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  • Help wanted! I don't have time to work on Slayer. If you want bugfixes/features, lend a hand. Post in the thread if you're interested!
  • [2016/11/29] Slayer update released (p59). Lots of bug fixes.
  • [2016/12/23] Slayer update released (p60).
  • [2017/01/11] CTF updated! New events and more. (p60)

Author Topic: Slayer | New Bugfix Update  (Read 224808 times)

When I try to use slayer, blockland keeps detecting it as a Gamemode, and it doesn't show up in my addons, what went wrong?

EDIT: I'm just gonna use v3 slayer.
EDIT: That didn't work either! Every time I start blockland, I just see it in my gamemodes, saying it requires a missing addon/file named, "0"
« Last Edit: August 11, 2016, 02:40:19 PM by Killbot Alpha »

When I try to use slayer, blockland keeps detecting it as a Gamemode, and it doesn't show up in my addons, what went wrong?

EDIT: I'm just gonna use v3 slayer.
EDIT: That didn't work either! Every time I start blockland, I just see it in my gamemodes, saying it requires a missing addon/file named, "0"
Gamemodes should always show up in your add-on list when starting a custom game. Double check.

Also discovered that minigame favorites are not loading properly. After loading my prison escape save:
[img ]http://puu.sh/qj3uC/34ea1898f9.png[/img]
[img ]http://puu.sh/qj3wt/bcb4eb1336.png[/img]
I first have to set the gamemode to Team Deathmatch (it starts out blank) and then have to click on each team to make them appear. Also the teams are displaying in a different order in GUI than in /teamcount (Prisoners is first, Guards is second), resulting in my events breaking (though you can probably use team name instead?). I'm not sure how the team numbers got mixed around.

Can you send me both of the *.csv files for this one? It's in config/server/slayer/config_saved/.

while we're mentioning problems I seem to be having one where onminigamespawn doesn't work when everyone first spawns in when the minigame resets itself and for some reason I can't remember onminigamereset isn't a working work-around either
I'm busy right now so I can't do a console.log thing but is anyone else having this?

I don't believe that onMinigameSpawn is a Slayer event.

Aside from the two issues that I responded to above, the bugs you guys reported should be fixed now! Please try out the new version and let me know if you have problems.

Note that I don't have a computer available that can launch graphical Blockland right now so some aspects are untested.

Is there any proper documentation on how I can get a gamemode to automatically set up teams and such? I've got parts of it to work, but I'm still confused on things like uniforms.

I'm trying to set it up as a custom slayer gamemode, one that you can pick from the gamemode dropdown thing. I can see how that would work but there's some stuff I'm not sure would work how I would like it if I do it that way. The one I'm trying to do would be #3.

Ah. What do you need help with?

I'm really just stuck on the teams.

new ScriptGroup(Slayer_GameModeTemplateSG)
        // Game mode settings
        className = "Crime";
        uiName = "Crime";
        useTeams = true;

        // Default minigame settings
        default_weaponDamage = true;

        // Locked minigame settings
        locked_title = "Crime";
        locked_playerDatablock = nameToID("PlayerStandardArmor");
        locked_brickDamage = false;
        locked_["Teams.allySameColors"] = true;
      disable_teamCreation = true;

        new ScriptObject()
                //Prevent team from being edited or deleted
                disable_delete = true;
                disable_edit = true;

                //Team settings
                locked_name = "Police";
            locked_color = 31;
            locked_sort = false;
            locked_playerDatablock = nameToID("PlayerStandardArmor");
            locked_maxplayers = -1;
            //Cop Loadout
            locked_sync = 0;
            locked_startEquip0 = "HK: M4A1";
            locked_startEquip1 = "HK: USP.45";
            locked_startEquip2 = "Baton";
            locked_startEquip3 = " ";
            locked_startEquip4 = " ";

Getting past the fact that it pasted rather messily, I'm stuck on making the cop team 100% set up. It's still missing the proper uniform setup, I haven't seen any documentation about how to get uniforms all working with this.
That's really it, anyway. If there was something that showed me each variable I can use inside of this, I'd be set. The webpage only shows a handful.

I would recommend setting the team up the way you want it (in-game) and placing yourself on the team, then running this command:
Code: [Select]
That will list all of the team's variables (and values) and you should be able to go from there.

HOWEVER, since you have "disable_edit = true" set for the team, none of the team settings can be changed anyway.

As a side note, I recommend not locking preferences unless your game mode actually requires that they be locked. Instead I recommend simply setting defaults for non-essential settings. Otherwise you're limiting people's customization. I'm talking about things like the title and brick damage here.

The documentation on the new Slayer API isn't very good or complete.

When I try to use slayer, blockland keeps detecting it as a Gamemode, and it doesn't show up in my addons, what went wrong?

EDIT: I'm just gonna use v3 slayer.
EDIT: That didn't work either! Every time I start blockland, I just see it in my gamemodes, saying it requires a missing addon/file named, "0"

I have the same problem, help plz

The problem is that the file is named "Gamemode_Slayer (10)". Rename it to "Gamemode_Slayer".

nvm this helped, took me a while to find this page sorry for the bump.

Yo! Just made an Overwatch-esque map and have everything set up! I know the nodes don't currently work, so I'v event'ed the bots to cap the point via the gotobrick - onreachbrick event even using different paths to go around. I thought it would work since the events worked on a CTF map, but they aren't in this one. I'm thinking it's because of the capture point messing around with the programming in the bots heads, but I just wanted to make sure by asking you. I also remembered a post you had showing off the new bot pathing system and was wondering if you were still working on that or discarded it because of certain limitations in Blockand.

Cause it seemed like one of those things that's too good to be true. :cookieMonster: