Author Topic: Why is Call of Duty still getting hated on?  (Read 5778 times)

Could I link you to the trench warfare blockland servers instead where the only way they could actually attract attention was making gigantic undiggable walls to prevent instant deaths and rules where people are allowed to build without being shot at?

If it were truly trench warfare, there would be no rules and giant undiggable walls would not exist because you'd be gunned down while building them.

I don't understand why COD is getting so popular.
Battlefield: Bad Company was far better than MW2, which was the only COD game I've ever played.
Just so You all know, Battlefield: Bad Company placed You in the role of a new guy in a misfit military squad tasked with going behind enemy lines, it was awesome.

I played through the COD4 campaign recently, and I swear it actually had a few anti-war themes, it's just that the majority of the people who play these games pay no attention to the story.

We're eternally promised with revolutionary AI. This is true. None of it goes into enemies though, just the fish, dogs, and whatever other animals happen to be around.

We're eternally promised with revolutionary AI. This is true. None of it goes into enemies though, just the fish, dogs, and whatever other animals happen to be around.

People keep talking about that AI like it matters
CoD isn't a game focused on single player, so I'm not really surprised They don't give a damn about the AI. The only time you're interacting with the AI is in the campaign, and it's decent enough by my standards

The only time you're interacting with the AI is in the campaign, and it's decent enough by my standards
those are some pretty low standards then

It's unoriginal and its success is one of the reasons why the gaming industry is so oversaturated with shooters.

I could easily play a game where the USA is the badguy

It'd be so fun. Maybe play in the far future as one of the European nations fighting a United States that had transformed overtime into a much more aggressive empire.

those are some pretty low standards then

I guess

I'm not asking for AI to have tactics and adapt to the situation and stuff
All they have to do is take cover and shoot, I don't much care for anything after that

I'd rather have ai you could boss around instead of having an ai that gets you field of fire and barks commands and you to run out in the open to perform some scripted event.
And the formula has not changed at all since 2003, that is 11 years. You'd think in those 11 years something revolutionary would happen. Instead the campaign is just some useless content used to justify the setting of the next game while also being used to add more value tot he pricetag of the game. You'd think in those 11 years that they would have added commandable ai, custom load-outs before game(already been done in Black-ops 2 finally), something that doesn't involve playing as a super powered commando. How about going back to the games roots where you are nobody soldier fighting with no-bodies against nobodies. Instead we get people like knife throwing mustache man, angry sleeves future spec-ops guy, generic evil colonel, Russian pilot guy, and evil ruskies and terrorists. The cold war ended 23 years ago. Sadam and Bin laden are dead, no more Muslim terrorists. How about the European Union turns into the 4th Reich and the Eastern Europe turns into another USSR. No USA, no cookie cutter badguys. Just believable people.
« Last Edit: June 15, 2014, 12:35:21 PM by Harm94 »

AI you can boss around has gotten worse too.


While I do see your point, all I'm saying is that most people who buy CoD aren't looking for all that. Peeps just wanna shoot other peeps mayn. Although it would be nice to see some changes in campaign, it's not really a focal point. Most people play it just to get a hang of the controls and then go off to play multiplayer. All in all, I just don't think there's a reason the game should get all the flak it gets.

CoD just does everything terribly in the name of realism.

CoD just does everything terribly in the name of realism.

what is this realism you speak of