Author Topic: Whats the point anymore  (Read 5956 times)

I didn't realize harambe was a substitute teacher
please don't get your richards out in a school.

Whats this thread anymore

Its summer. Everyone is having fun, going out, going on holidays ans whatsnot. Except me.

lol whats stopping you

Your situation is one that many on the forums can relate to. It's not an uncommon occurrence for one to feel this way, and it's understandable that many of the people on the forums can relate to this due to the demographic that makes up the forums that I've grown to understand over the last few years. While I don't post much anymore on the forums I've still decided to make something that i feel will benefit a lot of people on here, and hopefully it doesn't just get buried within a day.

The things that you feel I can also relate to. My condition, however has been improved (seemingly so) ever since I began using prescribed antidepressants. Your feelings of nihilism convey to me that obviously while you still do feel emotion, those feelings aren't coming off in the way you want. People have probably asked you this before, but are you depressed? Like, actually depressed? While you might want not to admit it due to the fact that the disorder grows ever more prominent with the "special snowflake" crowd, and that everyone and their mother seems to claim that they have it; but there's not a slim chance that you might have it. The first part of you getting help is the hardest, it's to go to a doctor. I'm not trying to pull all of the tactics that your everyday psychologist-therapist money vacuum would say, (ex. you have to admit you have a problem first hehe :)))) ) but this is coming from a person who's actually been there.

Antidepressants don't mess with your consciousness, they don't adjust anything up there, and most of the time, there are no side effects. While a lot of conspiracy people like to theorize that antidepressants are some kind of "government mind control" thing to make people more docile and whatnot, that's also not true.

The only thing that you will be able to count on is that they will get you out of your rut of not doing things. While the people you want to befriend, engage in a romantic relationship with, or work with may still dislike you, it doesn't necessarily mean anymore that it's going to be a problem to you. When I started it was in the start of the warmer months, a time traditionally always troubling to me as I found that people I cared so much about became more than willing to engage in detrimental activities, but now I see the other side of it.

I've begun to pick up a variety of new hobbies that I never thought I would have ever been doing. Apart from my pre-medication interests of simply just doing computer stuff and working on music, I've now been working on cars, doing plumbing work, medical stuff, and I'm even currently planning on prototyping a supercar from my own design.

All you need to do to begin your change is to take action, espio. While this thread has devolved into harambe memes that doesn't mean that you have to forget about trying to face your issues.

lol whats stopping you

A simple, but powerful statement that's often said to people in situations like this. One may not know what the person is dealing with, but they still say it. Do you want to know what was stopping me? What was stopping me was that I lived in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by fields and all of my friends living a 45-minute drive away from me. What was stopping me was my already disabled father being diagnosed with brain cancer, and being unable to get up a flight of stairs, let alone drive me to a friend's place. You don't know espio. You don't know me either. You also don't know anyone else who spoke of their problems in this thread.

This is true. Even though my situation was pretty stuffty I tried to stay positive because letting it all fall apart isn't a great idea when you're at rock bottom. I guess the same advice could be helpful to espio, look what you have and what good qualities you have and focus on that. The solution isn't to attack your flaws, but to strengthen your qualities
Taking up exercising to get in a better mental state and using it as common ground to find new friends would not have helped me, but it will definitely help espio more than he'll ever imagine.

This, of course is something that I can agree with. Physical health and mental health really do come hand-in-hand. Why not try joining your school's cross country team? I hadn't ran more than a few dozen meters for a long time before joining, but now I'm much stronger than i ever would have thought. While the initial practices of joining really did ruin me, i kept going and eventually was much superior to my old physical self.

Many people care about you, espio, as well as everyone else who talked about thier problems. While I don't know you, I do know that people in your life do care, and maybe you should go and talk to them.

Exercise helped me become less tired and think too much without doing anything, so there's no reason it shouldn't for you to.

even if you're shy type there's always calisthenics you could do at home in the backyard;

Everyone is posting their testimonies and I don't want to be left out. At least mine is for the most part a success story.

Throughout high school, I was predominately a homeschooled student and I was really really antisocial. The two aren't linked, since my mom was constantly enlisting me in extracurricular activities over the course of my life and getting me involved in groups in an effort for me to make friends (even enrolling me in public high school, with same result). Usually, I put no effort into it though, and rarely came away with more than an occasional acquaintance with which we'd lose all contact once one of us left whatever activity we were in. I have the resting face of a serial killer, a weird immature sense of humor, and virtually nobody seemed to share my interests. I was very self-centered focusing on ways to benefit myself without the help of other people.

In my second semester of junior year, my mom suggested I try to get a job. Not motivated at all and brutally honest, I would submit applications and do assessments based on how I act in certain situations. Of course, it was extremely rare that someone would ever bother to even contact me for an interview. My parents caught wind of this and pretty much told me to outright lie on my applications to make me sound better and to try to select what looks like a correct answer. After about 18 months, I was called by Hardee's about a month after I graduated because one of my sister's friends recognized my name on an application and figured I'd be a good person to interview. I managed to secure that job after a 3 minute interview just by being friendly to the general manager.

Starting my first job was extremely rocky. I did not take criticism very effectively and quickly made a few enemies at work as I would hold grudges and sass off when I was really pissed. I'm also a pretty slow learner and forget things easily, and I could tell I was starting to exasperate my trainers. I got better though, and by forcing myself to be exuberantly friendly to customers as per the job requirements, I started to find it much easier to be friendly and social with people and started to make a few friends and even a love interest, primarily at work since I wasn't and really still am not involved in anything else.

My suggestion for you is to at least try to get out and practice being friendly to people to increase your confidence. Even better, get a job, so you can get paid for it.

Try to read this with an open mind. You don't have to reply to me and tell me that I'm wrong and I don't understand. You don't have to admit it if the advice helped you either. Just attempt to take it in for your own sake.

Its summer. Everyone is having fun, going out, going on holidays ans whatsnot. Except me. All I do is jack off all day and cry myself to sleep because I have no friends and im too socially anxious to make some.

If you enjoy jacking off all day, then jack off. If crying helps you sleep, then cry. You don't 'need' friends to be happy, if you did, nobody would be happy. I have one real life friend that I give a quarter of a stuff about, the rest came and went. I used to be upset about it until I realized that the concept of collecting a bunch of fake friends so that you can tell yourself "I have friends" is circular stupidity. You need to learn how to be alone with yourself.

That's not to say that you should avoid people or fear them, at all. Pursue positive social interaction like a mad man, even if it terrifies you. Ask someone at the local McDonalds for the time or something. Baby steps.

I have literally none ambition. I have no idea what am supposed to do with my life. Im not smart. Im not strong either. Im not handsome at all and I have no talent at all.

The fact that you are sitting here bitching about how your life isn't as good as it could be means you DO have ambition, and you are suffering because you refuse to expend energy on attaining your goals. You just need to find the energy to complete tasks. Make your bed every morning. It takes an enormous amount of energy to start a task, so start with something small. Small tasks build up energy that leads to bigger tasks. Make your bed. Make some breakfast. Have a shower. Do some reps with some weights lying around the house (makes you stronger). Get on a bike and go to a library and pick up a book about overcoming anxiety (makes you smarter). Meet someone at the library. All these tasks flow into each other.

The fact that you have 'no talents' stems from the fact that you have not spent your childhood learning talents. Talents are things that require years upon years of interest and practice. Believe it or not, assembling PC's and knowing your way around a computer is in-fact a talent. So master it.

Also I'll give you a hint. Most dudes who have girlfriends and have love are loving ugly as dogstuff. Most of the time they just conform to a very average personality, and have mainstream interests and opinions, which comes off as very "low risk". I've seen a picture of you before and I know you're not deformed, so it's FAR from impossible for you to catch a bird. You just need the requisite social wisdom first. Pro-tip: Girls don't like guys who whine about how ugly they think they are. And a fair warning, if you're not happy before you're in the relationship, you're gonna find a reason to be unhappy in the relationship. And that's when stuff starts really going loving bad for you, so you ought to learn how to deal with yourself before you go jump headfirst into someone else's arms expecting them to fix you, and instead just end up hurting them in the process.

ForeverAlones was a very average manlet. People used to call him names. He responded by becoming so confident it killed him. Be ForeverAlones.

I feel like im an obstacle to everyone and constantly trip people or make life harder for them. And the only thing I do about it is going on this goddamn forum and complain about it because theres nothing else I can do about it. My life is completely pointless. And if I somehow manage to get a job instead of ending up on the street sucking off richard for crack. Itll probably be some stuffty office job for 45 loving years untill I retare at the age of 65 and die the next die because of the chronic backpain I got from sitting on my ass all day because a stuffty office job is the only loving job my frail body can handle. I just want to do something that will contribute to the world. A job where people say I did a great damn job. I dont want to die and be forgotten into existance a week after.

Recommended book to read: The 4 Hour Work Week by Timothy Ferriss.

You are an obstacle. I'm also an obstacle. Everyone you've ever met in your life was probably an obstacle to someone at some point in their life. If you're really concerned about being an obstacle, then put fourth some effort to support yourself and not waste other people's time and resources. That requires you to stop being negative. In the mean time, just accept that you're an obstacle, and try to use it to your advantage to become a better version of yourself.

Some of the happiest people I've ever met work paycheck to paycheck. You live in first world Europe, not Syria. There are safety nets in place to help you. If you forget up, there's probably a decent list of people who are willing to help you back up. Secret: You are not going to end up on the street sucking richard. Very few people do. Stay out of prison and stay away from drugs and you'll be fine. You're obviously not enjoying the little things. You think that if you don't do some insane crazy stuff and become a billionaire you're never gonna be happy, which is bullstuff. Teach yourself how to cook and make yourself a meal, and just take a moment to appreciate it instead of taking it for granted. If you live your entire life waiting to become something big and meaningful, you're going to die waiting and never actually experience life itself. If you live life day to day looking introspectively and obsessing with ways and methods to become a better version of yourself, success and greatness will come alongside it eventually.

Don't worry about not having some hot girlfriend with big boobies. If there's anything that you've mention that is actually pointless, it's chasing after dumbass standards everybody else has set for you. It's okay to be loving single. Nobody likes sleeping in an empty bed, but it's better than being in a toxic relationship that you didn't think through properly.

The toughts about my future has been making me really depressed lately. I just dont see myself doing anything because I cant do anything. And all I do is complain about it... There are people with allot worse problems and I cry over my silly ones. I am literally the worst. The only job I see myself doing is fixing and assembling PC's n stuff. But probably all there is to do is removing snake enlargement virusses because people are too handicapped to get a virus in the first place. I dont want to do that same exact thing for 45 years. And if it really comes down to it id rather become a loving chicken farmer. Living the dream. And all I really want is to get praised by people. No matter how pointless it is what I did. Yeah sure I want a job and have a cool house and all but whats the point if you die afterwards. Its all gone anyways. I just dont see the point in doing stuff anymore.

You can't see yourself doing anything because you AREN'T doing anything. I know the phrase "you can do anything" is cliche, but it is fundamentally true.

Every week, give yourself one objective. Just one thing to accomplish per week. It can be something simple, like checking your bike's tire pressure, or organizing your room. Similar to how making your bed in the morning flows into meeting someone new, accomplishing small weekly goals can flow into accomplishing life-long major goals.
« Last Edit: August 11, 2016, 03:11:18 AM by Rally »