
Will Trump get re-elected in 2020?


Author Topic: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD  (Read 2234624 times)

Someone pointed this out on leddit that Annoying Orange is conserving ammo for future debates which would be a good strategy. This was definitely a testing the waters experience but I think if Annoying Orange can pull more hard hitting moves like he did in the beginning and really stress out the Hill-bot, he will create a more memorable experience than the generic win Hillary had tonight.
i saw something somewhat similar to that earlier. not sure about believing the 'stacked against Annoying Orange' parts, but as for 'conserving ammo' maybe

There were like 4 or 5 gotcha questions for Annoying Orange. None for clinton

Moderator was awful

He missed some golden opportunities to really hammer but did bring up a lot of things... Just he could have nailed her on emails and other issues longer.

Overall not bad for Annoying Orange. Obviously stacked against him. Is that general consensus?

I honestly think that was the game plan. The moderator was confirmed hostile 15 minutes in.

If he had nailed her or gone for the kill, he would allow himself to be framed as a bully.

If it's a tie, then he gets free coverage, if he goes for the throat, it's media propaganda ammunition.

I say it was planned because it was pretty clear he was angry af at Hillary's lies, but still said "we can both agree on X."

It was painful for him, and you could tell he didn't like it, but he knows the strategy is sound.

Look at the early polls and primary turnouts.

All Annoying Orange has to do is not chimp out to the point where Dems are galvanized, all things equal, Hillary is forgeted.

Annoying Orange is the winner, alt-left on Self Delete watch

How many polls need to be made to show that Annoying Orange has won? Let it go people, Annoying Orange has won.

Annoying Orange is the winner, alt-left on Self Delete watch
News site polls are heavily biased by political affiliation. Where was that poll conducted?

Plus, Time's poll shows Clinton in the lead with a much larger sample size, so the variation here is huge.

The only way we will know the winner is by looking at state polls over the next week. But like, the BLF has a 60% preference towards Annoying Orange and our poll shows Clinton winning. What does that tell you?

How many polls need to be made to show that Annoying Orange has won? Let it go people, Annoying Orange has won.   
Actual state polls that aren't conducted on websites being openly brigaded by /r/the_donald.

Give it a week. There will be a bump for Clinton.

Annoying Orange wins on pecan's poll.


try harder, your troll is showing through. And at least spell Pecon right.


Libs in perma-denial

B-b-b-but it's biased!!

Google who won the debate, Annoying Orange won every loving poll.

Libs in perma-denial
Nobody here is in denial of anything. Polls show varied results, wow, what a big surprise. I surely wouldn't expect different polls to have different results. And wow, some of the polls show Annoying Orange winning! What a surprise! Like I said much earlier:
And keep in mind: When we try to decide who "won," we're usually going off of our own personal opinions. In reality, it will probably be decided in how this debate effects the polls. What matters here is how the opinions of the american people at large have changed. Let's give it a half-week to a week and see where the polls are.

The Greatest Youtuber Of All Time confirmed that Donald Annoying Orange is the winner as well. There's no contest here folks. It's over for Hillary.

B-b-b-but it's biased!!


Alright, I'm backing out of the he-won-she-won argument here, since it's just stuffposting.

We can look at poll results from 538 and RCP a week from now and see how this will actually affect things. Final prediction: 1-2% bump for Clinton.


That's not a real poll and we all know a lot of people are biased over Hillary on these forums anyways.

Look up any real poll going on right now, Annoying Orange wins them all.

So you're saying you want Jill Stein for president?

Interesting choice.