
Poll is finished. Quest to Save Kompressor will be a "test game" before I do QFTA.

High Rollers Its like "Pass or Fail" or "Blockade Blasters'. Multiple players allowed.
Quest For The ACNRHKLAHBSLFGSG(L) One Blockhead's adventure to find a weapon that can surpass the Ion Cannon
Post Apocalyptic Alcoholism Find a source of alcohol in a nuclear wasteland.
The Eve Of Version 21 As Version 21 looms over the horizion, one thought crosses your mind: How will you spend your last few days in Version 20?
Liberal Crime Squad:BLF Edition Liberal Crime Squad adapted into a forum adventure. Defeat the Conservative Crime Squad, kidnap and brainwash people, and drop terrible pickup lines.

Author Topic: BLOODLUST [Quest to Save Kompressor: Soon.]  (Read 113547 times)

Unload on the boss once again with your guns
Fuse all your weapons to replace your blown off arm...and make THE UNIVERSAL AETHER ARM: The Prosthetic Arm that's the heaven of the MULTIVERSE!  And then entrepreneur  Prayer Slap the stuff out of the EoB!

You fire all of your guns one handed with your remaining arm and SNAP it off like a twig from the intense recoil. Well stuff.

The Embodiment of BLOODLUST is undeterred and initiates the apocalypse. The entire world is consumed and all life on Earth ends here. Not even Vladimir Putin or the entirety of Australia survived.

WORST ENDING: Apocalypse
Sven Svenson never did take control of the Fourth Wall...

call in a nuclear airstrike

then use your last ounce of strength to give the finger on your remaining hand

You sacrifice your soul and call in a nuclear airstrike! As the nukes hit, you flip off the Embodiment of BLOODLUST.

You stopped the Embodiment of BLOODLUST and defeated all the final bosses... But at what cost?


Fasten the M79 to your stump and fire it at the boss.
all while rocking out to this

and injecting yourself with tons of morphine

You inject morphine and shove a M79 into your arm stump! Now there's metal and wood in your blood, and you vomit again from the posioning as you fire the M79 into the final boss. The Abominations act as meatshields, however.

Challenge him to a game of pinball

Your calls go unanswered!

you must summon somebody to help you
someone strong enough to fuse with you to create the ultimate life form
Prevent yourself from bleeding with a medkit and use a mind control kit on the embodiment of bloodlust

John Cena bursts in through the roof, grabs your arm that was blown off, and shoves it back into your stump! You heal yourself with a medkit and Mind Control the Embodiment of BLOODLUST! The mind control kit malfunctions and you now share the same consciousness as the Embodiment of BLOODLUST! The Embodiment's genocidal thoughts of pure hatred flood your mind.

You have a mental conversation with the Embodiment that degenerates into a losing argument. The Embodiment convinces you that his apocalypse is justified! John Cena slaps you hard enough to knock some sense into you, and you realize that the Embodiment is Stalin stalling for time!

while the love beam continues whaling at the EoB

also summon an angelic choir for extra effect and (HOPEFULLY) damage, because seriously

An angelic choir starts singing while the love beam continues whaling at the Embodiment of BLOODLUST, enhancing its damage!

Abominations 3, 4, and 5 HEROICALLY shield the Embodiment of BLOODLUST, but can't handle the power of Love and fade away!
Embodiment of BLOODLUST lets out a massive yell of despair!
BERSERK Fanboy 10 comes to his senses and realizes that the Embodiment is nearly dead!
Fanboy 10 joins in on the Love Beam and the singing of the Angelic Choir by rocking out at the Embodiment of BLOODLUST!

The sight of a love beam whaling on the Embodiment of BLOODLUST while a choir sings and a fanboy rocks out with an electric guitar is pure bliss, and the Embodiment of BLOODLUST explodes into a massive shower of blood and entrails! The dying Ventilator Boss deactivates God Mode and uncloaks before teleporting the entire party to a white room with a massive control panel. He hands you the keys and speaks these final words:

"Y-You've earned it. The end started with you and... Well, ended with you. You've earned your happy ending, with being able to rewrite reality at will and all. You're basically an almighty God now."

You insert the keys into the control panel and gain control of the Fourth Wall, along with the power to rewrite reality itself. Nobody can decide your fate now. Your creator, whoever he may be, is now powerless to stop you. The first thing you do with your new powers is to rewrite reality so that you are in control of this thread now.

Limitless power is at your grasp! Turn the world into a Sci-Fi Space Opera? Literally rewrite history and erase Winston Churchill from existence? Resurrect Abraham Lincoln and have him ride a unicorn? Make the world a nuclear wasteland? Rewrite reality so that Snidley Whiplash never died? The possibilites are endless! The thread may end here, but your adventures continue for all eternity!

BEST ENDING: Reality Warping God
Its like the entire world is a story, and you are the sole author of it.


Protag Kills/Total Deaths: 256 killed by you/502+ total deaths
Pacifist Count: 24 people knocked out or spared
“Offscreen” Deaths: 2354 people killed by the Turkish Mafia or in a school shooting
Game Over Count: 68 hilarious deaths.

Endings and Achivements
Achievement: Too Dumb To Live(Piss off a drone)
Achievement: Maybe my name is important after all(Ending 1 achieved)
Achievement: Just like Joseph Stalin(Punt someone into space)
Achievement: Alienation(Alienate your allies by cannibalizing a little kid)
Achievement: Child Killer(You bastard.)
Achievement: Did not get a grip(Die from an overdose)
Achievement: Earn Your Happy Ending(Best Ending)

Ending 1: Terrorist Cause World War 3 at the Nuclear Power Plant that somehow has the ability to launch nukes.
Ending 2: Escape from Venturon Fly to new york
Ending 3: Nuclear Ghandi Spread your peaceful ways by nuking everyone to the stone age.
Ending 4: Here We Go Again Start a New Game+
Ending 5: The End is Here Break the fourth wall and kill the OP.
"Too Easy" Ending: Have the National Guard massacre the Ventilators
Bad Ending 1: Alienate everyone by cannibalizing a child.
Bad Ending 2: Flee from the final battle and let your companions die.
Worst Ending: Apocalypse Fail to stop the Embodiment of BLOODLUST
Ending 6: Sacrifice But at what cost?
Best Ending: Reality Warping God The ultimate superpower.


I guess I know what I'll be doing next in the near future. Quest to Save Kompressor is next, and then quest for the ACNRHKLAHBSLFGSG(L). Why? Because Quest to Save Kompressor will be a sort of "test" game.

Not pictured: More weapons that were on RTB before it shut down.
« Last Edit: July 26, 2015, 04:07:07 PM by tber123 »

grab the skull of the embodiment of bloodlust and hold it up, exclaiming "we did it, lets play blockland"

also first order as god, create a money pool


this was a damn fine community project

We did it guys, it was a looong road

But lets not forget what we've done

We fought people in a burning library
Fought Riddler
Fought Stalin
Dropped off a package
Got a cat
Made some friends
Broke the 4th wall
Killed some people
Saved some people
Became a cop

But most of all...

We stole some candy.

Resurrect Abraham Lincoln and have him ride a unicorn?
This sounds familiar...
« Last Edit: July 26, 2015, 04:16:45 PM by startacker »

your second order as god is to create a new community project

maybe call it "BLOODLUST 2: The search for more money"

or maybe even "Quest to save kompressor"

stuff. This is really the end...
We did it.
I'm glad to have fought alongside you all, my comrades. But this is only the beginning of our quest...
Let us proceed to a new future! For our world, and for their world!

stuff. This is really the end...
We did it.
I'm glad to have fought alongside you all, my comrades. But this is only the beginning of our quest...
Let us proceed to a new future! For our world, and for their world!

Let's eat more children

It was a damm honor being part of this blood shed. You make the best forum games tber.

don't let this thread stop
its come too far to stop
if this is really the end and its stopping
its been a good run everyone
gg sven
It was a damm honor being part of this blood shed. You make the best forum games tber.

I dunno about you guys, but Dinkleberg must have been a communist.

it was a wild ride of epic proportions

befriending and saving the only sane man, destroying the world with nuclear bombs, wiping out the drug cartel, destroying the universe, turning the gunslinger into an ally, getting 2 consciences, then 3, then like 5, seeing Riddler and stalin fight in mechs, going to an alternate communist universe, spreading patriotism by leading a jailbreak, fighting joseph stalin, discovering the ventilators, becoming president, gathering up all of your allies, and finally saving the universe

OP was really the protagonist all along!

OP was really the protagonist all along!
And I was the FOURTH WALL!
