
Well, what is it?

Use the unilove bathroom
21 (67.7%)
Use the bathroom of your opposite gender, knowing it may cause issues considering how you haven't fully transitioned yet and don't have the surgery needed to use this bathroom.
10 (32.3%)

Total Members Voted: 31

Author Topic: Target is getting boytcott for allowing transgenders in normal bathrooms.  (Read 24122 times)

Honestly I just want it to go back to how it's always been. You go into the bathroom you feel most comfortable in and nobody gives a stuff. There is literally no reason to have any regulation on this subject whatsoever.

Looks like they're going to have to loving get over it because nobody likes public bathrooms.

Why is it that trans people are made out to be these extremely vulnerable and sensitive flowers? Everyone I know that are trans are pretty normal people who don't have an emotional breakdown when the slightest hint of pressure is shown.
I'm not trying to make out trans people to be extremely vulnerable or sensitive.
But an ftm person is going to have a hell of a time trying to go into a woman's bathroom, because women tend to be uncomfortable with men being in their bathrooms.

And a mtf person might feel unsafe in a men's bathroom, in the same way that a cis woman might feel unsafe in a men's bathroom. They risk being loveually assaulted, harassed, or at least they risk some kind of verbal confrontation. Also if they explain they're trans that might prompt harassment or abuse.

Trans people should not have to face undue risk of loveual assault or being thrown out of the bathroom or being harassed simply for the fact that they're trans.

that's exactly why real woman use the womans restroom.

no man wants to forget a transmission.
well maybe but no one is gonna rape a trans person, especially if they look like you
Trans people are overwhelmingly victims of loveual assault.

forget that just replace the "men" and "women" to "rooster" and "pusillanimous individual"
I don't get why people like this definition so much. You're not supposed to see other people's genitals when you go to the bathroom. It doesn't really have any bearing on why you should be in there.

You also have a much higher risk of getting shot by a beach-bound skateboarding dog every time you go to the beach, but that doesn't mean it happens likely enough to require extensive legislative action or a complete societal overhaul

Either way, a public bathroom is completely safe for everyone so long as you aren't tripping over yourself in anxiety and fear every time you take a stuff
When you have to use the bathroom, you have to use the bathroom. If your only choice is a shady bathroom at like 10pm and you're a mtf trans woman, you want to be going into a bathroom where you minimize the risk of being assaulted or harassed.

There's a risk for you to crash and die horribly every time you set foot in a vehicle. You're not going to be raped in a public bathroom you delusional moron
Rape is only one possibility that one faces when they enter the wrong bathroom.

more like abuse to themselves because the victim complex of trans people leads to a huge Self Delete rate
It takes a hell of a person to twist the trans people Self Delete rate as their own fault. Good job.

tfw people think gender actually means something

biology > your feelings
that's how the world has worked forever, that's how it should work forever.
Appeal to tradition is not a valid argument.
Transgenderism is well supported by biology.

Good for them? As far as statistics are concerned those are wasted feelings
Cite these statistics blease

Honestly I just want it to go back to how it's always been. You go into the bathroom you feel most comfortable in and nobody gives a stuff. There is literally no reason to have any regulation on this subject whatsoever.
I completely agree

Preeeeetty sure that everyone's uncomfortable in the public bathroom and it's not a feeling specifically exclusive to trans folk
Everyone is uncomfortable. But going into the bathroom adds a different layer of possible badness.

ultimax coming in outta left field with his "you're wrong because I disagree" stuff that he always pulls
keep preaching to the choir dude because your odds of swaying anybody here is the odds of mr man getting raped in a bathroom

ultimax coming in outta left field with his "you're wrong because I disagree" stuff that he always pulls
keep preaching to the choir dude because your odds of swaying anybody here is the odds of mr man getting raped in a bathroom
I'm just debating dude. I took a jab at Akio but that's it.
I know I'm not going to immediately sway anyone probably but if I present legitimate, well sourced counter arguments I might make a dent.

edit: also I'm straight and cis

I'm not trying to make out trans people to be extremely vulnerable or sensitive.

You really are. You're making it out to be that this whole situation can only be solved by the most radical solutions rather than how things actually happen in real life

I don't know what forgetin bathrooms you people have been using but the world is really not as dangerous as you delusional sods are making it out to be

ultimax coming in outta left field with his "you're wrong because I disagree" stuff that he always pulls
keep preaching to the choir dude because your odds of swaying anybody here is the odds of mr man getting raped in a bathroom

Speaking  from personal cleaning experience women's bathrooms are way worse than you would imagine. I have legit PTSD

what ever happened to hygiene :(

when i was younger i used to go to the women's bathrooms because they were so much cleaner. wasn't weird because i was with my mom and i was like 5

I'm just debating dude. I took a jab at Akio but that's it.
it's okay, i forgive you. i am stuffting on all trans ppl so its reasonable for repercussions hehe xd
what ever happened to hygiene :(
i've only used an american public restroom a handful of times but i generally haven't had any major hygiene ptsd from anywhere besides sports stadiums.

what ever happened to hygiene :(

when i was younger i used to go to the women's bathrooms because they were so much cleaner. wasn't weird because i was with my mom and i was like 5
From my mom's experience as a custodian, girls tend to write stuff on the stalls rather than smear stuff on the walls, and the few times a girls bathroom does get unsanitary, it gets SUPER unsanitary.

From my mom's experience as a custodian, girls tend to write stuff on the stalls rather than smear stuff on the walls, and the few times a girls bathroom does get unsanitary, it gets SUPER unsanitary.
go big or go home

while im not worried about that we need a bathroom for all THESE types of genders:

Looking like straight up Naruto clan signs or some stuff damn bouy

You really are. You're making it out to be that this whole situation can only be solved by the most radical solutions rather than how things actually happen in real life

I don't know what forgetin bathrooms you people have been using but the world is really not as dangerous as you delusional sods are making it out to be
It's really not a radical solution like you're making it out to be
It's simply "Let people use the bathroom that corresponds to the gender they identify with".
Transgender people are such a small subset of the population that you will likely not see a trans person in a bathroom more than like twice in your life.

The RADICAL proposal is to be barring trans people from bathrooms that they'd be more comfortable in, for a reason with basis in fear and not statistics.

I'm not saying every trans person is going to get raped if they go into the wrong bathroom in the slightest. But they could be verbally harassed or someone might overreact (like imagine a trans dude having to use the women's bathroom and having a woman freak out) or they might get dragged into an explanation and explaining that they're trans puts them at risk for a different kind of verbal or physical abuse.

So what
He originally said that I was saying "You're no lgbt scum" to everyone I disagreed with or something like that. So I clarified that I'm not LGBT. But he's edited his post now.