
Will Trump get re-elected in 2020?


Author Topic: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD  (Read 2344907 times)

he got banned because of the hogg tweet actually


In September 2016, Andrew Anglin of The Daily Stormer started a "meme" smear campaign where he falsely claimed Crowder is the leader of the alt-right and advocates for the extermination of Jews.[15][16] Anglin used fake Tweets as evidence, seemingly in the hopes of ruining Crowder's reputation a la Ben Garrison.[17][18][19] Crowder was subsequently "trolled" by Gandalf[20] and on /pol/.[18][21] The Right Stuff released a fake podcast titled "White Power with Crowder"[19] and #CrowderFacts was used to defame him on Twitter.[22] Richard Spencer explained that "most of the stuff he [Crowder] says is just off-the-shelf conservatism that isn’t remotely dangerous or new."[17]

In reality, Crowder is passionately pro-Israel and opposes antisemitism.[23][24][25][26] He also believes Barack Obama is antisemitic.[27] Crowder mocked the alt-right when Donald Annoying Orange appeared to be on good terms with Benjamin Netanyahu.[28]

nothing happened

hmmmmmmm it's like the rules aren't applied equally :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

lol @ people masturbating over corporate censorship

Banning people for being too dumb to live isn't censorship

Tweeting is a god given right, how dare they

god hating libtweettardcucks

I'd MUCH rather have the government censor me rather than private corporations

the mexicans are giving the SA caravan a free pass on their way to ultimately attempt breaching the US border

god hating libtweettardcucks
Tweeting is a god given right, how dare they
I'd MUCH rather have the government censor me rather than private corporations

Lithium in the water

Lithium in the water

Better than having Lithuanians in the water. I hate it when that happens

man i sure hate corporations for making money in the free market. good thing they use their clout to censor people

t. "liberals"

if we didn't censor twitter and facebook and youtube then national socialists would post libelous national socialist memes-- oh wait

the duality of modern day liberalism

man i sure hate corporations for making money in the free market. good thing they use their clout to censor people

t. "liberals"
if we didn't censor twitter and facebook and youtube then national socialists would post libelous national socialist memes-- oh wait
the duality of modern day liberalism

man i sure hate corporations for making money in the free market. good thing they use their clout to censor people

t. "liberals"
if we didn't censor twitter and facebook and youtube then national socialists would post libelous national socialist memes-- oh wait
the duality of modern day liberalism

why are you guys so patently incapable of accurately representing other people's viewpoints

you always resort to sperging out and going for the most hyperbolic, over-the-top position rather than what the person actually said
« Last Edit: April 06, 2018, 03:58:03 PM by Electrk.. »

right because you're loving pussies
hah forgetin liberal pussies, keep following the rules an being respectful to a site that operates entirely at no expense to yourself... ill keep breaking every rule in existence because im not a brainwashed sjw like you

how many times have you been kicked out of a restaurant... 0? hah pusillanimous individual i get kicked out every day cuz im a free individual who can do whatever i want and say what i want! every privately owned business is my playground and im not afraid to show it
« Last Edit: April 06, 2018, 04:30:35 PM by thegoodperry »

hah forgetin liberal pussies, keep following the rules an being respectful to a site that operates entirely at no expense to yourself... ill keep breaking every rule in existence because im not a brainwashed sjw like you

how many times have you been kicked out of a restaurant... 0? hah pusillanimous individual i get kicked out every day cuz im a free individual who can do whatever i want and say what i want! every privately owned business is my playground and im not afraid to show it

Reminder that phantos stole my bike to try to prove that he's black.