Damn McTwist for linking this thread to me. So I'm very familiar with Blender, modeling for Blockland, and making bricks so technically I have the necessary skill set to teach others how to do those things and oddly enough I have enough free time in my schedule to dedicate to this. But I'm not really sure what I should do to be honest or whether I
actually want to do this.
I could totally host a workshop on Blender fundamentals (for Blockland): mesh manipulation, materials, modifiers, DTS exporting, and getting items into the game. I've also made my fair share of bricks so I could do something related to those as well. (Using my
exporter naturally.) I could just make a boring lecture but there's no reason to host pure lectures live, you ought to just make a video for that so I feel like a work-along workshop type of deal would be better. Thoughts? Ideas? Anyone interested?