Author Topic: Game Design Megathread  (Read 447599 times)

Currently I'm working on adding a map to my rts that will contain informations about where units can go and if they receive various buffs/debuffs from specific areas. It is a simple sphere that is generated together with the actual planet, the information is stored in the vertex colors. Once done it will also serve as base for the pathfinding. I already prototyped that like a year ago in Blender and just have to copypaste basically.

Another question that needs answering is which buffs should be displayed and how?

I've been working on a metroidvania style I wanna be the guy fangame. At first it's just generic platforming, but as you progress you will get items and abilities, and more paths will open up to explore. Here's a neat little effect I made.

I've been working on a metroidvania style I wanna be the guy fangame. At first it's just generic platforming, but as you progress you will get items and abilities, and more paths will open up to explore. Here's a neat little effect I made.
That's pretty cool. Though the extreme theme change is a bit weird imo.

That's pretty cool. Though the extreme theme change is a bit weird imo.

Yeah, I guess it is a bit jarring. The next areas will make a bit more sense with where they actually are.

Reporting in. This is the second time I've restarted my major project (aka third attempt). The idea is now extremely simple; should make for a decent casual phone game which I can earn a bit of dosh so I can go off and work on bigger games. We had to kill my previous major project idea because it was taking too long to make a prototype and the teach couldn't see what was fun (not his fault either, I sucked at explaining it).

Once I know that this idea is actually fun with the playtesting events this upcoming week, and that I won't be restarting again, I'll start posting screens.

should make for a decent casual phone game which I can earn a bit of dosh so I can go off and work on bigger games.
Unless you get lucky or you are well known, mobile games don't make money.
Apple and Google's app store both have 1.4 million apps jammed on them.

The game will be buried.

The game will be buried.
I don't need a lot, just something to compliment my other work.

Unless you get lucky or you are well known, mobile games don't make money.
Apple and Google's app store both have 1.4 million apps jammed on them.

The game will be buried.
Doesn't help that most mobile games are trash (sorry devs!), so as long as he makes a good one that captures people's attention, he should do OK. Unfortunately, that's also the hard part.

Obviously, it's ridiculous to assume I'm going to be an instant success. I'm anticipating completely failure with 0 downloads, but I'm still holding a bit of hope that I might be able to draw a bit of quick cash (I wanted to release this game for free without advertising, but my situation is becoming dire and I need to find places to pay my bills). I just don't want to make so much money that I start having to deal with legal fees and taxes.

This third iteration of the game has playtested well in digital form. I'll be refining it and taking it to a proper playtesting event next week (hopefully, otherwise it could be one or two extra weeks before I get large-scale feedback). Again, it's a casual game, but I think it'll be nice for when you're stuck on an hour-long bus ride when you can't sleep. I'll post screens when I'm not embarrassed by the poor UI layouts I have so far.

Unless you have some large scale advertising (like social media?) it'll be like throwing it on a landfill and hoping for people to see it

Unrelated to my major project, but I've been playing around in Unity.

Link to the video; 20 seconds, play in 60FPS!

I usually try and do some interesting things with our class exercises; the exercise was simply to use the animation system to make a camera move around. I decided to add some stuff in. I think I might redo it and make it a little less epileptic-killing-trippy and a bit more calm-hippy-trippy.

That isn't flashing fast enough to cause a seizure.

4 way tetris game I'm involved in. Pretty addictive, surprisingly :o
« Last Edit: August 27, 2015, 09:31:35 AM by chrisbot6 »


4 way tetris game I'm involved in. Pretty addictive, surprisingly :o
Looks cool, but how does it work?

Looks cool, but how does it work?

You go clockwise around the field dropping blocks onto the stack in the center.

I'll post a gif later.