Author Topic: "lmao your all deluded" - Hotremox, when told "child research is bad"  (Read 21131 times)

If you think jacking off to animated children is ok then youre forgeted up, but if you dont jack off to animated children but act like "whats the big deal" youre twice as forgeted up.

Personally I don't really care if somebody likes loli or not but I definitely see reason to be against him acting like it's a normal or "ok" thing.

It's letting your loveuality meander on over to stylized drawings of children meaning you did not care to have the self-restraint morally to stop yourself even though you knew it was a child; meaning maybe you don't have the self-restraint to not get attracted to an actual child.

He definitely should not act like what he is like, is normal, since he's effectively forgeted over his loveual tastes through a lack of self-restraint.

Active contributors to the furry thread are also in this thread, saying that certain drawings can be considered child research.

Think about that for a minute.

Active contributors to the furry thread are also in this thread, saying that certain drawings can be considered child research.

Think about that for a minute.
really makes you think huh

Active contributors to the furry thread are also in this thread, saying that certain drawings can be considered child research.

Think about that for a minute.
We must make furry research illegal to protect all the anthropomorphic animals

Active contributors to the furry thread are also in this thread, saying that certain drawings can be considered child research.

Think about that for a minute.
the difference is that anthropomorphic animal-people don't exist, are generally depicted as consenting adults, and can't be loveually assaulted because they're not real.
feral research is a smaller subset of the furry fandom and ok yeah those people probably have some dog-loving tendencies. cub yiff is the horrific cross between furry and loli and all of it ought to be thrown into an incinerator, along with the people that support that kind of stuff.

the difference is that anthropomorphic animal-people don't exist, are generally depicted as consenting adults, and can't be loveually assaulted because they're not real.
feral research is a smaller subset of the furry fandom and ok yeah those people probably have some dog-loving tendencies. cub yiff is the horrific cross between furry and loli and all of it ought to be thrown into an incinerator, along with the people that support that kind of stuff.
not an arguement

the problem with loli/shota is what depicts it as children
you can easily argue that "the loli here is 500 years old but trapped in a petite body due to a curse!!! it's in the lore!!!!!!!!!"
for example, annie(i think?it might be lulu. i havent played LoL in ages) in LoL is something hundred years old (in the lore), but still a child. does that still make her a child? just because of the petite body?
should yordles count as loli too? (they're actually considered shortstack but lulu??? shes young??????????????????)

or that girl (Babette) in the dark brotherhood in skyrim. In the skyrim wiki:
At the age of ten, Babette was bitten by a vampire, becoming one herself. She has lived over three hundred years as one, and boasts about how her innocent appearance makes killing easier. 
if research were to be drawn of babette, would it count as loli--or child research in this case? shes 300 years old but "has an innocent appearance"

it's hard to judge because everyone has different opinions on it and it's controversial. 

Just giving my 500 cents after observing this thread for some time. From most of the responses here and the OP itself so far, I've seen people arguing the same BS reasoning over and over and I feel I need to say something on it.

the difference is that anthropomorphic animal-people don't exist, are generally depicted as consenting adults, and can't be loveually assaulted because they're not real.
the second point is solid, but anime girls, mature or loli, don't actually exist and likewise can't be loveually assaulted either.

Someone being a furry does not necessarily mean they are loveually attracted to real-life animals, neither does someone liking loli mean they are necessarily loveually attracted to actual living children.

But let's say it does, for the sake of argument, and follow the prevalently common opinion so far in this thread that liking loli is morally reprehensible/a true evil. The implication for why it is bad is because the people who like loli supposedly want to rape or loveually abuse actual children. Following that logic, why then do groups such as furries get such a free pass on this forum? Where are all the dramas filled with these morally-outraged saints to tell us how furries are evil and want to loveually abuse animals? Is this where we draw the line now?

If some of the people here are going to condemn and label loli fans as child enthusiasts and child predators, at least have the backbone to be morally and logically consistent and likewise condemn furry fans as dog-rapists and animal abusers. I mean, I don't think either groups are naturally that way; some in them sure, maybe, but we should consider the fact that it's all virtual, animated stuff in which no children or animals are actually harmed. The fact that some people choose furry and loli research over ACTUAL child and animal research should show they very well do have a moral compass and don't want to watch children and animals being abused.

I'm willing to bet these same people feigning this moral outrage are the same people who will hear of terror attacks or foreign wars on the news and say it's a disgusting evil, then log onto GTA5 or any other ultra-violent game and proceed to go on a rampage and say it's okay because it's a video game.

Goodness lord. The echo chamber of slippery slope-type logic in this thread is pure garbage.

Just giving my 500 cents after observing this thread for some time. From most of the responses here and the OP itself so far, I've seen people arguing the same BS reasoning over and over and I feel I need to say something on it.
the second point is solid, but anime girls, mature or loli, don't actually exist and likewise can't be loveually assaulted either.

Someone being a furry does not necessarily mean they are loveually attracted to real-life animals, neither does someone liking loli mean they are necessarily loveually attracted to actual living children.

But let's say it does, for the sake of argument, and follow the prevalently common opinion so far in this thread that liking loli is morally reprehensible/a true evil. The implication for why it is bad is because the people who like loli supposedly want to rape or loveually abuse actual children. Following that logic, why then do groups such as furries get such a free pass on this forum? Where are all the dramas filled with these morally-outraged saints to tell us how furries are evil and want to loveually abuse animals? Is this where we draw the line now?

If some of the people here are going to condemn and label loli fans as child enthusiasts and child predators, at least have the backbone to be morally and logically consistent and likewise condemn furry fans as dog-rapists and animal abusers. I mean, I don't think either groups are naturally that way; some in them sure, maybe, but we should consider the fact that it's all virtual, animated stuff in which no children or animals are actually harmed. The fact that some people choose furry and loli research over ACTUAL child and animal research should show they very well do have a moral compass and don't want to watch children and animals being abused.

I'm willing to bet these same people feigning this moral outrage are the same people who will hear of terror attacks or foreign wars on the news and say it's a disgusting evil, then log onto GTA5 or any other ultra-violent game and proceed to go on a rampage and say it's okay because it's a video game.

Goodness lord. The echo chamber of slippery slope-type logic in this thread is pure garbage.

Reminder that hentai/loli is made to represent actual people, furry stuff isn't.

Liking loli and shota and that stuff is literally being a child enthusiast, stop denying reality because "IT AINT REEEAL"

>The slippery slope isn't real goyim