Author Topic: Maxx: A Case Study on BLF's Worst User  (Read 45634 times)

Can't fully respond to what Maxx said cause I'm on mobile, but I'm pretty sure that isn't the same IP Database managed by Swollow. The IPs he sent over were recorded with time and BLID, gathered ingame.

Also, I thought you were done with the forums? I'd recommend getting an alt, Maxx. Kind of like how nobody cares that Pass was Boomerangdog, nobody will care if you refine yourself and it's revealed you were originally Maxx in a few years.

Kind of like how nobody cares that Pass was Boomerangdog
nah it's a big deal

Can't fully respond to what Maxx said cause I'm on mobile, but I'm pretty sure that isn't the same IP Database managed by Swollow. The IPs he sent over were recorded with time and BLID, gathered ingame.

Also, I thought you were done with the forums? I'd recommend getting an alt, Maxx. Kind of like how nobody cares that Pass was Boomerangdog, nobody will care if you refine yourself and it's revealed you were originally Maxx in a few years.
You have nothing to prove since there are hundreds of ips beginning with 73.74, and that could be any ip address.  I have not hosted in 2 months, and even then back then my ip was different.
You aren't credible if you aren't on point saying "this is the exact ip address, matches with this one and its loving him"
So nice try there buddy

This thread is teeming with "I'm gonna dismiss an argument cause maxx is a doodoo head ;-;"

This thread is teeming with "I'm gonna dismiss an argument cause maxx is a doodoo head ;-;"

basically what plad said, and when he actually had made some credible hard hitting points, it's kind of sad that people still won't look past their blind hatred, i'm just waiting for the multiple genocide crusades as well.

my service (that entails dozens of other people)

through harassment for that last year, yet you believe I am just as guilty because I called him out for it in a thread and hurt his little feelings? Are you for real?

Okay OP, you're a loving idiot. Maxx did not spam your cytube and you've had it out for him for this *year* for no loving reason.

Does anyone remember the user Courage who Badspot ended up banning because he saw he had the same IP as Muslim/Pandan?

Well let's take a look, seems like you're either "Muslim" or "Pandan", both of whom have been banned dozens of times (maybe they're the same person?).  Wow that sure makes you way better than this entire "generation" of forum users - A lot of the people here haven't even been banned once!  I would tell you not to come back, but I already told you that multiple times, so see you on your next account!

And then, later that day ended up unbanning him because he wasn't either of those people?

On further investigation he appears to be an alt of this kid;u=36112 who has not caused any problems that I'm aware of.  Looks like he just got dealt a bad hand by Sprint and ended up recycling an IP used by muslim on one account and pandan on another account.  I'll knock his ban down to temporary.

So, due to Courage's dynamic IP, he not only rolled the exact same IP address as a problem user, but two.

And yet, under the post i quoted in the Ipad thread, look who it is! Oh stuff, it's you Zealot.

Showing that Maxx and this mystery spammer had the same FIRST FEW NUMBERS at some seperate times proves nothing. Let me take that back. It proves you have no loving idea what you're talking about. It's completely and entirely possible that maxx rolled the same few numbers as this spammer, days after he posted in your cytube. Far less than your outrageous claim of "more than a coincidence."

Not only was it possible that Maxx could a rolled the same IP, but it's completely illogical that the first two digits of Maxx's real IP and the spammers hold any correlation. Like you just so happened to ignore my point in my previous post, Maxx not only has access to and knows how to use multiple VPNs, he's also incredibly paranoid. There's no way in hell Maxx would spam your cytube without doing it under a VPN. Not only that, but in the steam support thread that your cytube was spammed with furry research. Yet, in the OP you claim he's m-muh tribal towards furries. Why the forget would he look up furry research to spam your with in the first place? (This is also coming off that midwest furcon thread.)

Zealot, you've had it out for Maxx for the past year for no loving reason. When you make false accusations, Maxx, being himself, would obviously fire back. Even when he continued to deny, you persisted, just because some chuckleforget like Swollow swore to the lord UP ABOVE that it was him. Maxx has done nothing to you but fall for the stupid bait you've put out for him. You are the one at fault here, not him. You've instigated argument after argument over something imaginary. I don't know who spammed your cytube. But it DEFINITELY wasn't Maxx.

TL:DR Leave the kid alone, moron. He didn't do anything.

I find it odd that before maxx started posting everyone was against him, but now it seems that everyone is on his side now.

I find it odd that before maxx started posting everyone was against him, but now it seems that everyone is on his side now.

probably because people figured out what was actually going on after the lynch mob was over

this always happens with maxx

I find it odd that before maxx started posting everyone was against him, but now it seems that everyone is on his side now.
I think once some people started looking at my post and actually seeing the credible and valid evidence as to how easily Zealot was able to come up with assumptions and go "oh it's me" they started to realize that Zealot is in the wrong.

Hive mentality is always a strong factor on the blf, people will stick with the "correct" crowd for fear of getting retaliated against
In this case the hive was wrong, and wrongly accused maxx of something he most definitely did not do

Sadly with how stuff works around here I have a feeling a little down the line this will happen again to maxx, if he is on the BLF or not.

No, no. His old hosting IP matches up with the spammer's IP just one day after the event. Swollow's IP database registered him on 73.74---- on 6/18, and Cytube registered the spammer under 73.74---- on 6/17. This seems more than coincidental.

Dude connected with three other IPs in the image, though. 73.74.???? wasn't even a consistent IP, so there's reasonable cause to believe that it was a result of a VPN and not Maxx's IP address.

Maxx does indeed have a history. stuff, even you have a history for spamming and trolling. If it so happens that Maxx was indeed not the spammer, then giving him stuff for it is falling for the spammer's stupid bullstuff impersonation.

This might as well be considered my first and last post in this thread unless people have legitimate questions.
Another good example of the U in "BU-CUD!" Maxx first says he is leaving the forums, then he says he will not post beyond this in my thread. He almost immediately breaks both vows.

show you how loving easy it was for him to even make up the proof.
My proof wasn't fabricated, it was circumstantial. Since it is in-character with both Maxx's actions, it seems very likely it was him. Swollow can confirm the IP match.

-Why Zealot's claims make zero sense to anyone able to think around them
Think around my claims? That's a strange way to phrase it.

Okay, lets start simple. Yes, my IP is 73.74.42.XX HOWEVER, it is dynamically changing and changed again to that about a week ago,
Yea I know, you should maybe knock that off. It makes it really hard for people to tell when you are innocent. (yes, i know it is automatic)

which can't line up with Zealot's amazing timeframe of "June 17th/June 18th". Earlier on around when Zealot claims he was attacked in May or June, the IP that my ISP provided me with began with "200."[/b]
Swollow he will vouch for me as soon as I can get a hold of him (He's offline) that this is a lie. Her database stated that on the 18th of June, his IP began with 73.74.

Also, why do you think I would care enough to spam your server/cytube?
I don't know why ANYONE would care enough to spam my Cytube. But someone does, and I'm pretty sure it's you. Why would you care enough to spam people's inbox, Maxx?

I have been mapping since the first week of June because I was offered money by someone to make a custom map for them on a large scale.
Jesus, I hope that ends up well for them.

-There is no record of me hosting a server on the 18th of May or June on blockland (because your rat ass mixed up the dates), I haven't hosted a single loving server on blockland since April, Zealot could have just cherry picked the IP address that he claims is "me" and searched it through Swollow's site.
My "rat ass" didn't mix up any dates, those were produced by Swollow, who I believe was correct. I couldn't cherry pick an IP from Swollow's site log, because I don't think anyone used that log. I'm pretty sure thats a little experiment to record IPs that stop by his site, rather than a historical log of BL_IDs from the master server, which I believe is what he searched you with. You seem to have found something totally different on his site.

Disclaimer: I do not own so I cannot make any claims of it with 100% certainty.

-You have no record of any names of mine spamming the server with correlated IP's except for one occasion where someone was impersonating me on joe411's, yet you didn't have his IP either!
No, I don't have the IPs linked to Maxx and Maxxi because joe411 shut down the entire room. I state this in the OP. If you'd like, I could probably get him to re-mod me so I could go get them, if you insist. Not sure what it would prove though, since you've got a dynamic router.

I claim you spammed the Cytube because the user "Maxxi" or "Maxx" who spammed his room is very very likely the same user who proceeded to spam my new room. When the IP matched yours, I took that as the confirmation it was. I doubt there are multiple spammers collaborating under the name "CC", so I'm linking you to those users as well.

You base your claims that this was me spamming your cyt.ube solely because an IP on Swollow's website matched up with one of the IP's on your cyt.ube.
I'm not sure if Swollow's BL_ID IP database is hosted on his site or not, because I haven't used it. I didn't find a matching 73.74 on Swollow's site, Swollow found an ID you used to play Blockland that matched 73.74, only 1 day after our stream. This would be an insane coincidence if it wasn't you.

As a matter of fact, lets go pull a special snowflake IP off of Swollow's website right now from your little list you have there pal.
Uh? I don't have a list. I've never even seen that list before. How is this a matter of fact? It seems like a hypothesis.



Here are them both combined incase you can't see.

So I mean obviously this guy promlghax has the same 4 digits beginning with his IP at the beginning, so he's the actual culprit right? I guess so considering thats all you base your loving claim off of.
Ok Maxx, congratulations. You found a list of numbers from random users and found that 2 have matching IPs. This is far far more likely than a user pretending to be Maxx having a matching IP with the real Maxx a day later when he decided to play Blockland.

Your claims are so thinly tethered together that the only reason you have for dramaing me about your cyt.ube is because 4 numbers matched up with someone on Swollow's website and you are accusing me based upon assumption.
No, you think my claims are thinly tethered together began you didn't understand the claims in the first place. This deserves another Unintelligence point on the 5 Factors of Maxx listing.

-Anyone could have easily done this using TOR, plot yourself on some state or some stuff, and go under the radar.
Okay Maxx, this claim is ridiculous. Nobody is building a custom IP adress through Tor (which last I checked wasn't a feature) that perfectly matches yours so that they can spam a chatroom with your IP address and get you drama'd after you deny it in a month's time.

But you know what's so cool about it? I know the IPs in my log are all yours, because they all are all coming out of the same Midwestern City. I think this impersonator must have a dox on you too Maxx, because that's a crazy coincidence.

My name that OP is so desperate to not provide was not registered,
No, it wasn't. Why would you register an account that's just going to get banned once you start spamming?

and there is no actual reference in the cyt.ube thread of someone complaining about me anywhere around the time this happened,
Nobody calls you out by name, because nobody knew it was you because you weren't using the name Maxx. When you did use the name Maxx and Maxxi, originally, people did call you out for it, as seen in joe411's original thread.

and the name that you claim was used was never registered until today.
Yes, because you were using the Guest Login feature. This is irrelevant.

Which is why that name was so easy to use for someone to impersonate because cyt.ube doesn't care about Guest Logins.
Nobody could have been impersonating since the old room died, Maxx, because the the spammer didn't go under the name "Maxx", they went under various other titles.

(Which at the time of Zealot pissing his panties my name was never registered because I never loving used cyt.ube)
What? Please rephrase with better grammar.

Look how easy it is to impersonate an unregistered name on!!!

Except you didn't really impersonate me. My name is actually registered, as McZealot. I've never gone by Mc_Zealot, but that's not really the issue here. The main reason that obviously isn't me is that I don't have a history of spamming Cytube and Discord rooms, and the IP does not match my own.

-The loving "database" that OP is talking about is on Swollow's website that logs your IP address once you click on it. I haven't hosted a blockland server in months, and the only times I played were either Single Player or someone elses server.
This is just some website you found, Maxx. I don't know why you think it was my resource.

Woah guys. There's a website named "". It sells furniture, and has the word "Maxx" in it. Maxx makes a living as a furniture salesman!

-There are hundreds  ofpeople with a IP address beginning with "73.74" OP is grasping at straws because I was the first one he could find. He is basing his discovery off of 4 numbers that matched up.
Yes Maxx, but how many people with that IP play Blockland, like to impersonate Maxx, and have a history of spamming online chatrooms?

Here is what I was trying to prove so it makes a little more sense:
IP's in the OP that Zealot thinks are me can easily be grabbed from anywhere, there are hundreds of ip's that start with 73.74.
I simulated a scenario where I linked up two IP addresses that could have been someone else also spamming the, because Zealot has no proof of me actually having my name under the IP that he listed because he just tried to match two IP's up that looked similar.
Anyone can loving do this and its so easy to frame someone you just type in their name and act like them and you're gold. It has happened before to me years ago when someone used my name to blast the server list.
I would never care enough or even want to or even THINK ABOUT going onto Zealot's cyt.ube and spamming it, there are way too many plot holes here and the IP's he got from the site itself aren't even exact and don't determine that its EXACTLY me doing it.
Some of the big points Zealot explains (such as me hosting blockland servers and him seeing my name spamming) have no proof provided, My name could have been used since it was never registered with cyt.ube and I haven't hosted a blockland server for months.

Since Maxx basically recapped his points here, I'm gonna do a quick recap of why they are wrong.

Maxx believes I found a random IP that matched the spammer in the Cytube room, but that isn't the case. I found an IP he used to play Blockland the very next day after the spammer which matched the spammer's IP. He says that anyone could be using a VPN to fake his IP, but that isn't really how those work, and since he has a history of spamming, it's a bit of a boy-who-cried-wolf scenario. Also, we know they are the same person because they are all from the same Midwestern City.

Call me whatever, Zealot, but you're a complete all out handicap.
I don't even think you're a complete all out handicap. Just not very smart and too aggressive.

Most of the claims in this topic of me "lying" and "losing grammar ability" and  were simply filler because you had nothing to do so you tossed out accusations with guaranteed responses and it would make you look less bulky and tough on the internet if you didn't have a few quotes from December of 2014 or January of 2015.
Filler would be if I used quotes from when you were 12. Rather, I used quotes literally from the two topics where I had confronted you on a false claim. Those are the most applicable quotes in the world from my perspective.

I'll definitely be less active on this forum but I never did anything malicious of the sorts.
Maybe just post in Creativity? I don't really go there. /s

Me being mislead to believe that Carbon Zypher had input a RAT in his ARG was solely based off the reaction Badspot made to keep people safe during the event.
Yes, and then like a perfect sheep, you denied all evidence to the contrary.

Me and Carbon sorted this out a long time ago yet you still use it in your thread because you need filler to look good.
As I said, I was only using examples of my personal experiences with you.

I wasn't thinking right and I do admit that I forgeted up and I shouldn't have said something so edgy and horrible.
Please do this more often. It's my favorite thing you do.

I simply don't give a single forget about you.
So stop posting here and stop spamming the Cytube.

Go ahead and laugh at me because I said I was leaving the forum in blockland and I came back for one last post to atleast think for my side.
I thought you were going to stay, but be less active?
I'll definitely be less active on this forum but I never did anything malicious of the sorts.

And I completely understand Zealot, you wanted to have something to rub your pocket-sized peter to, (as you say it really felt good down there when you typed up some convincing text for the intronets!)
Okay, even Annoying Orange admits that accusing someone of having a small snake over an argument is pretty dumb.

I didn't do anything to Zealot's cyt.ube, I haven't spammed Kenko's discord, and Zealot is scraping the last loving millimeters of stuff off the barrel.
There was literally an exact IP match with your ingame BL_ID after someone who had used the username "Maxx" spammed the Cytube. That doesn't seem like scraping the barrel.

TLDR; Arguing with Maxx is like trying to play chess with a chicken, it doesn't really work--and it's not because you're a bad player.

Maxx does indeed have a history. stuff, even you have a history for spamming and trolling.
It's not even trolling, it's straight up harassment. Imagine if someone DDOS'd your server every time you hosted for a year.

If it so happens that Maxx was indeed not the spammer, then giving him stuff for it is falling for the spammer's stupid bullstuff impersonation.
I do have a small worry deep down that perhaps Maxx did win the stuff lottery and the real spammer is monologuing to himself with an evil laugh while everyone accuses Maxx.