Author Topic: Game Design Megathread  (Read 446946 times)

Unity uses JavaScript, and I don't think UDK does, so I'd go with Unity.
UDK has its own thing called UnrealScript, which is based on C, but has some differences.

Why would anyone in their right mind even think about UDK when there's UE4 available for a steal?

Why would anyone in their right mind even think about UDK when there's UE4 available for a steal?
I don't have the money for the subscription fee :(

Besides, I'm used to the majority of UDK's downsides now, so until I'm ready to purchase the beast, I'm alright with the free version.

what did you animate the rough animation with?
photoshop. bit annoying sometimes but it gets the job done

I don't have the money for the subscription fee :(
You don't have $19? You can pay once, download the engine and keep using it even if you cancel the subscription.

You don't have $19? You can pay once, download the engine and keep using it even if you cancel the subscription.
Anytime I get $19, it either goes towards food or transport.

That said, I'm getting my tax return soon, so I might just fork out the $19 then.

You'll notice a huge difference to udk when you do that.

You'll notice a huge difference to udk when you do that.
I've been waiting to use Blueprint and some of the material properties, and to ditch lightmaps FOREEEVEER. So, I'm hype, I just need the cash in hand.

While testing my implementation of Bullet, this happened
I don't even know what
It's basically spinning really fast?

EDIT: I was updating the position and rotation of the model in a dumb way c:
« Last Edit: August 18, 2014, 04:50:36 PM by ZSNO »

A man and some platforms is a start I suppose
Going for an arcade fighting platformer about Candy people; making it in Unity and C#

is using JavaScript to do stuff with a game easier than it is to mess with the DOM? cus that stuff is frustrating

DOM is a lot slower so you should use canvas for web games.

DOM is a lot slower so you should use canvas for web games.
well, I'm not talking about web games
is it as absurdly difficult to remember all the functions and stuff if you're making something in Unity with JS is what I'm asking
like do I have to type something ridiculous like
document.getElementById("beep").style.color = "blue";
just to change the color of some text
and then there's getElementsByTagName and getElementsByClassName which are ridiculously long and ugh
jQuery is great because you can just use CSS selectors. but JS alone is a mess

well, I'm not talking about web games
is it as absurdly difficult to remember all the functions and stuff if you're making something in Unity with JS is what I'm asking
like do I have to type something ridiculous like
document.getElementById("beep").style.color = "blue";
just to change the color of some text
and then there's getElementsByTagName and getElementsByClassName which are ridiculously long and ugh
jQuery is great because you can just use CSS selectors. but JS alone is a mess

Code: [Select]
var getId = function(id) {
   return document.getElementById(id);

var getClass = function(class) {
   return document.getElementsByClassName(class);

var getTag = function(tag) {
   return document.getElementsByTagName(tag);

byId('some element id').style.color = 'blue';
byClass('some element class')[0].style.color = 'blue';
byTag('some element tag')[0].style.color = 'blue';

anyway, no. There's no documents or tag names and stuff in Unity. You define stuff in the beginning and just use that variable later on.