Author Topic: Someone is going around private investigating lord tony and threatening to investigate others.  (Read 27261 times)

patton should be tony's lawyer for this case

come on now. of all the things to go after tony for, "bullying"?
well u see there's this thing called karma

you are just picking off people who don't like tony because you suck at getting evidence
couldn't've put it better myself

Tony essentially made his bed. And yeah, nobody deserves this kind of grief, but I doubt this situation is gonna change him at all.

Maybe if he wasn't so keen on pissing others off, maybe he wouldn't be receiving stuff like this.

this is probably the most edgiest thing i've seen from you all day

this is probably the most edgiest thing i've seen from you all day
Are you handicapped?

pretty interesting that the #1 suspect posts things like:
well u see there's this thing called karma

sheeshthat happened last year when I was still getting used to the forum and you think it still applies to me today just so you can throw more stuff on meyou literally are???
if you weren't so devoted to being a massive friend this drama would have never came to be
you're literally just making this because eon did it
in fact if you want to be like eon why don't you just forum Self Delete, you'd be doing us all a favorplease show me how they're problems when you're not
i'd actually really like to know
as shown here the NC is trying to cause a big whirlwind of drama so y'all can have a nice wank to it
you also made outland predator get banned because you made him so mad and you think that's the best thing on planet earth
(and yes I know crunchwrap isn't a nc member but he was still being a butt there)the music thing wasn't a raid, it was spamoutland posted it once a night while NC was doing 3 times a loving second reallythere's a difference between bias and common sense
anyone with eyes can see that everyone in nc is a big friendyeah sure

now watch as he dismisses this whole posts with "lol autism"
^this entire post is a load of bullstuff and anger

hey tony u should go tell your boss that u harass children half your age on the internet

If you read through these quotes, and various others in the context of the situation it seems awfully suspicious the way has posted and deflected this entire time. I'm not just throwing out these accusations for stuffs and giggles, this same user asked for my investigate as well, so take that into account when reading what I'm saying.

literally when have I asked for your investigate
are you actually handicapped

i believe in karma

am i a suspect now lmao

Are you handicapped?

why am i handicapped for going on the side that just because he trolls doesn't mean he should be investigateed? are you handicapped?

why am i handicapped for going on the side that just because he trolls doesn't mean he should be investigateed? are you handicapped?
he didnt say he should be doxed. Hes saying maybe tony should stop pissing people off so this doesnt happen to him.

he didnt say he should be doxed. Hes saying maybe tony should stop pissing people off so this doesnt happen to him.

"he's essentially made his bed" is the part where i think he's implying so and so.

and that only makes me ask why is it his fault for these dumb people to not realize that "oh wait, he's just trolling, i shouldn't let him get on my nerves" and should move on instead of escalating the situation further to a point where he needs to be investigateed? that sounds more like you need to chill instead of having some 31 year old dweller provoke you on the internet.

"he's essentially made his bed" is the part where i think he's implying so and so.

and that only makes me ask why is it his fault for these dumb people to not realize that "oh wait, he's just trolling, i shouldn't let him get on my nerves" and should move on instead of escalating the situation further to a point where he needs to be investigateed? that sounds more like you need to chill instead of having some 31 year old dweller provoke you on the internet.

noedit unless if this isn't about trolling, it is the "bullying" part here, in which i really don't have anything to say about that.

literally when have I asked for your investigate
are you actually handicapped
you didn't ask me for investigate, but the obvious throw away discord account asked wound and others after being banned from CVG for posting tonys.

If I use Mumble and not Discord, am I immume to the meme stuffters?

If I use Mumble and not Discord, am I immume to the meme stuffters?
Or Ventrillo. I still love Vent for the sounds