Author Topic: #gamergate megathread  (Read 124676 times)

I only read the headline but don't most campuses have better security now especially considering the shootings in the last decade?
There's a couple reasons why she canceled:
1) She's maybe afraid for her life
2) Publicity, nothing gets you better press than cancelling a speech to due Flash Mob threats~

Its going to be hilarious when the same small group of people keep threatening her so she'll say that #gamergate as a whole is trying to kill her and that makes her scared for her life

honestly its annoying that people expect me to pretend like anita sarkeesian isnt garbage just because shes getting death threads

like a bunch of lemmings

can we actually stop "gamergate"
and just come up with something else to name it
because it literally doesn't get any worse than "gamergate"

God damnit. Does she expect people to not threaten her after she made this huge loving deal about it?
She reviewed a game, the same as many a person had done before, except she started being threatened with death. Thats kind of a big loving deal, so yeah it makes sense she would be pissed off.

Like say you saw a blockland build that was making fun of black people and told the people on the server "this build is tribal". The people on the server then claim you are trying to destroy the server and hunt you down physically so they can make threats to you at your actual residence and they state they will kill you and such because you said that there was something that could be construed as inappropriate. Not only is that a big overreaction from the people on the server, but you would feel frightened for your life, and obviously would want people to know, hey there are people threatening to kill me so in case, you know, I die because I said something they didn't like, you know its going to happen.
Its not her making a big deal, its protecting herself.

honestly its annoying that people expect me to pretend like anita sarkeesian isnt garbage just because shes getting death threads
I really have never understood how people have this opinion of her. She never comes off as condescending or angry or abusive in her videos. While she does pick at specific cases, she is brings up the fact that these are the specific cases she has identified in the games she has played.
Meanwhile you have people like Yahtzee and Jimquisitor screaming and cursing and saying the nastiest of filth while complaining almost always about the same problems in games. And yet these people recieve no threats of rape or death, people infact laud their abusive style as entertainment.

The fear people have with that what they might hold to be true might not be, and how much people cling to and respond to that fear is at the heart of the issue right now. There is no reason for this attitude towards people who are honostly trying to provide you with a better and more diverse play experience.

I really have never understood how people have this opinion of her. She never comes off as condescending or angry or abusive in her videos. While she does pick at specific cases, she is brings up the fact that these are the specific cases she has identified in the games she has played.
Meanwhile you have people like Yahtzee and Jimquisitor screaming and cursing and saying the nastiest of filth while complaining almost always about the same problems in games. And yet these people recieve no threats of rape or death, people infact laud their abusive style as entertainment.

The fear people have with that what they might hold to be true might not be, and how much people cling to and respond to that fear is at the heart of the issue right now. There is no reason for this attitude towards people who are honostly trying to provide you with a better and more diverse play experience.
anita sarkeesian is literally a lying con artist who, need i remind you guys, stole footage from countless youtubers and showed her twitter followers an account with child research in it

anita sarkeesian is literally a lying con artist who, need i remind you guys, stole footage from countless youtubers and showed her twitter followers an account with child research in it

I must have missed all the citations and references you used to back up that information.

I must have missed all the citations and references you used to back up that information.
where the absolute forget have you been that you would have missed this information

i mean not to mention anita makes absolute stuff points, but yeah

and on top of all of that, anita sarkeesian has actually, really said "i dont like video games" in the past. shes beyond sketchy.
« Last Edit: October 15, 2014, 04:45:45 PM by Kimon² »

where the absolute forget have you been that you would have missed this information
Yeah I dunno I can't seem to find anything you said in this thread, maybe this was like going on in some dark corner of the internet or something? I didn't click the youtube links cause unlike you all I don't have unlimited internet.

Yeah I dunno I can't seem to find anything you said in this thread, maybe this was like going on in some dark corner of the internet or something? I didn't click the youtube links cause unlike you all I don't have unlimited internet.
why would you be credible if you haven't even gone through the effort to learn about what everybody else in the thread knows? you expect me to take that post seriously if it's an assumption at best?

Well see heres the thing. I have done research on the topic. I have read reports and journals and news articles all pertaining to the subject. I just haven't come to the same conclusions you have, so obviously we have different sources, and I would like to know what yours are so I can further educate myself as to your opinion.

anita sarkeesian is literally a lying con artist
Ok lets see how your facts support this:

stole footage from countless youtubers
This is interesting, because didn't the youtubers steal the footage from the game producers? If you have multiple people playing the same game at the same point it will generally look the same. The fact that the footage was more readily accessable in a downloadable format than an uploadable one when compositing her video shouldn't affect what the purpose of the video was.

showed her twitter followers an account with child research in it
Because she made a mistake when a troll spammed her with offensive imagery, by goodness you are right! haha! that most certainly proves... what was your point? oh yeah that she "is literally a lying con artist"....
I don't see the correlation...

ITT: ladios stirs the pot

Well see heres the thing. I have done research on the topic. I have read reports and journals and news articles all pertaining to the subject. I just haven't come to the same conclusions you have, so obviously we have different sources, and I would like to know what yours are so I can further educate myself as to your opinion.
which journals and news articles? because if they're from some of the few i'm thinking of it's an extremely bad source.
This is interesting, because didn't the youtubers steal the footage from the game producers? If you have multiple people playing the same game at the same point it will generally look the same. The fact that the footage was more readily accessable in a downloadable format than an uploadable one when compositing her video shouldn't affect what the purpose of the video was.
yeah, except those youtubers weren't paid over $150,000 to create their own original content. the fact that she can't even get her own footage could very easily mean she hasn't even bought the games, let alone play them. it wouldnt suprise me, as she IS the one who said she doesnt like video games. it's almost like she DOESNT play video games... and she's like... a con artist or something...
Because she made a mistake when a troll spammed her with offensive imagery, by goodness you are right! haha! that most certainly proves... what was your point? oh yeah that she "is literally a lying con artist"....
I don't see the correlation...
so if someone sent you child research over twitter, you're telling me the obvious thing to do would be to show the name of the twitter page containing child research, and then refuse to take the tweet down or even apologize. real nice.

This is interesting, because didn't the youtubers steal the footage from the game producers? If you have multiple people playing the same game at the same point it will generally look the same. The fact that the footage was more readily accessable in a downloadable format than an uploadable one when compositing her video shouldn't affect what the purpose of the video was.
I'm fine with Anita, however she did use other people's footage without consent or acknowledging it wasn't something she herself captured. Credit has to go where credit is due.