
[February 2016] Most anticipated DLC?

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Author Topic: [MEGATHREAD] Fallout 4 || Contraption, Vault-Tec, Nuka World  (Read 610569 times)


The problem with Morrowind is that you still can't beat the game if you killed an essential character.

You can kill any character you want and still beat the game in NV.

While morrowind is a great example of a game Bethesda has made they still managed to limit themselves.

The problem with Morrowind is that you still can't beat the game if you killed an essential character.

You can kill any character you want and still beat the game in NV.

While morrowind is a great example of a game Bethesda has made they still managed to limit themselves.
Maybe because they want the player to actually play the game properly. Killing everyone isn't a proper way to play the game, it's just one way to do it though. But like you said earlier, mod it bro. :)

Maybe because they want the player to actually play the game properly.

Excuse me, this doesn't work in true open world RPGs. By forcing the player to do what the developer wants the developer is limiting the player's freedom and the game's main story is just one big straight linear path with optional sidequests.

If Bethesda really wanted to force players on their generic main story bullstuff they might as well make the mainstory structure similar to Call of Duty as a non stop start to finish campaign.

Killing everyone isn't a proper way to play the game, it's just one way to do it though.

Except it is in NV.

If you find it easier to just go around killing people in NV you can do that. However in NV you also have the option of not killing people.

You have a choice. You probably played too many Bethesda RPGs to not know what a choice is.

lord tony would you kindly shut the forget up, you've told us many times you like NV over 4, just let people enjoy the game please

I think I finally have a use for Steve's user-blocker script.

You people seem to be in favor of having your choices limited just for a decent story.

That's basically what Call of Duty is. No choice or freedom. Call of Duty also has plenty of essential unkillable NPCs too for your liking.

I mean, I'm bad when it comes to being an starfish about video games, but I lack Tony's dedication or his insanity.

I also have good points, whereas he reiterates the same dumb "facts" over and over again as if it's going to change somebody's mind.

Excuse me, this doesn't work in true open world RPGs. By forcing the player to do what the developer wants the developer is limiting the player's freedom and the game's main story is just one big straight linear path with optional sidequests.

If Bethesda really wanted to force players on their generic main story bullstuff they might as well make the mainstory structure similar to Call of Duty as a non stop start to finish campaign.

Except it is in NV.

If you find it easier to just go around killing people in NV you can do that. However in NV you also have the option of not killing people.

You have a choice. You probably played too many Bethesda RPGs to not know what a choice is.
None of these games are a true RPG's. I can't be a rocket scientist and go to the moon. Your description of a true RPG is severely skewed.
You have choices in all Bethesda games and their subsidiaries. You have choices in Mass Effect. Get over yourself lol.

You people seem to be in favor of having your choices limited just for a decent story.

That's basically what Call of Duty is. No choice or freedom. Call of Duty also has plenty of essential unkillable NPCs too for your liking.
No, people are tired of your bullstuff semantics and want you to leave.

None of these games are a true RPG's. I can't be a rocket scientist and go to the moon. Your description of a true RPG is severely skewed.
You have choices in all Bethesda games and their subsidiaries.

Correction. You only get about 2 choices in bethesda games. Black or white. Good or evil.

I already laid out how many choices and possibilities NV has over any Bethesda game. Not just NV, Fallout 1 and 2 as well.

I like Fallout 3 and 4 but they aren't true fallout games.

I like Fallout 3 and 4 but they aren't true fallout games.
Well, according to the merchandise and licensing rights they're official Fallout titles and Bethesda holds the exclusive rights to the IP.

Correction. You only get about 2 choices in bethesda games. Black or white. Good or evil.

I already laid out how many choices and possibilities NV has over any Bethesda game. Not just NV, Fallout 1 and 2 as well.

I like Fallout 3 and 4 but they aren't true fallout games.
Of course they are. But that's my opinion, that's your opinion. The problem here isn't the game, it's you. You've been focusing on what I've been saying the entire time clearly on Fallout, when you need to really look at what I said lastly, and then look at what everyone else has been saying.

Get out of the topic. You're clearly not wanted here. You don't make discussion, you cause problems and arguments. You want a place where your voice will be heard better? Banter on the Fallout reddit, I'm sure they'll listen to what you have to say.

I remember when I was 12 and wanted to kill absolutely everyone in a video game too

Like how Bethesda purposely forced you to be unable to side with Col. Autumn in Fallout 3 because they only wanted to give you a good ending or bad ending. Not a neutral ending.

The bad ending of course poisons your own water supply, genius.

If you spent more time playing the game rather than bitching about how you just want New Vegas 2, you might actually have something interesting to say.

If you spent more time playing the game rather than bitching about how you just want New Vegas 2, you might actually have something interesting to say.

I already correctly guessed the entire predictable plot months before the game came out during e3. There is no surprising factor when it's 100% obvious.