

I'd like something tweaked (post below)

Author Topic: Blockland: Community Edition Proposal  (Read 14459 times)

  • Entirely fresh UI (not just a skin change)
pictures please

Visolator made a nice one and I'm currently using it: https://forum.blockland.us/index.php?topic=276870.0

  • Server-sided gui support

Greek2me made a proof of concept with the current one. Of course, by making the system more robust, it's possible to add more enhanced version. In fact, I think the current GUI system is a bit old and that the text display should support HTML and JavaScript if specified.

  • Chunk-based real-time autosaver

Again, Visolator made a better saving system: https://forum.blockland.us/index.php?topic=285601.0
It does not save in chunks, though, but if there will be better file tools, then it could be possible to enhance it further.

  • Easy packaging of maps and gamemodes, Halo 3 style

I think the new GameMode system is quite alright. Sure, there is always ways to improve it further.
When it comes to maps, though, it's like Add-Ons, but unless packed with a GameMode, then it is just an another hurdle to copy it to respective folder.

  • TCP-based (or otherwise optimized) save loading

So much yes! In fact, in addition I would like to have support for binary files. Or at least a way to tell the file reader where to load from instead of iterating through the whole file. This could of course also be achieved if adding other script engines like Lua and JavaScript.

  • New staged add-on loading system

I believe that the current system is intuitive enough. There is of course several issues with locating the folder and the mix of archives and folders that makes this a bit harder, but I see your point.

Before Minecraft added support for mods, people found ways to automatically inject their mods into the jar. They had a executable that would check for all classes in minecraft.jar and validate how much changes have been made to it and then attempt to inject the code needed.

This might be a bit trickier for binaries, not only because it's frowned upon to do such a thing to them, but also due to the fact that most Virus Protection Systems would block that kind of functionality. If I remember correctly, when you want to inject with the current system, you need to disable your protection programs as they will otherwise block it. I might be wrong, though.

This sure is an interesting idea and I'm all in to help if there is need for it. Using dlls might be bothersome for most people, but if they are only added specifically by the community, then there is those other scripting languages that could add what is lacking.

a new lighting system would be great. i'd be down for this change if it means better lighting. that and improved FPS with static shape objects/animated doors is all i want

i wouldn't put hopes high on a new lighting system. messing with rendering systems is not trivial, esp if its gonna be something like lighting which would affect how literally everything is rendered, rather than just one portion like the BL Browser/Cinema dll

uh this might seem like a dum dum stupid head question but is it possible to give blockland like directx or even vulkan support

uh this might seem like a dum dum stupid head question but is it possible to give blockland like directx or even vulkan support
i dont think torque will really allow for that
opengl is a rather solid engine anyway

this would be amazing to play with friends and terrible to play with the community as a whole. I pretty much just play with people I know, so i'm for it. that said, I'm hesitant, because you would need to be dedicated to this for years and keep it going, or else updates will just stop again as they have now. I think you should go for it though; nothing ventured, nothing gained.
« Last Edit: July 02, 2017, 03:34:21 AM by Krystal »

I made a mock-up for the launcher design, based off GUI+'s server browser so if GUI+ is used it'd match:

this would be amazing to play with friends and terrible to play with the community as a whole. I pretty much just play with people I know, so i'm for it. that said, I'm hesitant, because you would need to be dedicated to this for years and keep it going, or else updates will just stop again as they have now. I think you should go for it though; nothing ventured, nothing gained.

I think it'l be fine just as long as the same solid community could be held like the one we have now. A little bit of change won't hurt, and would probably expand the community as it is, knowing that a solid community who's reviving a game can sound quite appealing to some.

let's not use gui+ as a design and instead do something completely unique


I made a mock-up for the launcher design, based off GUI+'s server browser so if GUI+ is used it'd match:

...is that my old-as-heck blockland 'rebrand' concept i spy

I'll be happy to help with this in any way I can. I love the idea.

What do you think of implementing several default systems for add-on creators to build off of, so that rather than everyone creating their own version of a system, there's already one everyone can expect everyone else to be using? I've seen too many servers with two or three different variations on "ammo pile" in the items menu.

Also, I'd say refining the GUI for the wrench menu would be amazing for player retention. If you can't understand it, you can't use it, and you don't have fun. I'm currently working on something for that, I just need to figure out how to represent the idea of events without using words.
« Last Edit: July 02, 2017, 10:20:51 PM by Super Suit 12 »

Suggestion:add the new hat system


Anyways, on the making-default-systems thing, I'd say making custom health default probably wouldn't be a terrible idea. Although it might break some addons, it should be pretty easy to fix and nothing should be stopping anyone from disabling it.
« Last Edit: July 03, 2017, 01:22:37 PM by Super Suit 12 »