Author Topic: The SuperKart Gamemode  (Read 52062 times)

Don't be too discouraged about the music, not all of it is bad. Personally, I like Aerohead Jungle, Dragon Waters, Rock Canyon, and After Race Special. On the subject of music, maybe add some loading music, possibly a few loading songs that it randomly selects?

add a twin towers map for the superplane

I think zeblote made a player collision toggle the same could probably be done with vehicles

Don't be too discouraged about the music, not all of it is bad. Personally, I like Aerohead Jungle, Dragon Waters, Rock Canyon, and After Race Special.

Flight is good too

Bug report: on some of the maps you can skip a whole lap if you go in reverse and snag the last checkpoint.

I just played on some of the maps, it's pretty great, but maps like the swampy mushroom map with the planes is super jank, the planes feel really hard to control through such tight spaces, i think Torque just doesn't seem like it's good with plane physics in small maps

Then there's the hoverkart map which sometimes has players hovering off the track and into space or just out to sea, and some of the checkpoints can leave players stuck outside of maps and unable to reset back onto the track

Any other problems are basically due to Blockland's vehicle physics, but i don't think that will be changing any time soon

Don't know if anyone has this issue, but driving the SuperHover vehicle in third person tends you put your camera back to the center, making it basically unplayable or very annoying to drive in third person.

I fixed it by simply unchecking steering-auto return in the Options Controls Tab:

Bedroom map is very broken but does have nice music along with the plane map.

I don't know how I did this but I wish I knew how to do it again.

SO thankful this is finally out!  :cookie: and  :iceCream: for your  :cookieMonster: s!

Yo, Sleven here.

I would just like to start out with saying "thank you" to all the developers of this gamemode. I understand a lot of time has been put into making this, and it makes me sad that many people are so very very ungrateful. Here you have people that take from THEIR time to create something enjoyable for people they pretty much don't know, and yet I've seen people being extremely hostile towards the creators, both in this thread and on the server. Quote: "This is the worst stuff in blockland history I hope Filipe explodes".

First of all, there are some stuff that needs a fixing but I bet everyone's already aware of them. Like:
- Checkpoint-spawning upside down, in weird positions or outside the map on the hoverkart map.
- You can escape the jungle-map's start with the planes
- Spawning inside eachother on checkpoints
and probably several other issues that I can't think of

Now to the good part.

This gamemode is incredible. It's innovative, fresh for blockland, clever and really fun! People maybe don't know me, but I'm what you would call a veteran.. dating back to 2008, co-creator of Sylvanor's Seattle and general cool guy (ya totally). But I have pretty much stopped playing bl, just checking on occasionally. But with this gamemode, I will definitely go back today and race some more.

This is far better than Speedkart that always felt very unfinished and vanilla, this gamemode feels like a real gamemode. You can't exit vehicles and troll around, this is all about the race, which is very refined with checkpoint system, laps, music, multiple tracks and multiple different vehicles. The biggest cherry is the suspension and grip of the vehicle. Speedkart was a stufffest of flying and bumping around. I didn't know about the gamemode at first so I was expecting old Speedkart when I joined the first server and thought "lmao this map won't work I'll lose within a second". It was such a revelation the moment I started cruising around. Everything went so smooth and it felt very mario-esque.

And about the physics? Really people.. it's always been like that. Speedkart was even worse, this is actually well done and you can respawn, and don't die 1 second after the race begun. About the jungle plane map: People are just very bad and salty. I think that was the most fun map of them all, even though I agree it was difficult to get up again after you crashed the first time, but other than that, it was not too hard in any way. Handling of the plane was great, a lot better than the stuntplane that I'm used to, it doesn't go too fast for the map. The map is narrow but not impossible (actually think it's well balanced), people are bad.. simple as that. But I don't know, maybe it should be made easier for the majority of idiots that play on the server, it's perfect for me tho! Don't know if that says anything.

Good job with this gamemode, I'm looking forward to future updates.

stuff it's been a long time since I wrote in English, I hope this text is cohesive. haha

I really appreciate your kind words Sleven, it's people like you who inspires us to make new content for the game and it really is a joy to receive such feedback, also yes we're looking to fix most of those issues if possible, so more players will have a more enjoyable experience with SuperKart.
« Last Edit: January 01, 2016, 01:18:20 PM by Filipe »

thank you for that informative and insightful meme, clubstep
banned rip

Anyways, I'm really curious as to how this was tested. It doesn't tell the winner, the checkpoints can spawn you the wrong way and even upside-down, the map rotations can crash you... There are a lot of problems with this which are easily reproducible just by playing it.
« Last Edit: January 01, 2016, 02:54:54 PM by EcstaticEggplant »

thank you for that informative and insightful meme, clubstep
banned rip

Anyways, I'm really curious as to how this was tested. It doesn't tell the winner, the checkpoints can spawn you the wrong way and even upside-down, the map rotations can crash you... There are a lot of problems with this which are easily reproducible just by playing it.
It doesn't tell the winner? It shows a message on the chat saying "*name here* Is the winner!" Are you sure you didn't notice it or anything?

Also we're aware of those issues already don't worry.
« Last Edit: January 01, 2016, 03:59:01 PM by Filipe »