Author Topic: Sweden has gender neutral schools.  (Read 15300 times)

That's nice and all but that's the same bullstuff all of these con artists try to pull when discussing the influx of rape crimes in Sweden. It's pretty disingenuous because you're basically putting the blame on the natives instead of the actual problem.

So basically, you didn't even fully read the article you tried to cite. Amazing.

That's nice and all but that's the same bullstuff all of these con artists try to pull when discussing the influx of rape crimes in Sweden. It's pretty disingenuous because you're basically putting the blame on the natives instead of the actual problem.
Did you just cite an article to back up your baseless claim, only to say "that article is sjw propaganda" when you realized it didn't actually support your stuff argument?

So basically, you didn't even fully read the article you tried to cite. Amazing.

Did you just cite an article to back up your baseless claim, only to say "that article is sjw propaganda" when you realized it didn't actually support your stuff argument?

I cited the article as proof that rape goes under reported in Sweden, not for the sjw propaganda within.

question: if, in america, having love with a person in depression, angst, fear, etc was considered rape, how do you think our statistics would be as opposed to the rest of the world

It's a good thing the rape statistics went up years after their reclassification of rape and not directly as a result as you guys keep trying to claim.

Watching you guys make excuses for Islam and the rape culture it seeds is pretty sad. I hope none of you have daughters in the future.

Watching you guys make excuses for Islam and the rape culture it seeds is pretty sad. I hope none of you have daughters in the future.
you said gender norm removal is castration now you want us to be castrated??????????????

Is he arguing in favor of the existence of rape culture now?

All of this social justice bullstuff has finally come full circle holy crap

you said gender norm removal is castration now you want us to be castrated??????????????

gender neutrality being pushed on children is social castration. Growing up confused and thinking male and female are basically the same thing and just because you have a richard doesn't mean you're a dude? Preeeeeetty damaging stuff there for a 8 year old
Also, no, I wouldn't want any of you castrated, I'm not an Islamist :^[

gender neutrality being pushed on children is social castration. Growing up confused and thinking male and female are basically the same thing and just because you have a richard doesn't mean you're a dude? Preeeeeetty damaging stuff there for a 8 year old
Also, no, I wouldn't want any of you castrated, I'm not an Islamist :^[
"Letting children come to their own conclusions and developing their own philosophies is psychologically damaging"
I cited the article as proof that rape goes under reported in Sweden, not for the sjw propaganda within.
Right, and how does that justify your claim that brown people are responsible for rape?

gender neutrality being pushed on children is social castration. Growing up confused and thinking male and female are basically the same thing and just because you have a richard doesn't mean you're a dude?


I don't think you know what gender neutrality is

gender neutrality being pushed on children is social castration.
were your parents religious? yes? did they make you go to church with them? whoops i'm sorry, but that was social castration.

i think all this sjw genderbending has gotten to me because i can't even right now :(

Is he arguing in favor of the existence of rape culture now?

All of this social justice bullstuff has finally come full circle holy crap

Yes, after criticizing Islam for years, I have finally come around to understanding that rape is a good thing and encourage all of you to go out and marry a ten year old. Just don't forget her until she's 12; Allah don't like that underage stuff.

were your parents religious? yes? did they make you go to church with them? whoops i'm sorry, but that was social castration.

That's not even comparable.

That's not even comparable.'s the people around you forcing you into a belief you may or may not think is true, but are quite possibly too young to realize that's the people around you forcing you into a belief you may or may not think is true, but are quite possibly too young to realize that

Religion is not comparable to the social normativity of the gender binary.

Religion is not comparable to the social normativity of the gender binary.
in fact it's even worse