGA ports)

(also I can't just use straight up HDMI because this TV will be a secondary monitor, and my primary is using the HDMI port off my GPU)
DVI is better than VGA.

hdmi is digital while vga is brown townog
you'll probably be better off going with an hdmi adapter but you probably won't notice the difference anyways haha

need some quick help

I need to connect my GPU to a TV using a DVI port.

should I use DVI to HDMI, or DVI to VGA? does it even matter? (the TV has both HDMI and VGA ports)

(also I can't just use straight up HDMI because this TV will be a secondary monitor, and my primary is using the HDMI port off my GPU)

It doesn't really matter.

need some quick help

I need to connect my GPU to a TV using a DVI port.

should I use DVI to HDMI, or DVI to VGA? does it even matter? (the TV has both HDMI and VGA ports)

(also I can't just use straight up HDMI because this TV will be a secondary monitor, and my primary is using the HDMI port off my GPU)
VGA is brown townog while HDMI is digital. This means that using VGA can degrade picture quality due to signal noise in the cable. Thus, HDMI is better.

My image is worse when I use HDMI instead of VGA.
It becomes all blurry, no watter what settings I use on the (tv) monitor.

I have about a 1k$ price range I would like parts to build a pc The best you can for gaming.
(if possible try to include a GTX 660Ti or better).

here, this one is better than the one the other person provided