Author Topic: Maxx: A Case Study on BLF's Worst User  (Read 45372 times)

I mean, what's more likely here?

- A repeatedly proven problem user with a serious lack of maturity was engaging in malicious behavior for the bants

- Someone who just happens to also be using the name Maxx, who just happens to have the same 4 first digits in his IP, who just happens to play the same game, who just happens to use the same forum, who just happened to find the same cytube, who just happens to be targeting a huge loving problem user who's done malicious stuff in the past, is impersonating Maxx. For no reason at all.

Compared to the amount of all IPv4 addresses out there, this is a very small sample.
Huh, definitely got a point here; this is definitely a small number.  Sorry for not checking this earlier. 

I'm still not really convinced Maxx did this though?

still possible that someone could have the ip that starts with 73.74 or have used a vpn or some stuff, you still dont have exact on point proof that matches my ip with that one exactly to the last digit
do you think anybody on this forum would continuously use a vpn on and off for months just to frame you? is there any one person who could have that big of a vendetta/grudge to want to do that

is there any one person who could have that big of a vendetta/grudge to want to do that
yes. but not against maxx lol

do you think anybody on this forum would continuously use a vpn on and off for months just to frame you? is there any one person who could have that big of a vendetta/grudge to want to do that

Nobody is going to go through this effort to further tarnish the reputation of a kid who's already been permanently banned on 5 accounts lmfao.

I think at this point we can just loving rule out the conspiracy-tier minority report and come to the conclusion that Maxx is responsible.

- Someone who just happens to also be using the name Maxx, who just happens to have the same 4 first digits in his IP, who just happens to play the same game, who just happens to use the same forum, who just happened to find the same cytube, who just happens to be targeting a huge loving problem user who's done malicious stuff in the past, is impersonating Maxx. For no reason at all.
1. could be framing him. I mean, if he is a known problem user, who says he couldnt have just used a vpn and used his name to blame him.
2. a lot of people use this forum.
3. mczealot doesnt exactly keep his cytube a secret
4. refer to number one
5. how do you know its not for no reason? the person spamming could have some unsaid vendetta against maxx
Nobody is going to go through this effort to further tarnish the reputation of a kid who's already been permanently banned on 5 accounts lmfao.

I think at this point we can just loving rule out the conspiracy-tier minority report and come to the conclusion that Maxx is responsible.
how can you say this with a certain?

okay maxx, yes i know it isnt 100% proof that you did it. it just means it's extremely likely that you did. i am not attempting to convict you of a crime here.
i have increasingly difficult passwords for different levels of security, needless to say cytube is on the lower end of it

but i'm curious, for real, what do you think the percent of someone having a 73.74 ip address is?
in the world. but how many on the blf? because the spammer has to be either a poster or a lurker
honestly it could have even been a guy that just saw the thread and logged on to the cytube and started loving with you, anyone could have gone onto the cytube with that ip address
or a lurker

"i am not attempting to convict you of a crime here."
yea exactly you aren't attempting
you are doing said thing
you are trying to say that i did this and the spammer who waltzed into your cytube and started loving with you is me, yet it isn't

you have no proof that this is exactly me and its just similarities and coincidences

you linked people with different names like captchacatcher to me because they spammed your cytube and the ip's were similar because of 4 starting digits

i'm so tired, i just want this to be over
i haven't done anything wrong

can you say this with a certain?
okay no we can't and if it was someone like greek2me i think most of the forums would come to the unlikely percentage conclusion. but you can say "how are 100 PERCENT SURE" to literally everything? How do you know I'm not a secret Maxx alt? Maybe Maxx hacked me before the drama went up and the real Zealot is desperately trying to recover his account right now

Another fact about IPv4 Addresses.

There's an organisation called the "Internet Assigned Numbers Authority" (IANA) whose job it is to split up the IP addresses and hand them out to 5 regions in the world; these IP addresses are then split further into "blocks" which are distributed between the major ISPs, as well as businesses, universities, Government agencies and so on.

This means that each ISP has a limited range of IPs that they can assign.

This list does not say who owns each block, but it should at least let you see that all of those blocks are split up between every ISP in America.

okay no we can't and if it was someone like greek2me i think most of the forums would come to the unlikely percentage conclusion. but you can say "how are 100 PERCENT SURE" to literally everything? How do you know I'm not a secret Maxx alt? Maybe Maxx hacked me before the drama went up and the real Zealot is desperately trying to recover his account right now
because we have proof that greek2me wouldn't spam a chatroom, or that you're a secret maxx alt, these things are known.

they aren't impossible though--which is about the same liklihood the dude just happened to get a maxx ip.

i won't share where maxx lives but it's not exactly a small town. it is possible someone who randomizes their ip through a vpn got one hosted in that city, let's not act like it's impossible here.

i mean now that i'm less angry, i'm honestly feeling a little sympathetic. like i can't even imagine how much it would suck if a coincidence this unlikely landed the blame on me. coincidences on this level *do* happen

But guys, I think we can dig a little deeper into this. If I get some of the spammers other IPs, could McJob partially geolocate them, as he said that IPs are assigned by region? If they were all in the same place it would probably be maxx, but if they are moving all over it might be a VPN

Its not 100 percent proof but I'd say its beyond a reasonable doubt.

forget "with a certain". We are well within any reasonable boundary of doubt. This type of criminal cyber-master-mind garbage you're appealing to only happens in movies. If someone wanted to go through this amount of effort to frame Maxx, they'd DDoS the master server, they wouldn't spam a cytube. As far as I'm concerned this stuff is the wages of years of stuffty behavior.

This kid has had his chance. Like 6 chances. You're defending someone who has a history of self destructive behavior on the premise that there's a <1% (arbitrary number I get it) chance that he's not the bad guy for once during his BLF career.

i'm so tired, i just want this to be over
i haven't done anything wrong

guys please i dindu nuffin :'(

i mean, it's also possible he did spam once, and not the other two dozen or whatever times. i only matched one IP.

yo i just woke up and have been reading this and did anyone else not know maxx was 13 y/o?
i thought this dude was well out of his puberty??
sorry but i can not hold a grudge against someone who is 13 years old that does not feel OK to me. apologies for anything i have done

i mean, it's also possible he did spam once, and not the other two dozen or whatever times. i only matched one IP.
This is also likely. I've lost count of how many disruptive users there are that would get their kicks from spamming chats.