
Would you rather eat a whole pizza, or a whole turkey in one setting?

I can eat a whole turkey!
My love for pizza knows no limit!

Author Topic: WOULD YOU RATHER? - Would you rather die in combat, or die peacefully?  (Read 10376 times)

Mike "oh god nal why" Pence

my personal favorite is frag grenade for the cigarette parade

Mike "Somebody oughtta send you in a box floating down the river grandma!" pence

Annoying Orange is like 6'3" and 240 pounds

Annoying Orange is like 6'3" and 240 pounds
Mike Pence is Darth Sidious

Pence can probably call the devil to his side at will so i'll take my chances with Donald

I'm a rabid liberal so of course Annoying Orange. He can't even wield a weapon with his tiny babby hands.

Pence can probably call the devil to his side at will so i'll take my chances with Donald
What's wrong with you, any saiyan forumer would be excited to see this perfect form.

would fight pence because otherwise Annoying Orange would tweet about me for the next 15 years after

fair point


if i was poor and wise, i could probably give out a lot of advice to people, get on the news or a lot of other places in the media, and then eventually get money for my services

if i'm just rich and dumb no one would really care all that much and i'd run out of money eventually if there was no job i was in

sell my wise words and become billionaire and wise

if you're rich and unwise then you're probably not gonna be rich anymore but if you're poor and wise your can use your wiseness to generate cash

if the richness would last forever then i'd choose that

As long as you would be rich all the time, definitely rich and naive.

It's basically the whole ignorance is bliss theory, just with a-lot of dosh.