Author Topic: No Man's Sky Official Megathread  (Read 104189 times)

jesus christ i hate this mindset
good gaming computers are around $1000 while a ps4 is like, what, $300 - $350? not everyone wants to spend a thousand dollars to play a few video games
besides the fact some people might want to have a console so their siblings / children can use it, play games with them and their pals, or just enjoy playing a video game on a big television
you act like people aren't allowed to be upset because they didn't spend more money

A Walmart skateboard is $10. A professional skateboard is closer to $120. 12x the price. You know why nobody but children ride Walmart boards? Because they're slow, stuffty and dangerous.

If you take your hobby seriously, you cough up the bucks. If you buy stuff entry-level hardware because it's cheaper, you get stuff cheap hardware. Don't complain. Nobody's fault but your own.

I just got done watching this video. I actually enjoy Dunkey's videos, but he clearly went into this game looking for... well... I REALLY don't know what he went looking for. Super Mario Bros or something probably. It's a space exploration game. He spent a couple minutes explaining how he doesn't like exploring space, and how his inability to enjoy the genre translates to "gaemz is bad". He literally said they were trying to copy minecraft lmfao. No. He doesn't get it.

I don't like MOBAs. So I don't play MOBAs, and I don't review them either. I have no opinion on games I personally don't enjoy, because I know I'm just going to get bored and pissed off and call it 'repetitive'. And if you ask me, thousands of hours doing the same matches on LoL? loving insane. But I don't stuff on the game, because each to their own. People went into No Man's Sky expecting a variety of things to do in a world that is entirely generated, instead of things to look at. That kind of technology doesn't exist. But we've just broken major ground on the latter.

You ever listen to a genre of music you don't like? Like most people don't like death metal. They say it all sounds the same. But someone who's an avid listener of death metal can identify 10 subgenres in a single album. Similar concept.
« Last Edit: August 12, 2016, 01:05:33 AM by Rally »

actually death metal is a subgenre of metal but hey

actually death metal is a subgenre of metal but hey

Should I try to explain stuff like deathcore to you or is this just a plain and simple "forget you" post

I'm gonna be on dunkey's side for this game

Should I try to explain stuff like deathcore to you or is this just a plain and simple "forget you" post

I just thought I'd throw that out there since you were using it as an example and I like metal :^)

I'm gonna be on dunkey's side for this game

Dunkey loves the game.

You seriously going to take him literally? lol

Its the 12th but the game unlocks at 6pm

A Walmart skateboard is $10. A professional skateboard is closer to $120. 12x the price. You know why nobody but children ride Walmart boards? Because they're slow, stuffty and dangerous.

If you take your hobby seriously, you cough up the bucks. If you buy stuff entry-level hardware because it's cheaper, you get stuff cheap hardware. Don't complain. Nobody's fault but your own.
i'm sure you didn't read the last few pages so i'm just gonna say this

think of it like you buy a scooter because you prefer it over a skateboard, and someone says you're not allowed to be upset that the park doesn't work well with scooters, simply because you bought a scooter, even though whatever skate park you're at allows scooters. obviously it's your fault for buying the scooter because you like it more.

obviously they're trying to encourage people to buy it on the ps4 since it came out earlier for it, so people have a right to expect a game that runs well on said system

i'm sure you didn't read the last few pages so i'm just gonna say this

The last 'few pages' have exclusively consisted of people getting their balls in a twist that Tony posted words on the internet.

think of it like you buy a scooter because you prefer it over a skateboard, and someone says you're not allowed to be upset that the park doesn't work well with scooters, simply because you bought a scooter, even though whatever skate park you're at allows scooters. obviously it's your fault for buying the scooter because you like it more.

What are you talking about lol? Get a skateboard if you want to go to a skatepark. Your extension of my brown townogy doesn't work.

obviously they're trying to encourage people to buy it on the ps4 since it came out earlier for it, so people have a right to expect a game that runs well on said system

You're right, it was a mistake to let console players play their game. Should have been a 'decent platform' exclusive.

the problem is, this game has very little to do other than exploration and gathering materials.
sure everything is "unique" on each planet, but you're bound to see the same generation tiles being used.
it's more of a tech demo right now with some barebones gameplay elements sprinkled in.

Even 1 whole planet that is handcrafted would be ridiculous to ask for from a developer. That's just unheard of.