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Total Members Voted: 40

Author Topic: Team[Qi]: defunct  (Read 40470 times)

re applying for qi clan


lol ok I think this is enough and probably none of it has to do with applying but here goes
you seem like a fun guy to be around, but im not sure if building lag machines is something to brag about--especially if you're doing it on other people's servers, but i'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you did it in singleplayer.

I'm interested in the builds you listed--it'd be pretty cool if you could post screenshots.

i'll probably make a youtube series where i showcase my builds but it will be some time before i can make them because i have stuff to do like school so ill tray to make them during the weekends if i can

If you're on the memberlist in the OP, dargereldren should have sent you a link to the [Qi] Discord; please accept it so we have a place to chat privately.

Due to some technical difficulties, the [Qi] forums have been down for some time now. I plan on getting them relaunched later tonight so that I can rearrange how [Qi] members work. I'm not sure on the details yet, but I'd like to think that anyone who joins the forum is a member to be put on [Qi] server whitelists, but anyone who submits an application the the "inner-circle" group, Hell's Kitchen, can build on [Qi] servers and use the clantags. This way [Qi] can still be inclusive, but people can't abuse its openness to fuel their vice.

Also, because of certain blacklists, I will now allow anyone to join [Qi]/Hell's Kitchen anonymously. Shoot me your application in a PM if you want to be an anonymous member.

you seem like a fun guy to be around, but im not sure if building lag machines is something to brag about--especially if you're doing it on other people's servers, but i'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you did it in singleplayer.

I'm interested in the builds you listed--it'd be pretty cool if you could post screenshots.

Is Team QI investing in lag machines now?
« Last Edit: February 07, 2016, 09:07:48 PM by Lord Tony® »

Also, because of certain blacklists

Are you talking about The Harvest blacklist

If you're up for an alliance with Team[Qi], we could set up a TDM-based training map and server to help test potential members.
That would actually be lovely. Thank you very much. Your request has been accepted.
Allied Clans:

I will be setting up a server around 6 PM Sunday evening, the name will be under log with the password of 1712. The map I plan on building is Target Range from the first black ops game, pictured here:
If you are a [Qi] builder or a non-member interested in helping on the map, stop by and I'll give you something to build. Since most students have President's Day off on Monday, I'm hoping we can get a lot done.
« Last Edit: February 14, 2016, 02:21:40 AM by log »

6 pm what time exactly?
Eastern standard

The server's up. I don't know how long it'll last, but I started on the map.
« Last Edit: February 15, 2016, 02:48:24 AM by log »

1. [Qi] is not a joke clan; [Qi] is not a troll clan; [Qi] is not a hacking clan; [Qi] is not an exploiting clan.

i know you guys like to pretend that you've changed.

but the fact that you keep the clan name the same instead of changing it + the whole harvest debacle continues to prove that you're at minimum a troll clan and is reason for me to never believe you.

A lot of people come to Team QI when they want a backdoor.

A lot of people come to Team QI when they want a backdoor.
why would they "want a backdoor"

why would they "want a backdoor"

So they can distribute it to the community, why else.

So they can distribute it to the community, why else.
ah lol, I thought you meant wanted to receive a backdoor that has already been published to the community, not to create/distribute one

Like any major corporation they do damage control when their image is tainted. Either name changing or logo changing, lay offs, etc.

Team QI changed nothing and even has some of the original members on staff.