Author Topic: The Forgettable Dungeon: Early Access Release  (Read 353031 times)

If anyone can go through the kickstarter page and check my spelling and grammar I'd appreciate it, or if anything seems confusing.
- Capitalise the word "steam" in the line "Current platforms are PC & Linux, and will be coming to steam"
 - "Each time you play you'll have to figure out what each magical potion and scroll do!" should say "what each magical potion and scroll does!"
 - "Or me rather, my name is Anthony Rotondo, I'm a game developer from Boston." - A commar or period makes that line flow better
 - For the Stretch Goals section, consider using a colon after the name of each stretch goal, for example; "12k Mac port: Thankfully the engine is already mostly compatible with the mac os, I just need to buy a mac as well as a few pieces of software."

 - $36 backing, 4-pack. Does backing this also get your name in the kickstarter credits? You should mention so if it does.
 - $40 backing - Change the words "in game kickstarter" to "in-game kickstarter". It should make that sentence run more smoothly, and both words appear on the same line. Consider also replacing a commar in the second paragraph with a period, to make it less of a run-on sentence.
 - $70 pledge, 4-pack beta. Does backing this also get your name in the credits? Should mention so if it does.
 - $150 pledge. "and a whatever text you want" sounds confusing. Try "Create your own secret room, featuring a unique layout, your character, and accompanied by whatever text you want!"

Everything else seems pretty good.
Looks just about ready to go!

Thank you, everything you mentioned should be fixed now.

Quoted for page loss:

Anyway so the trailer is done, final version can be seen on the kickstarter page.

If anyone can go through the kickstarter page and check my spelling and grammar I'd appreciate it, or if anything seems confusing.

Today I'm going to concentrate on making the press kit, and making sure the demo is stable enough to give out to youtubers and what not.

Expect testing tonight if things go right, going to do a small test then a huge test to make sure things work.

Edit: also I tried super hard to get the video to look good on the kickstarter page, I'm still not super satisfied with it though. I feel the edges and stuff could be cleaner but I guess I'll have to settle to linking to the high quality version on youtube.

Thank you, everything you mentioned should be fixed now.

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The Punisher and X-men, and the exploration from games like zelda.
zelda should be capitalized

Obligatory spammer in forums post to grab Rotondo's attention.

i'm in love with that forgetin trailer

Obligatory spammer in forums post to grab Rotondo's attention.

Guys banned, can't clean research right now surrounded by humans.

i'm in love with that forgetin trailer

Thanks, that makes the hours and hours of work put into worth it lol.

zelda should be capitalized

Thanks, little details add up.

Guys banned, can't clean research right now surrounded by humans.
I'm sure they'd love to know what you end up doing in your spare time. :P

Guys banned, can't clean research right now surrounded by humans.

Thanks, that makes the hours and hours of work put into worth it lol.

Thanks, little details add up.
Thank you so much.

Guys banned, can't clean research right now surrounded by humans.
i love you

Guys banned, can't clean research right now surrounded by humans.


Woah woah woah, some one on the blockland forums socializing with a person not on the forums?!?!?

Woah woah woah, some one on the blockland forums socializing with a person not on the forums?!?!?

not allowed

Woah woah woah, some one on the blockland forums socializing with a person not on the forums?!?!?

Don't be silly. Rotondo is currently taking up an offer from several business men in dark suits, to exchange a free 1-way trip to the Fiji Islands for his rights to the game.

Woah woah woah, some one on the blockland forums socializing with a person not on the forums?!?!?
We must commence the sacrificial ritual at once. Also, did we get an IP check in another thread or no?