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  • Help wanted! I don't have time to work on Slayer. If you want bugfixes/features, lend a hand. Post in the thread if you're interested!
  • [2016/11/29] Slayer update released (p59). Lots of bug fixes.
  • [2016/12/23] Slayer update released (p60).
  • [2017/01/11] CTF updated! New events and more. (p60)

Author Topic: Slayer | New Bugfix Update  (Read 225012 times)

when swat gets his game fixed

I apologize for the bump, but it seems that when picking a color for the minigame (for the colorIdx), you can't pick anything past the first two or three rows.
Any fixes?

It was the latter of the two.

It improved almost everything AND also fixed that annoying thing that was broken for over a year where I couldn't see the list of players to move to teams, although the drop down menu mod may have also fixed that.

Hurray! No wonder you had so many problems.

I apologize for the bump, but it seems that when picking a color for the minigame (for the colorIdx), you can't pick anything past the first two or three rows.
Any fixes?

I'll take a look.

Ive run into an issue.


whats happening is that i cant select anything from the advanced team tab, also the slayer minigame events wont work properly when i host an online server, which basically means i cant host at all. Im going to kill someone, this is pissing me off.

When a round ends and the end of round screen pops up, players can shoot their guns and regain control of their players. This is very annoying, I hope it gets fixed soon.

these need to get fixed

while we're mentioning problems I seem to be having one where onminigamespawn doesn't work when everyone first spawns in when the minigame resets itself and for some reason I can't remember onminigamereset isn't a working work-around either
I'm busy right now so I can't do a console.log thing but is anyone else having this?

Sorry if I seem "needy" by posting this, but is it possible that we can get a value meter for editing the speed of players, which will be exclusive to each team? As in meters for both teams so the speed assigned to one team won't affect the other. If implemented it'd be 10/10 so I wouldn't have to compromise one player type over another.

bump, greek you there?

Teams arent balancing correctly even though auto balance is on. Advance tab still doesnt work. Minigame events still dont work sometimes. when are you going to fix this?

Onminigameend isn't working for me.
« Last Edit: July 08, 2016, 04:08:31 PM by Legoboss »

Sooo how exactly does bot pathing work? I saw you removed something related to it v4, but does that gotta do with the AI node bricks? How should I place them?
are bots still pretty early in dev or are you just tinkering with their pathing?

To everybody having issues with events: Please disable the Event_Minigame add-on! Slayer has its own versions of these events, which are not compatible. Post back here if you're still having issues after that.

Ive run into an issue.


whats happening is that i cant select anything from the advanced team tab

Do you have a full console log that I can look at?

When a round ends and the end of round screen pops up, players can shoot their guns and regain control of their players. This is very annoying, I hope it gets fixed soon.

How do they "regain control of their players"? I wonder if there is an interfering mod.

Sorry if I seem "needy" by posting this, but is it possible that we can get a value meter for editing the speed of players, which will be exclusive to each team? As in meters for both teams so the speed assigned to one team won't affect the other. If implemented it'd be 10/10 so I wouldn't have to compromise one player type over another.

I like that.

Teams arent balancing correctly even though auto balance is on

Please describe the issue a little better. It seems to be working as intended for me.

Sooo how exactly does bot pathing work? I saw you removed something related to it v4, but does that gotta do with the AI node bricks? How should I place them?
are bots still pretty early in dev or are you just tinkering with their pathing?

Bot pathfinding is non-existent at this point.

Bot pathfinding is non-existent at this point.
Would it be possible? Or too much of a hassle?

Damnit.  If only I knew before I made around 150 events with the old minigame events.  Would it be safe to just edit the .BLS events to the new ones then load it after changing Add-Ons?