Author Topic: Maxx: A Case Study on BLF's Worst User  (Read 45587 times)

This is the story of my struggle against a user who has harassed me for the last 11 months.

I'd like to compare Maxx to Riddler. But even Riddler cared about Germany.

You sure are taking a load of time to make that thread.
Mind getting it over with?

My prominent issue with this user began exactly 11 months and 0 days ago, when joe411 began the first BLF Movie Night thread. However, the true rabbit hole that is Maxx's psyche goes far deeper than this.

hes a gay dumb furry and he should probably stahp existing

First, I'd like to establish a few facts about him, and why they embody what I have deemed the 5 Factors of Maxx. Unintelligence, Depravity, Cruelty, Bigotry, and Untrustworthiness, or "BU-CUD!", all from my personal experiences with him.

Now that we've established his character for the uninitiated, we may feast upon the true meat in this drama.

i hate furries and have for years, while that sounds edgy i just do not like them and i wouldn't do any activities related to them whatsoever

A user named "Maxx" and later "Maxxi" began spamming Joe411's original Cytube Movie Night, making the chat unusable until he was widely blocked--which is when he would come back on another IP. I can't promise this user is Maxx, because the room no longer exists and I can't get the IP logs. However, it seems extremely likely--it's very in character for him, and I don't know why he would try to anonymize himself at first.

Well, this continued into the new room, in the same style with the same emotes. You might say "A little spam isn't that bad, right?" but it can shut down the entire focus of the Movie Night, as I explain here:

It's really upsetting for someone like Maxx to ruin something that had to be planned, prepared, and with dozens of people getting organized together to do. Just because someone wants to shut down our fun.

The whole point of BLF Movie Night is that the chat comments on a movie in a funny way, like MST3K. Some of the emotes are really big, and that's part of the joke. Like one takes up the entire bottom part of the page, saying "FIGHT!" with a mortal combat image. Unfortunately if you want to write that, it's just :fight:, so you can write it dozens and dozens of times before you get cut off. There isn't much of a spam filter, because that could cut off the flow of the humor, and also we have organized spam-moments (like RIP when a major character dies).

So if I don't pay perfect attention, some handicap comes in there and writes :fight: 50 times per line, and then spams that line once every few seconds. Since it already takes up a ton of the page, it'll explode and make the entire chat unusable, effectively killing the entire point of the social gathering. Shutting down everyone's fun.

It ruins the night for everyone if unchecked, and as a result I must act as (or recruit) a hyper-vigilant moderator when I'd rather be watching the movie. The names soon changed to other things, like "CC" or "PROMLGHACKS", and since Maxx appears to have a dyamic-IP router, it would seem impossible to tell which are him and which aren't. Cytube will show you the first half of a user's IP, but that is all I will need to identify Maxx. He doesn't appear to be very active in-game, so it's hard to pin down when exactly he joins the room, but I did manage on one occasion.

Sadly, I cleared the ban list just 4 or 5 months ago. Since we only host 1 or maybe 2 shows a month, someone's been arriving at almost all of them. Most recently, on 5/17, we had an apocalypse night. The spammer joined once again, under the name "CC", and a censored IP of 73.74----. I assumed it was Maxx. When I called him out for this, and he denied having any part, I asked if Swollow could do me a favor and use his IP database to identify Maxx's IP on the days he spammed. Swollow didn't have a lot of IPs on Maxx, but one did match perfectly. On 5/18, he hosted under the IP 73.74.SNIP. I've manually censored his information, obviously, to be polite. This IP is a perfect match for CC's second ban, shown above, when he attempted to spam during Apocalypse Night. Now, since it was partially obscured, that does mean it could be bad luck, and the first 4 characters are the same. However, that seems extremely unlikely, especially since he spammed 11 months ago and has been drama'd multiple times for spamming ingame and on the forums. Also, if IPs are random (Which I don't know if they are) it would be a 1 in 10,000 chance coincidence. So buy a lottery ticket, Maxx.

Because either you've been full of stuff all this year, or you've won the stuff powerball.

once again i accidentally turn the topic on myself for expressing my own opinions.
whatever then.

Swollow will confirm the above correlation, as I don't have access to the database to screenshot. You might argue that this is just evidence of one spam-attempt, however we can reasonably deduce that this CC was the same CC banned on at least 2 other occasions, which brings it to 3. We can also assume CC is short for CaptchaCatcher, who spammed on at least 2 occasions. This moves it to at least 5 spam attempts in the last 6 months. I can't link the other user, promlghax, with any IP evidence, but it seems very likely it is him as well. This would move it to 7 attempts in the last few months if true, but we'll just stay with 5-7 because I might be wrong on this last part.

Captcha Catcher is apparently a user who left more than 6 months ago, but I have a sneaking suspicion Max is impersonating him. Why? CC has never posted in a BLF Movie Night Topic, and Maxx's spamming raids began in the old room before CC was even registered, and a user by his name has continued to spam us until this day, far after he left. It would be REALLY weird if he came back to the forums, just to spam my Cytube room. If anyone knows CC and could testify to his behavior, that'd be great. If he could post and either admit to spamming or deny it completely that might also be relevant.

loving finally that hes banned
hes annoying with his homophobic stuff

Maxx has also been known to spam and cause trouble in the Blockland Discord group, which I believe Clownfish will be willing to attest to. Discord has an extremely similar format, and it only continues to example his behavior.

The following users should be able to vouch for my claims here:
Conan ~ (Cytube Moderator, Witness)
Swollow ~ (IP collector)
Clownfish ~ (Discord Moderator)
And countless witnesses from the Cytube and Discord rooms.

I hate Maxx with a passion, and for good reason. However, this drama wasn't made purely to berate him, or start a witchhunt. It was made for an even more selfish reason--my own satisfaction. I didn't plan on making it until last night, when Maxx adamantly denied anything to do with the Cytube spam. When I told him I had evidence, he denied it further. So I put this together to show him that I know it's him, and now so does everyone else. It's almost like we're gonna have to take some responsibility for our actions one day.

I don't expect this to change anything, so let's not act like it will. It just felt so good to type this all out.

holy stuff i didn't not know that maxx was this bad
i've attempted to support him multiple times in the past because I thought it was just cool to hate on him but apparently it was for a good reason
im not going to continue

I've witnessed the dude's frequent spam attempts on Cytube and it's infuriating

mod on the Cytube, Zealot can confirm

We should be a little nicer to him because I feel like we made him the way he is. Though I don't know Maxx very well so i could be wrong.

Not trying to justify his actions or anything... What he did wasn't very nice at all.  :panda:

he's a total stuffter lmao.
i only ever spoke to him once and that was advising him to talk to my friend if he wanted to learn about competitive mapping. (lead Tf2 classic mapper, worked on Valve officials). he called me an starfish in here when i was assuming his map was for competitive play because thats all we ever spoke about. when he told me it wasnt for comp i just asked to myself why speak to me in general if its not about that - its not like we were friends or ever else spoke

Yeah, he is pretty bad but I do kind of feel bad for people when they forget up some times on here. But this has happened way too much so /support.

maxx was an ass on the discord and he's an ass on the forums


I personally don't like talking bad about people but god damn Maxx has really proven himself to be a stuffty person to be around and this topic really hits the nail on the head, thank you for making this, the attention to this issue is well deserved.

ade purely to berate him, or start a witchhunt. It was made for an even more selfish reason--my own satisfaction.

maxx is purely an starfish and whenever I have a argument with him he will always irrelevantly bring up my sister because he has nothing else to say. the funny thing is he calls us starfishs when we bring up his bag loving

maxx is a hypocritical scum of the earth. anyone who says "your just joining in on the bandwagon" needs to take a step back and look how handicapped he is now and then.

Maxx is a cunt everywhere he goes and should not be given more chances at this point

definitely support everybody else saying that maxx is an starfish and a cunt because he is. he's deceptive because he makes some bullstuff apology and goes right back to his old ways. idk why he isn't even ban on sight yet since nobody here really likes him at all or has the slightest respect for him in the least.

he hurts me on an emotional level

he removed me as a friend on steam :^(