Author Topic: 2013/08/28 - Blockland has been greenlit!  (Read 105582 times)

Steam Workshop - Badspot and Rotondo said that RTB will always be better
Trading Cards - Important.. really?
Overall integration with Steam - AKA Mic Support
Increased amount of players - What about that is a pressing matter?

I just don't want to see servers like: "If you don't use ur mic your goin 2 be banned"

I just don't want to see servers like: "If you don't use ur mic your goin 2 be banned"
with more people there will be more servers to choose from and you're less likely to end up in terrible servers like that

Hopefully Blockland on Steam will solve that incredibly annoying thing when Blockland stops responding because reasons and then you can't even close the loving window sometimes and now I have to goddamn restart the loving computer hfdsiudsdsio

Hopefully Blockland on Steam will solve that incredibly annoying thing when Blockland stops responding because reasons and then you can't even close the loving window sometimes and now I have to goddamn restart the loving computer hfdsiudsdsio
You're not trying hard enough to close it.

Hopefully Blockland on Steam will solve that incredibly annoying thing when Blockland stops responding because reasons and then you can't even close the loving window sometimes and now I have to goddamn restart the loving computer hfdsiudsdsio
Ctrl + alt + delete -> task manager -> processes -> select blockland.exe -> end process

Ctrl + alt + delete -> task manager -> processes -> select blockland.exe -> end process
Or ctrl+shift+esc if you want to be a hipster

Ctrl + alt + delete -> task manager -> processes -> select blockland.exe -> end process

I tried that before


Or ctrl+shift+esc if you want to be a hipster
I've been using Windows all my life and have never known this shortcut. Thankyou sir.

Hopefully Blockland on Steam will solve that incredibly annoying thing when Blockland stops responding because reasons and then you can't even close the loving window sometimes and now I have to goddamn restart the loving computer hfdsiudsdsio

Happens to me sometimes, too. I did some research and apparently it's because your audio driver or something stopped working. Make sure that your drivers are up-to-date.

And also, I hate how Blockland keeps forcing itself to be on top of my other programs, so if I'm typing on steam or something and it suddenly pops up, i press something and accidentally close it. fgsfd

i'm just going to assume your computers hate you guys because none of that ever happens to me

And also, I hate how Blockland keeps forcing itself to be on top of my other programs, so if I'm typing on steam or something and it suddenly pops up, i press something and accidentally close it. fgsfd