
Which would have been the best name for League of Legends?

League of Xenon
4 (9.5%)
League of 360
10 (23.8%)
League of Durango
6 (14.3%)
League of One
7 (16.7%)
League of Scorpio
3 (7.1%)
League of X
12 (28.6%)

Total Members Voted: 35

Author Topic: League of Legends - Sylas? New Season? You bet.  (Read 479150 times)

easiest way to figure out if you one trick

i have 12 keys 0 chests. i need to play more.

what is wrong with you people

I have like 9 keys on one account, and about 5 chests on the other.

Hextech crafting is weird.

played kindred jungle again after like 3 months of maining support

stormraiders + ghost + full attackspeed runes OP

played kindred jungle again after like 3 months of maining support

stormraiders + ghost + full attackspeed runes OP
lethality is probably broken on kindred

something like ghostblade, edge of night, bork and whatever else + stacks that are now easier to consistently get and you'd shred tanks

i hate lethality

my league client just crashed in my promos
i rejoined, and it crashed again



and there it goes
« Last Edit: March 19, 2017, 05:51:55 PM by Donnies Catch »

i need to get back into this, i haven't played an actual game in 4 or 5 months

only thing I can be sure of is that cappy still feeds

I played some Ashe games tonight, tried out another korean build detailed here
gist is you go for botrk, bc to runaans and abuse the q interaction with bc for tons of damage

even after winning 3 of the 4 games idk if it's my pusillanimous individual ass bitch playstyle that doesnt fit the build or my inability to carol my team to group and fight straight up teamfights where i could make the most out of it but i mostly ended up doing the regular ashe things creating picks and enabling my team to win trough them

the added survivability from bc was nice and the lifesteal of reworked botrk is nothing to complain about

I haven't played ashe in a while and not going bf early kinda hurt my csing and lack of AS with out q active lead to a lot of canceled AA and frustration

I should try and start playing some ranked again soon prob not with this build, maybe not even with ashe, idk...

Not exactly a fan of bork on ashe but I've been hearing mixed thoughts on it, you can probably back into a BF then go into early lifesteal(if needed), get hurricane and then finish bork. skipping over bf sword does hurt your trading early on by a fair bit. Maybe if you avoid trading as much until you start finishing items up. would still recommend picking up a bf first though.

now with lucian, played him on a few arams and I'm loving the changed bork. works on his passive, or maybe I just sorta learned how to play lucian. twitch is probably a decent contender for it as well. Probably anyone who could build a BF into hurricane could fit a bork before said hurricane. So the likes of Kog'maw('course), Tristana who I haven't tried yet, Kalista but it's Kalista, etc. Idk if you could use the same build on most marksmen but I tend to build bc on tristana whenever possible. though I don't play her often. Could work on Lucian if you replace hurricane with rapidfire cannon.

side note; after an interview with Bang(skt adc) on some tourny game that I didn't get to watch all the way through, he's basically said that ninja tabi are overpowered. Something like you get to a point of "too much attack speed" if you're piling on serker greaves, two attack speed items, or in the case of Ezreal, he doesn't exactly have a good choice other than ninja tabi. Helps win trades bot lane early if you can afford it. Just wanted to mention that here. also it's probably going to be reworked in the future since too many champs can easily look to get it.

Just got a penta as Cait in a game since the enemy Naut didn't ult me as they were doing baron, wew. 6 slotted cait is great

smurf just hit gold, waiting on having a more stable connection so that I can climb on my main.

Nice fling from the last game of the series.

once see sin sees sin he go back to lee sin
but once see sin sees sin and goes back to lee sin, he will lee sin to sin and become feel sin