Author Topic: [NEWS] cop shoots black guy for thinking he was about to pull out a firearm  (Read 5870 times)

Is he wrong though? They serve us by protecting us.

They're there to deescalate and arrest the perp. Good cops can act as public servants but thanks to lousy pay and stuffty job precedents, there's not much incentive to be a good cop.

Have you seen detroit?

Laden with crime due to the local industry collapsing in on itself. Not enough resources being circulated to get the city back on it's feet.

Have you seen Africa?

Destabilized by colonization and struggled to meet the high bar of standards set by modern civilization. The situation(s) in africa sort of snowballed from there.

The other thing is just wrong
« Last Edit: July 07, 2016, 04:49:46 PM by IkeTheGeneric »

Have you seen detroit?

Have you seen Africa?

Have you seen black refugees increasing the crime rate in peaceful countries by 200%?

Yes, a large majority of black people are violent. This is not stereotyping or discrimination. It's a fact.
Are you saying that most black people are violent? Sure, a large percentage of violent crimes is done by black people. But to say a majority of black people are violent isn't a very intelligent observation at all.

Have you seen black refugees increasing the crime rate in peaceful countries by 200%?

Stats please.

Because black males killing police is HIGHER than police killing blacks.
I'd like to see facts to support this

Because black males killing police is HIGHER than police killing blacks.
unless you can provide a source saying otherwise,, this is false-- 103 officers IN TOTAL were killed in the line of duty in 2015 (not all by black men), and there were 1146 kills by the US police in 2015 with 306 of them being black.

in short, black people do NOT make up the most victims of police killings, but you are still wrong. provide a source next time before you make fallacious claims like that, please.

Stop wording things like all cops are the same person
Which is why I said the police, as a system, "systematically enable" stuff like this to happen

I'm not justifying the cop shooting the unarmed civilian, I'm empathizing with it

Nobody is trying to justify what he's doing you idiot
Yeah I didn't mean to accuse you of justifying anything. I'm just saying that the mental anguish of being held accountable isn't enough to justify doing something like this.
You seemed to be implying that demonizing cops led them to doing more stuff like this. That is what I was referring to.

There is literally no point to arguing with Lord Tony. He's a white supremacist, who will twist statistics to imply that black people are naturally violent.

in short, black people do NOT make up the most victims of police killings, but you are still wrong. provide a source next time before you make fallacious claims like that, please.
Yeah but they're certainly disproportionately killed by the police, given the size of their population.

Have you seen black refugees increasing the crime rate in peaceful countries by 200%?

Yes, a large majority of black people are violent. This is not stereotyping or discrimination. It's a fact.
I mean, you can't really go out there and say black people alone raise violence rates by 200%. Plus, why aren't you backing this up, and where are you getting your information?

I mean, you can't really go out there and say black people alone raise violence rates by 200%. Plus, why aren't you backing this up, and where are you getting your information?

African refugees get forced into a country,

Suddenly crimerate spikes 200%.

African refugees get forced into a country,

Suddenly crimerate spikes 200%.
Provide some damn stats

Sounds like we should be making "white lives matter" campaigns.

African refugees get forced into a country,

Suddenly crimerate spikes 200%.
And where did you get this information from?

unless you can provide a source saying otherwise,, this is false-- 103 officers IN TOTAL were killed in the line of duty in 2015 (not all by black men), and there were 1146 kills by the US police in 2015 with 306 of them being black.

in short, black people do NOT make up the most victims of police killings, but you are still wrong. provide a source next time before you make fallacious claims like that, please.
True that white people are killed the most. But if you search up unarmed killings by police, black people dominate the stats.

Have you seen detroit?

Have you seen Africa?

Have you seen black refugees increasing the crime rate in peaceful countries by 200%?

Yes, a large majority of black people are violent. This is not stereotyping or discrimination. It's a fact.
African refugees get forced into a country,

Suddenly crimerate spikes 200%.
Sounds like we should be making "white lives matter" campaigns.
Anthony, I've seen some stuffty-ass bait come out of you, but this is just pathetic. You sound like a desperate addict trying to do anything in order to provoke an argument to jack off to.

If you're going to bait us, at least do it well.

Yeah but they're certainly disproportionately killed by the police, given the size of their population.

51% of cop killers in 2013 were black. The amount of crime blacks commit is also disproportionate compared to the size of their population. If you want to see a reduction of the prevalence of black people being killed by police then we ought to seek education and community reform in low income areas (which are majority populated by blacks) which are hotbeds for crime.

Making black people hate the cops even more and teaching them that they have to be scared of cops is the opposite of a solution, because people feeling unsafe or belligerent in law enforcement scenarios is the root cause of police killings
« Last Edit: July 07, 2016, 05:02:40 PM by Rally »

True that white people are killed the most. But if you search up unarmed killings by police, black people dominate the stats.
Just because someone's unarmed doesn't mean they're helpless little creatures