
UNITED NATIONS: Return former-US territory to the USA.


Author Topic: Nonnel's Nation RP: Earth 2077 - [AMERICA, THE BEAUTIFUL!]  (Read 276865 times)

kashmir will be sold for a low low price of one million yuan

wireless power transmission is tested on mars. kssr is currently deliberating on a space colonization program to see if anyone wants to take up permanent residence on any of the facilities and whether or not to create an isolated financial system in space, since these facilities have been set up to be self-sufficient. furthermore, liability of deaths in space is being discussed by legislators: who would be responsible if space colonist bob died from a lack of oxygen on mars? the government expects that this will eventually be a problem and that it should be tackled while they have the initiative

what does Yemen say?

yemen say: we are gay

yemen accepts independence and maintained economic ties. all nations born of WAA nations will remain in the WAA for now.

reminder that the UN vote is open

The World Today
-Since ASA has refused United Asia's offer, Panama is captured by UA.
ASA doesn't exist anymore??

i think that was his request, lol

After a lot of Negotiating, scotlanD Has decIded to elect a new ruler for their country, someoNe who cAn MorE or less handle the dIfficult taSk of cleaning up a nation which has Just been nuked and sOmeman tHat has the streNgth to rebuild the Country too, not somEone willy nilly, No, someone who cAn bring the country back to its former glory. who is the man, you might ask? well he's every capital letter of this post

Colorado, eh? It's up for bid, starting at 120 million rubles (assuming one ruble is worth one IRL US dollar.) For reference, Alaska was sold at 121 million, and it was a wasteland.

vietnam will pitch in money to america

Colorado, eh? It's up for bid, starting at 120 million rubles (assuming one ruble is worth one IRL US dollar.) For reference, Alaska was sold at 121 million, and it was a wasteland.

the ruble is likely the strongest currency world wide right now, by far, in terms of what you can do with a single ruble

america was bombed to stuff so the dollar probably crashed, the yuan isn't supposed to be on the same level as a dollar or a ruble anyway so by now it'd just be closer, not at or above

the european union probably isnt doing too well with the euro considering the economic powerhouse of it, germany, has basically declared war on it and annexed france

britain got nuked to stuff too

vietnamese dong best currency