
Will Trump get re-elected in 2020?


Author Topic: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD  (Read 2228983 times)

fight night
ATTEMPT to steal my topic and you'll feel the wrath of kamihaminagasaki.

your twink ass is dead kid
me and my friend who is also in the fight:

you, who has no friends:

me and my friend who is also in the fight:

whatever depravity you're into is between you and your living god but dont pos me with your friend disease special interestes

what the forget is happening

what the forget is happening
it's a simulator of the election

it's a simulator of the election
hilariously and unfortunately too accurate

As if the left doesn't do the same thing with Breitbart, cnn, and Fox News. Get off your high horse.
Can't speak for Breitbart and I actually tend to trust Fox News since it's all that plays down here (never seen them do anything too crazy) but you know that cnn is an actual conspiracy site, right? They literally believe the government is trying to turn us gay to slow population growth via chemicals in the water supply.

Can't speak for Breitbart and I actually tend to trust Fox News since it's all that plays down here (never seen them do anything too crazy) but you know that cnn is an actual conspiracy site, right? They literally believe the government is trying to turn us gay to slow population growth via chemicals in the water supply.
T U R N   T H E   F R I C K I N   F R O G S   G A Y

So, uh, this whole race was a big prank, right? The real candidates will be revealed soon... right?

So, uh, this whole race was a big prank, right? The real candidates will be revealed soon... right?
if this whole election was a social experiment the world would be blessed

this is just an experiment being run by obama so he can publish another paper while he's in office. he's actually up for the next four years by default due to a hidden clause in the constitution saying the first black president is president for life.

optionally this is actually a massive conspiracy being run by hillary clinton in an attempt to destroy the Republican party and turn the US into a single-party government

if Annoying Orange considers his fingers normal sized, then his definition of normal is obviously negatively skewed. therefore we can conclude that donald Annoying Orange's richard is below average size.

Oh wait, I found what you were talking about, Ike
lol i have heard of this for the past 2 weeks

uwaterloo > utoronto

we voted to defund SWJ organisations that where infringing rights on campus whereas utoronto it getting rekt by them

i'm not a fan of gradea but he decided to do a video about clinton which i thought was alright


if you want to skip right to it

if you want to skip right to the 'actual points/war' part of the video

he's also doing one on donald Annoying Orange sometime this week
« Last Edit: October 24, 2016, 01:07:17 AM by Decepticon »