Author Topic: Lord Tony® : Pumping out insane amounts of low effort / low quality topics.  (Read 11308 times)

i've been wanting to make this thread for ages, i'm sick of tony posting news topics, giving very little information and never including a source.
he posts over 35 times a loving day, that's beyond not healthy.
loving hell, 11,000 posts in just under one year, does he do anything else in his life other than stuffpost?
i've been on these forums for 5 years and i still have not reached the 10,000 milestone.

we also cannot forget about his clan, "the harvest", which has been a problem since day loving one.
it's a drama magnet, much like the nigerian cunts were, but the nigerian cunts were deleted after a community uproar.
the harvest though? nope that's gotta stay because who knows.

every "news" topic tony creates is either about politics, feminism, adult swim, BLM or some other bullstuff he pulls out of his ass, and they're all designed to get a reaction.
lets not also forget how he double posts or triple posts because he's too lazy to hit the edit button.
how the forget has this guy not been banned yet?

Well, he has already been banned multiple times.  He simply buys a new key.

In the end, I suppose the reason why more extensive measures haven't been used yet is because he is very profitable.  He attracts the reactive population of the forums, who then get banned for one reason or another, who then buy a new key, which then gives Badspot more money.

I doubt Badspot wants to deal with any of this chaos anyway.  It's more cost-effective to leave things as they are.  Tony feeds on an audience one way or another, and this drama thread doesn't fix anything.  It will end up stacked and buried under the many other "Lord Tony Gone Wild (Gone Annoying Orange)" dramas.

But before Tony came back, we had Taboo who was much more tolerable
taboo flamed people so hard in every argument he made. even when i agreed with him he still pissed me off.

i'd take tony over taboo any day

Badspot can just make him Ban on Sight, the forums can really get moving if they suspect a BoS'd user is lurking around the game or the forums.

Also, Badspot literally said himself that he makes money by users who come back for more. I don't blame him.

Every couple months a new meme goes around that the way to prove how cool you are is to stuff up an online lego game.  I end up banning like 50 accounts, then a week later they all buy the game again.  This is how I make money now. 

How many loving money Badspot has earned from this game anyway?

what exactly has lord tony done to be BOS?

How many loving money Badspot has earned from this game anyway?
so many money

How many loving money Badspot has earned from this game anyway?
Let's do some vague, very inaccurate maths.

We can't know how many game copies themselves were bought. There is a tool my friend developed that can guess sales based on achievement data, but Blockland was out long before Steam and "retail" copies are still sold through Amazon.

For the sake of argument, let's use the forum account number, 100,204, as the total amount of copies sold. Now, a LOT of those accounts aren't registered to a valid Blockland key, but we can pretend like that makes up the difference for players who bought the game without registering for the forums. Let's also make the assumption that the average price for the game was roughly $10 (to take into account sale periods and the standard price of ~$20).

That brings us a gross profit of $1,002,040. That may sound like a lot, but if somebody else did a very quick income tax/server fee cost assessment and also figured out some vaguely-correct sounding original development budget, you would find that the total net profit to this day would probably be significantly lower, and that doesn't take into consideration other living fees or Badspot's hobby purchases.

Noedit: Forgot; Amazon and Valve both take a percentage of the profit off the top of any sale through their storefront. While it's possible Badspot made purchases through mail order and got the full cheque, you might want to take something like 10% - 20% off the top of that rough figure to account for the storefront royalties.

taboo flamed people so hard in every argument he made. even when i agreed with him he still pissed me off.

i'd take tony over taboo any day
taboo was aggressive but he wasnt a troll. he posted his beliefs, not what he thought would annoy everyone as much as possible

taboo was aggressive but he wasn't a troll. he posted his beliefs, not what he thought would annoy everyone as much as possible
you have an issue with his delivery, not his content. Tony posts his beliefs, but his delivery is what annoys people.

Interesting to note this 2013 post from Badspot which had the game sales total at around ~40k copies. Since it was pre-Steam, he mentions how that might increase sales figures. SteamSpy estimates close to 200k copies owned, and that wouldn't be counting retail copies.

So it's well possible that I may have grossly underestimated Blockland's value, but you still need to take taxation and development/server costs into consideration to find the real profit.

okay taboo is not comparable to tony for multiple reasons

he tends to turn any argument into a massive flame war against himself by being dismissive and intentionally dense or something. he seemed like a reasonable enough person but he'd always go into some handicap mode whenever confronted with a losing situation and like Blockchip, wouldn't stop posting. Tony on the other hand straight up ignores posts, not respond to them with some dismissive comment, and thus any argument with him eventually dies down as people realize there is no point in continuing. Yes, occasionally he stuffs up threads with multiple consecutive posts but its never to nitpick or boil down someones post and respond to every little bit with some snide dismissive comment, rather just posting more self-supporting circlejerk-like statements

tony may be cancerous, but hes a benign cancer. Taboo would fight back every time he felt affronted on topics he didnt even care about, or are totally irrelevant and pointless. I respect him as a modeler and modder but past that, he's not someone who anyone would even ironically keep around. tony vs taboo (assuming neither trolls/trolled, which is a long shot) is like an avid redneck Annoying Orange supporter vs a self-entitled 1%er who always claims the moral high ground. one is funny given the right context, the other is just pure cancer

what exactly has lord tony done to be BOS?
the way i see it is that if someone has been banned 5 time or more, they should become BoS. I don't believe in 3rd chances, much less 5+.