
period race


Author Topic: ABS FIESTA REDUX  (Read 1246852 times)

Cualli wakes up the next morning around 8 to find that Eremit and Elu are both already awake, the former having made a simple breakfast already out of frozen foods. Also worthy of note is that it is still just as dark outside as it was both when you arrived yesterday evening and when you were driven back from the bar at near midnight. Eremit says he and Elu have been talking about what there is to do in the town, and the latter wants to go visit the observatory-temple up on the mountainside.

Jaakko studies Tippy for a moment before looking back outside at the new landscape, remaining silent and enamored with the view for the rest of the cab ride.
As you are driven through downtown to get to your hotel, you notice what appears to be a protest gathered in a courtyard. You can't read any of the signs, or understand what they're shouting, but they certainly seem incensed about something or other. The sight is quickly filed in the back of your mind and a few minutes later Tippy is checking you both in to the hotel.

loving brutal. Maybe things will actually be different.
Markus continues to watch, finding himself mildly interested in world happenings.
Unfortunately, the Porlaq coverage seems to be done with, and they move along to a segment discussing the growing anti-war sentiment in Kintharia and Mercana (among other places). A talking head is brought on who viciously denounces their lack of conviction; arguing that the two of them practically begged Aesthia to intervene, but now that the war's moved off their continent they are all too content to call this conflict settled.

Cualli drags herself out of bed, feeling notably more tired than usual given how dark it is outside. She trembles with cold after leaving the warmth of her pile of blankets. Thanking Arkhip for the breakfast, she sits down and listens to the recap of his conversation with Elu.

"Is that what the light we saw was?" Cualli says, gulping down some hot coffee and appreciating the warmth it sends through her. "Sure, I wouldn't mind visiting."

Markus continues to watch for a little while, but quickly tires of the rambling, and switches to a show about the Great War.

Tippy speaks to the desk assistant across the counter to check them in.

"[Hello, I have a reservation for-]"

Tippy struggles to remember kintharian for the number two and skips it.


"You forgot the number two?" Jaakko asks Tippy.

Cualli drags herself out of bed, feeling notably more tired than usual given how dark it is outside. She trembles with cold after leaving the warmth of her pile of blankets. Thanking Arkhip for the breakfast, she sits down and listens to the recap of his conversation with Elu.

"Is that what the light we saw was?" Cualli says, gulping down some hot coffee and appreciating the warmth it sends through her. "Sure, I wouldn't mind visiting."
: Yeah. It's an old temple of Nebolai, I think about as old as the city itself. Only way to get up there anymore is by cable car.

"And how old is Moratov?"

Markus continues to watch for a little while, but quickly tires of the rambling, and switches to a show about the Great War.
Even though you already learned about the Great War back in school, it's not bad to take a refresher.

In 4825, civil unrest in Xaria comes to a head as a civilian shoots a Kintharian diplomat.
Kintharia responds by declaring war on Xaria and invading the country.
Across the Minervan ocean, Vierte shows their support for their friend and declares war on Kintharia.
Then, Porlaq jumps off the jumbotron and elbow-drops Vierte.
Mercana comes barreling down the ramp and throws itself into the ring, prying Porlaq off of its valued trade partner and putting them in a headlock.
The ref begins to count Porlaq out, and with Kintharia busy bashing Xaria's face into various different objects, all it can do is look to Aksuvistan in the audience and mouth a breathless "help me"
Aksuvistan looks at Porlaq, then to the folding chair in which South Aesthia is sitting. He forcibly removes South Aesthia from his seat, picks up the chair, and dives in the ring to bash Mercana with it just in the nick of time.
But someone saw what they did to get that chair; who they wronged. Sirens wail. The action stops. Porlaq and Kintharia glare at Aksuvistan. Spotlights fall on the smokescreen which has covered the entrance stage. All other noise is drowned out by the guttural revving of V-12 engine, soon augmented by the sound of tracks clattering against pavement as a 60 ton tank trundles down the ramp towards the ring; double-headed aquila proudly displayed on the turret.

You wake up to find someone's changed the channel during your unplanned nap and is now watching pro-wrestling

"And how old is Moratov?"
: Founded in... 4775 i think? Almost a hundred and fifty years ago. Started out as just a tiny little mining town, and after all these years it's grown into a small mining and fishing town. Huge improvement.

Tippy speaks to the desk assistant across the counter to check them in.

"[Hello, I have a reservation for-]"

Tippy struggles to remember kintharian for the number two and skips it.

The desk assistant inquires for your name and a few other personal details before giving you your room key and wishing you a pleasant stay.
« Last Edit: March 16, 2017, 08:36:04 PM by Qwepir »

Cualli giggles.  "Mhm."

"So what are we going to put Elu in to protect him from the cold?" She asks, remembering the way he twitched yesterday evening.

Markus wakes up, rubbing his forehead in confusion. What the hell even was that dream?

"Where's our room at?" Jaakko asks.

Cualli giggles.  "Mhm."

"So what are we going to put Elu in to protect him from the cold?" She asks, remembering the way he twitched yesterday evening.
: I will be fine. When do we leave?

Eremit just shrugs and looks at Cualli.

Cualli smiles. "You sound eager," she observes. "I'll go wash up and get dressed quick, and then we can leave."

She finishes her breakfast and goes to figure out how to work Arkhip's shower, making sure to have the water plenty hot to compensate for the cold ambient air. She gently takes her hair out of its boxbraids, leaving it in near-shoulder-length, tight waves that only slightly relax after her hair is washed.

Despite how steamy the bathroom is after her shower, Cualli still finds herself shivering and gets dressed as quickly as she can. She pokes her head into the kitchen, looking for Arkhip and Elu.

"Okay," she says, running her fingers through her damp hair. "Ready when you guys are."

"Where's our room at?" Jaakko asks.
"Probably second floor. Then again I've forgotten the Kinth word for two."

Tippy flips the key card between her fingers and they head for their rooms

"Probably?" Jaakko sneers.