Author Topic: Blockland Glass 4.2  (Read 299237 times)

Theres a bug that prevents me from creating a server. I was wondering if you could fix this in the future.
I'm going to need more information than that.

Lots of background bits and pieces coming together, especially with statistics. Add-On authors will soon be able to see how many people are using their add-on and what versions. I've finished up the notification system in-game, I just need to incorporate it with the site so that appropriate push notifications are sent.

Just a running to-do list:

  • Redo upstream updates (again)
  • Screenshots (back-end done)
  • Ratings
  • Comments (back-end done)
  • Account verification (client sided) done
  • Another visual pass (client sided)

After account verification, I'm going to be moving Glass 2 to alpha.
« Last Edit: June 11, 2016, 01:43:34 PM by Scout31 »

I'm going to need more information than that.
(I could've sworn that this issue was mentioned before but apparently not)
I'm going to explain word by word. First, I loaded up Blockland with Glass installed, with no seen issues. Then I decided to host Zombie Zurvival, so I chose all my addons and all those things. I checked the "Use RTB" button. Then loading screen. After waiting a few mins, I get stuck on the "Connection Accepted/ Waiting for server" screen. Then the game crashes. This even happens without the "Use RTB" button, without Glass, without Support_Preferences, & with Support_Prefs.
 I hope this is enough information.

Tl;Dr, It started crashing within a few days with Glass, then it started doing it no matter what.

Edit: See latest post.
« Last Edit: June 12, 2016, 04:15:31 AM by Ryan Crowlife »

sorry for double post my internet was lagging, causing me to post twice

Can you replicate the issue and post a console.log?

Glass 2 Alpha 1 has been released on the beta branch

Changes from Glass 1.1.3, along with some notes:

  • Redesigned Mod Manager
    Right now we're just looking at functionality. I'm going to take another visual pass, but I want to see if all the old feature still work along with checking for hiccups in the new stuff. We're still missing ratings (the ones displayed are randomized) and comments
  • New Notification System
    Push notifications currently only work for me, but they'll be available to all soon. Glass notifications are similar to RTB, except they allow for better support for other add-ons. I'll have more documentation on them when they're fully finalized. They currently overwrite oRBs and RTB notifications, displaying them through our system instead. Without this, they'd be displaying over eachother. I'll be adding options for customization before release
  • Redone Preferences Backend
    Preferences have been updated to use the latest Support_Preferences, also adopted by Chrisbot's preference system. The system is generally much much more stable and has been remade from the ground up. I haven't done extensive testing, but popular old issues and general flakiness is no more.
  • Statistics Reporting
    Add-On usage is now reported to inform creators about when and what version of their add-ons are used. All data reported is anonymous

Above are only notable changes, there have been several other back-end changes to optimize Glass and to make it compatible with the new site. Much of the add-on has been completely re-written.

Please note that this is an alpha version. During alphas, features are not complete. Alphas are typically released to receive early feedback on features so that fundamental changes can be made sooner rather than later. If you're not willing to run in to broken features and occasional bugs, do not install it. That being said, I believe this alpha to be relatively stable.

Direct Download
Page on Blockland Glass

I've downloaded it, but it doesn't come included with any custom fonts. I can't see any text properly.

Using custom fonts is proving to be difficult, I may have to just give up on it as a whole.

You can download a zip of the fonts here and extract them in base/client/ui/cache/

The issue is the fact that we can't take a non-text file out of a zip automatically, and the downloading process doesn't work as that folder is read-only for many.

Can you replicate the issue and post a console.log?
console log I don't know how to do, but the issue happens every time. I can do if someone can help me with the console log. (eg. locate it) Plus, it's the steam version. Because of this, I'm taking a break from the game until it properly works again. (not the forums, don't worry)
Edit: So apparently when using Glass 2 Alpha 1, it takes care of this problem. Wierd.
« Last Edit: June 12, 2016, 04:14:48 AM by Ryan Crowlife »

May I recommend using the Pik Pik Pik icons? They're the same icon set that RTB used. They're soft coloured and look really nice, they fit the style of the new Menu nicely. Unless you're already using them, because some of the icon's i've seen look similar.

Well, it won't download any mods. i've tried and tried. 1.1.3 works perfectly fine though.

The notification about opening the mod manager never disappears (unless I click/open it), not sure if that's on purpose.

So, is downloading mods broken for anyone else? Cuz I sure can't download anything.

Have you admins noticed if I successfully submitted an update for the Raptor? I tried two times, and it says it's waiting for approval.

It's supposed to be a v2.0.0, but the adding says v0.0.0 still.

Have you admins noticed if I successfully submitted an update for the Raptor? I tried two times, and it says it's waiting for approval.

It's supposed to be a v2.0.0, but the adding says v0.0.0 still.
Just approved it.