Author Topic: Maxx: A Case Study on BLF's Worst User  (Read 45642 times)

It would be excessive if you wanted him to stay/
Uh? What?

Maxx is still an annoying stuff, but you really didn't get watertight evidence against him on this issue.

There's far too much room for coincidence, plus given the amount of turds in this community who are happy to abuse anonymity, it's just as probable that it's someone else.

He came back to reply to you because if he didn't he would have been witch hunted and called a prick forever.

Its not a lack of willpower its called dignity, something I think you traded for thick headed ego.

I wrestled with this before posting the drama. Trolls just want attention, so don't drama them.

But Maxx was supposedly doing this anonymously, which shows a deeper level of malice or hatred.
Because it would be totally excessive?

Your proof he did anything is four numbers and anonymous names.

Uh? What?
Are you talking about the "stay/" or my general question

Zealot is playing the high ground here so much; it feels like something's up. I can't form an opinion yet because I don't see a solid polemic that leads me to draw a conclusion. Hope that everything resolves itself, I don't WANT Maxx to be guilty here, but I'm not certain that he isn't.

I don't want Maxx to leave the forum. That wasn't the point of the drama.

Oh I agree that it wasn't the point, the point was to incite a peanut gallery against somebody who's popular to hate because you're upset that somebody spammed your cytube and you had to save face after derailing your thread to yell at the kid who tried to give you honest advice

Okay dude, sorry for not breaking down your entire rant. It took long enough to respond to Maxx and I didn't really want to do it twice. Maybe I'll get to it later.

Sorry for not sucking your e-peen.

He came back to reply to you because if he didn't he would have been witch hunted and called a prick forever.
No, dude I literally said this wasn't the case exactly in the post you responded to lol

He responded to me, then said "I won't respond to anything else!" then as soon as some users posted after him he began responding to them. If I accused him of being a creep or something and he broke his vow (which he shouldn't make to begin with) and he came back, that'd be totally okay. But he broke so fast.

Are you talking about the "stay/" or my general question
No, sorry lol, I just didn't really understand the post about staying being excessive. That seems like the totally normal thing to do.

Oh I agree that it wasn't the point, the point was to incite a peanut gallery against somebody who's popular to hate because you're upset that somebody spammed your cytube and you had to save face after derailing your thread to yell at the kid who tried to give you honest advice
Pretty true, but this is generally a force behind all drama topics.

Sorry for not sucking your e-peen.

In other news, I now have "starfish image" in my BLF search history.

Maxx is still an annoying stuff, but you really didn't get watertight evidence against him on this issue.

There's far too much room for coincidence, plus given the amount of turds in this community who are happy to abuse anonymity, it's just as probable that it's someone else.
You're perfectly right here, the non-hunch evidence is just a matching (obscured) IP address. I don't think this case would go down if Greek2Me's IP matched, but since the spammer had claimed to be Maxx, a user with a history of spamming, and it was his IP matching, I think he definitely looks like the most likely culprit. Maybe I'm too quick to blame, after being extremely frustrated with the Cytube spam.

In other news, I now have "starfish image" in my BLF search history.
I'm sure that one specific image is obviously the indicator.

You're perfectly right here, the non-hunch evidence is just a matching (obscured) IP address.
No, that's still on a hunch that the rest of the digits match. Read. My. Post. On. Page. 7.

Here we go.

"Another good example of the U in "BU-CUD!" Maxx first says he is leaving the forums, then he says he will not post beyond this in my thread. He almost immediately breaks both vows."

This doesn't matter.

"My proof wasn't fabricated, it was circumstantial. Since it is in-character with both Maxx's actions, it seems very likely it was him. Swollow can confirm the IP match."

How can you confirm my exact IP? Cyt.ube has no way of seeing this, and it's entirely and fully possible that it isn't me, and I know it isn't me because you want to know why?
Because I didn't do it you idiot.

 See: C's post about how easy it would be for someone to have the similar IP as me.

"Think around my claims? That's a strange way to phrase it."

Anyone who isn't blind to believe your handicapped bullstuff is able to think logically and can see both sides while your claim is so biased. and thinks for both sides and actually gives insight on what happens instead of seeing "Maxx did

this!!! (shows 4 digits of an ip that was never confirmed to be maxx)" and just assumes instantly based on what you've said.

"Yea I know, you should maybe knock that off. It makes it really hard for people to tell when you are innocent."

I am 13 years old, and the farthest I can get with my router is probably setting up permissions and settings on it, Xfinity/Comcast are the only ones who control how your IP functions and if it changes, and its pretty hard to get far

when you are a child.

"Swollow he will vouch for me as soon as I can get a hold of him (He's offline) that this is a lie. Her database stated that on the 18th of June, his IP began with 73.74."

Maybe my memory is hazy? I've been mapping since the first week of June and nothing else, so I lost track of time. the only time I ever hosted this year was in loving April. Pretty sure your admins would also vouch for you as soon as they saw the thread.

"I don't know why ANYONE would care enough to spam my Cytube. But someone does, and I'm pretty sure it's you. Why would you care enough to spam people's inbox, Maxx?"

It's already been established that I don't care about your Cytube and I wouldn't care to spam it, and you pulling up a post from 2013 that has no relevance, and has been a LONG time since then, just points me to disregard this part

because of how idiotic you're being.

"My "rat ass" didn't mix up any dates, those were produced by Swollow, who I believe was correct. I couldn't cherry pick an IP from Swollow's site log, because I don't think anyone used that log. I'm pretty sure thats a little experiment

to record IPs that stop by his site, rather than a historical log of BL_IDs from the master server, which I believe is what he searched you with. You seem to have found something totally different on his site.

Disclaimer: I do not own so I cannot make any claims of it with 100% certainty."

Hey maybe this is food for thought, you should actually respond and look at Cret's post because what he said there can also apply in the same loving situation because I haven't done anything to your little Cytube.

"No, I don't have the IPs linked to Maxx and Maxxi because joe411 shut down the entire room. I state this in the OP. If you'd like, I could probably get him to re-mod me so I could go get them, if you insist. Not sure what it would prove

though, since you've got a dynamic router.

I claim you spammed the Cytube because the user "Maxxi" or "Maxx" who spammed his room is very very likely the same user who proceeded to spam my new room. When the IP matched yours, I took that as the confirmation it was. I doubt there

are multiple spammers collaborating under the name "CC", so I'm linking you to those users as well."

It wouldn't prove anything because I haven't done anything on his Cytube.

You're linking me to those users because one of them has an IP starting with the same 4 digits as my current IP address, which as said before could also just be a mixup but you instead choose to disregard that and go wailing on me

because theres nothing else you could think about. Unless you have an exact IP matching the same one in the Cytube then you can't claim it's me, since it isn't.

"I'm not sure if Swollow's BL_ID IP database is hosted on his site or not, because I haven't used it. I didn't find a matching 73.74 on Swollow's site, Swollow found an ID you used to play Blockland that matched 73.74, only 1 day after

our stream. This would be an insane coincidence if it wasn't you."

The insane coincidence is the reality, my friend. Sorry to crush your boner.

"Uh? I don't have a list. I've never even seen that list before. How is this a matter of fact? It seems like a hypothesis."

So Swollow pulled a database out of his/her ass? Or are you just fumbling your words? Dunno, I'm confused on that piece of the post.

"Ok Maxx, congratulations. You found a list of numbers from random users and found that 2 have matching IPs. This is far far more likely than a user pretending to be Maxx having a matching IP with the real Maxx a day later when he

decided to play Blockland."

Because it can explain the same exact idea behind what Swollow did, he saw an IP that matched me, and you think it's me on the list because of the first 4 digits.

"No, you think my claims are thinly tethered together began you didn't understand the claims in the first place. This deserves another Unintelligence point on the 5 Factors of Maxx listing.

Unintelligence ~ He unintentionally built the straw-man argument of the century."

Unrelated, and deserves no response because of how handicapped this is just to add more flavor and filler to the thread, pulling more old posts from my older accounts.

"No, it wasn't. Why would you register an account that's just going to get banned once you start spamming?"

I registered after this thread to set an example about how easy it could be faked that I could be impersonated, I setup a room and a fake user (Mc_Zealot), to show how easy it is to impersonate someone. As demonstrated in the images.

"Nobody calls you out by name, because nobody knew it was you because you weren't using the name Maxx. When you did use the name Maxx and Maxxi, originally, people did call you out for it, as seen in joe411's original thread."

But I didn't do anything in Joe411's thread, nor did I do anything in his Cytube. I had no loving clue that his cytube existed.

"Yes, because you were using the Guest Login feature. This is irrelevant."

If I were to use cytube I would register, but I didn't, so it gave someone an open outlet to impersonate me. Which is what happened. Wow loving crazy right?

"Nobody could have been impersonating since the old room died, Maxx, because the the spammer didn't go under the name "Maxx", they went under various other titles."

So just because my IP matches up with this person who was spamming your room it's instantly me? Did you even read the loving list that I posted that shows the possibilities of hundreds of other IP's beginning with the exact same 4 digits?

"Except you didn't really impersonate me. My name is actually registered, as McZealot. I've never gone by Mc_Zealot, but that's not really the issue here. The main reason that obviously isn't me is that I don't have a history of spamming

Cytube and Discord rooms, and the IP does not match my own."

Exactly, because you had a registered account, I had no account at the time this happened, because I never used cytube. Someone came on Joe411's, using my name. And I'm without a doubt that you're just grasping for straws after that happened because the first four digits of my IP match up with the spammers, unless you have the full spammer IP you have no idea it was me. I was setting an example as to how unregistered users can have their names taken and impersonated.

"This is just some website you found, Maxx. I don't know why you think it was my resource."

I have never heard of this secret "BL-ID Swollow Undercover IP Tracker List" until today, so it was my initial thought since it had a set of IP's on there, that loving log you as soon as you were to click on it.

"Woah guys. There's a website named "". It sells furniture, and has the word "Maxx" in it. Maxx makes a living as a furniture salesman!"

Unrelated, you're being handicapped again.

"Since Maxx basically recapped his points here, I'm gonna do a quick recap of why they are wrong.

Maxx believes I found a random IP that matched the spammer in the Cytube room, but that isn't the case. I found an IP he used to play Blockland the very next day after the spammer which matched the spammer's IP. He says that anyone could

be using a VPN to fake his IP, but that isn't really how those work, and since he has a history of spamming, it's a bit of a boy-who-cried-wolf scenario. Also, we know they are the same person because they are all from the same

Midwestern City."

Nowhere on cytube points that this IP is from a midwestern city, and you found the IP? Thought swollow did it for you.
It's also an extremely possible scenario that the spammer (as has been said before numerous times) had an IP close to mine.

"Filler would be if I used quotes from when you were 12. Rather, I used quotes literally from the two topics where I had confronted you on a false claim. Those are the most applicable quotes in the world from my perspective."

Yet this is exactly what you did? You used topics that were from years ago and quotes that were from when I was 12, to say "this is my behavior" by pointing at something so old that I did that was already resolved, some people might not even remember it.

"Yes, and then like a perfect sheep, you denied all evidence to the contrary."

Because the evidence you provided is bullstuff and is mere numbers that line up a certain way, that anyone could have an IP similar.

"There was literally an exact IP match with your ingame BL_ID after someone who had used the username "Maxx" spammed the Cytube. That doesn't seem like scraping the barrel.

TLDR; Arguing with Maxx is like trying to play chess with a chicken, it doesn't really work--and it's not because you're a bad player."

">>Exact = 4 digits in the IP address are also in the same IP address that I have so its obviously me even though its not exactly the same because we have no idea what the forget the rest of the numbers are so we're going to assume this" - Zealot

Man, this would be hilarious. I've got a mic, I'm totally up for it. Someone do a BLF DramaAlert show.

But guys, do give Maxx a little more credit. He did put effort into an argument (that was totally wrong but w/e) and a few users dismissed him with stuff like "lol" and "okay maxx sure".

This is why I hate you, you have an ego bigger than the sun's mass and you act like you're right, people know you're wrong though. You simply recycled points that you've already made after I said a few things:
1. It's very easy to mix up IP addresses as has already been presented in this thread by Cret, yet you still haven't responded to it acting like it isn't there. You instead go and assume that because I'm me, it's somehow me because 4 numbers matched.
2. It's very easy on Cytube to impersonate someone and say whatever you want if you are not registered, I have provided an example for this already.
3. You have no concrete evidence immediately pointing that this is me, you have 4 numbers that match and a BLID log.

You're perfectly right here, the non-hunch evidence is just a matching (obscured) IP address. I don't think this case would go down if Greek2Me's IP matched, but since the spammer had claimed to be Maxx, a user with a history of

and it was his IP matching, I think he definitely looks like the most likely culprit. Maybe I'm too quick to blame, after being extremely frustrated with the Cytube spam.

You're changing the story, this was never mentioned in the OP and even if it was the impersonator could have also still pulled this.

You surely are also really quick on blaming me, because I haven't done anything to your loving Cytube and whoever did wasn't me.

No, dude I literally said this wasn't the case exactly in the post you responded to lol

He responded to me, then said "I won't respond to anything else!" then as soon as some users posted after him he began responding to them. If I accused him of being a creep or something and he broke his vow (which he shouldn't make to

begin with) and he came back, that'd be totally okay. But he broke so fast.
Re-read the post, I clearly say "I am not responding unless people have legitimate questions". I'm still going to go against you but I'm not going to reply to the garbage spewing out of other people's mouths if all they have to say is stupid stuff.

Now THIS is a quality drama thread.

Annoying Orange could use that wall

Maxx, a user with a history of spamming

If somebody joined a cytube I owned under the name McZealot and started spamming, would it be reasonable to believe it was you because you have a history of spamming? Because both you and Maxx have a history of spamming.