Author Topic: Pokémon GO Megathread  (Read 50183 times)

guess who caught a nidoqueen in the wild today?
Really unexpected too, but it went in one shot so...

I'm getting actually upset that there isn't a tracking system anymore, that new one needs to get pushed globally soon

I keep seeing pokémon I want to catch but with no way of knowing what direction they're in it's pure luck whether I run into them before they despawn

i caught a vulpix today

i caught a vulpix today
i hatched a vulpix out of a 5k... when i already had a vulpix... and a ninetales

i hatched a vulpix out of a 5k... when i already had a vulpix... and a ninetales
So? Get that candy son

oh stuff ask and ye shall receive?

   - Implemented Pokémon Appraisal: Trainers will now be able to learn about a Pokémon’s attack and defense capabilities from their Team Leader (Candela, Blanche or Spark) to determine which of their Pokémon have the most potential for battle.

   - We are still working hard on several new and exciting features to come in the future of Pokémon GO.

   - Minor bot fixes

I guess not
« Last Edit: August 22, 2016, 09:15:06 PM by Regulith »

i hatched a vulpix out of a 5k... when i already had a vulpix... and a ninetales
soup up ya ninetails

i was outside and i caught 4 electabuzzes, lord helix and a vulpix

i was outside and i caught 4 electabuzzes, lord helix and a vulpix

what the forget

i got a lot more pokemon but those were the highlights
entire list of my walk
4 electabuzzes
1 omanyte
1 sandshrew
1 vulpix
1 ekans
6 krabbys
3 magikarps
2 poliwags
1 koffing
1 fem nidoran
3 voltorbs
1 slowpoke
2 magnemite
3 psyducks
1 kakuna
2 weedles
3 pidgeys

there was also a gyarados and a tauros nearby but i didnt find them ;-;
« Last Edit: August 22, 2016, 11:13:02 PM by TheKid »

Electabuzzes, omanytes, sandshrew, vulpix, and ekans are all very rare in my area. Consider yourself lucky.

Do you find Tauros / Jynx / Horsea / Drowzy's often? I get a ton of those in my area but some people say it's rare for them.

drowzee's so abundant
horsea shows up in my nearby often but i've only caught 2
jynx i've seen maybe 3 times
tauros ive seen once ever