Author Topic: MARBLE MAN is out  (Read 71103 times)

Won't be long before all forum cigarettes flock to this post and start agreeing with him.

What Terms of Service was Marble Man talking about anyway??

There should be suspensions for keys that have a time limit instead of just revoking them forever.

There should be suspensions for keys that have a time limit instead of just revoking them forever.
Or maybe, no revoking ever?

What Terms of Service was Marble Man talking about anyway??
I love how he thinks there isn't a EULA, when he really actually agreed to one when he installed the damn game. Because that's when this shows up and forces you to agree to it:

I love how he thinks there isn't a EULA, when he really actually agreed to one when he installed the damn game. Because that's when this shows up and forces you to agree to it:
It never popped up for me.

It never popped up for me.
This is not how software works. It doesn't just not pop up.

If you wanna claim that then you need proof.

I already knew he was getting himself into hot water. He obviously built up so many accounts because he knew he was going to get perma-banned from the forums, but it blew up in his face. I liked how he came up with new add-ons almost daily but at the same time, wow, just wow.

A review about getting banned from a game while you have a VAC ban on record kinda speaks volumes. Good review.

A review about getting banned from a game while you have a VAC ban on record kinda speaks volumes. Good review.
Gotta love VAC bans!

He posted this review on steam

just wanna mention that I'm pretty sure most online games and services have a section in their terms or whatever else, that deserves their right to ban you from playing or using it

also idk if it's usually "for any reason" that they reserve the right to ban you and stuff, but I'd imagine that is the case

It's usually 'for any reason we deem appropriate', so they can ban hackers and starfishs

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Reading? What's that, never heard of it, *next next next*