
What to name?

Generic Sandbox Game
12 (13%)
Land of Dran
40 (43.5%)
Something else "block" related
15 (16.3%)
Block Party
25 (27.2%)

Total Members Voted: 92

Author Topic: Land of Dran  (Read 33358 times)

Non-zero based indexing might be the single worst design decision any programming language could make. It's not even a minor inconvenience, it's a catalyst for a major disaster. The lack of operators such as ++ or += and no continue are also turnoffs. I'll be fair to Lua for not having shorthand operators because I'm pretty sure it uses a single-pass compiler.
I recall reading that the lack of "++" and "+=" type operators are to speed up the interpretter. And it seems to work, as Lua is virtually unparalleled in speed compared to other interpretted languages.

More GUIs:

I've also tested the ability to save as Blockland save files.
With the exception of some colorset weirdness, you can now save LoD builds directly into .BLS format for loading into Blockland.

Unfortunately adding building is gonna take a bit longer than I first anticipated. I just realized I can't even really start until I add an inventory gui and a brick select gui. Except the first building test (tomorrow?) to just have a drop down text selector for brick types. Sorry about that. I'll probably also release a video tonight or tomorrow.

I recall reading that the lack of "++" and "+=" type operators are to speed up the interpretter. And it seems to work, as Lua is virtually unparalleled in speed compared to other interpretted languages.

The omission of the unary operators "++" and "--" in Lua frustates me. Mainly because they're really fast operations, on both interpretation and execution speed time.
« Last Edit: November 04, 2017, 04:01:24 PM by FelipeO_O_ »

tbh this looks like it came straight from 2004 and didnt age well at all

tbh this looks like it came straight from 2004 and didnt age well at all

I mean the bricks are copied exactly from Blockland. The only thing left to critique really are the terrains. And yeah, they're not great, but they're basically just a placeholder. As discussed elsewhere, it's more important to have something playable than someone that looks good in a picture, but can't be played.

I mean the bricks are copied exactly from Blockland. The only thing left to critique really are the terrains. And yeah, they're not great, but they're basically just a placeholder. As discussed elsewhere, it's more important to have something playable than someone that looks good in a picture, but can't be played.
not talking about the terrains (they are a factor)

imo the GUI is absolutely horrid and extremely dated. It looks like it was ported from a stuff 90s RTS, that and the reticule is really low res and FOV is way too low

otherwise it's promising, just GUI and FOV are really bad rn

not talking about the terrains (they are a factor)

imo the GUI is absolutely horrid and extremely dated. It looks like it was ported from a stuff 90s RTS, that and the reticule is really low res and FOV is way too low

otherwise it's promising, just GUI and FOV are really bad rn
The FOV can literally be changed ingame with the slider as seen in the video.
The game uses the CEGUI library which means you can download any of these skins and use them without knowing how to script at all. I may look through there to find a better one, but I'll need community feedback for that.


this one looks better than what you have imo

The buttons would need to be made smaller, and I think the text would need to be made darker and larger.

The buttons would need to be made smaller, and I think the text would need to be made darker and larger.
That looks better. Much more blocko than the other skin.

If I might suggest something, I think it would be nice to have an option to let the chat scroll without the window so the chat window doesn't have to obfuscate so much of the screen. Then when the player hits the chat key, the window opens. Or perhaps the opacity could change the opacity of the window, but not the chat messages themselves. Either way, I like the chat window features. A very welcomed addition.

You said in the most recent dev vlog that saves will be compatible with Blockland. Does this mean you intend to keep the eventing system the same? Personally, I feel it would be best not to, as I'm sure there are many ways we could improve the current eventing system, if not just uproot it and replace it entirely. Duly, even if vanilla Land of Dran has the exact same events as vanilla Blockland, the eventing mods people make would not necessarily share the same compatibility (and likely wouldn't).

Also, how long do you plan on having the test server up? I think at least a few days of freebuilding would be good to give more eyes the opportunity to find bugs. Although, the absence of a trust system could be chaos, admittedly.
« Last Edit: November 05, 2017, 01:38:59 AM by Platypi »

If I might suggest something, I think it would be nice to have an option to let the chat scroll without the window so the chat window doesn't have to obfuscate so much of the screen. Then when the player hits the chat key, the window opens. Or perhaps the opacity could change the opacity of the window, but not the chat messages themselves. Either way, I like the chat window features. A very welcomed addition.
I kind of see what you're saying. I'm not sure if what you're suggesting (beyond hiding the input bar) is necessarily possible with the GUI library I have but I can experiment.
You said in the most recent dev vlog that saves will be compatible with Blockland. Does this mean you intend to keep the eventing system the same? Personally, I feel it would be best not to, as I'm sure there are many ways we could improve the current eventing system, if not just uproot it and replace it entirely. Duly, even if vanilla Land of Dran has the exact same events as vanilla Blockland, the eventing mods people make would not necessarily share the same compatibility (and likely wouldn't).
Obviously eventing is a bit far off, but I was going to try and do something of my own.
I don't know what that is, but the ideas posted in ASF Ghost's thread aren't bad by any means.

Also, how long do you plan on having the test server up? I think at least a few days of freebuilding would be good to give more eyes the opportunity to find bugs. Although, the absence of a trust system could be chaos, admittedly.
I'll hopefully start hosting tomorrow afternoon.
The features available to you will be real barebones. You'll probably be able to select bricks by name through a text drop down menu, select colors with three rgb sliders, move them around with default ijklp; keys, maybe have super shift if I can add it before hosting, plant with enter/return, and remove ghost brick with slash.
You can also save the build to a BLS client-side.

There's no trust, no graphical selection of brick types, no brick bar, no building tool, no wrench, no printer, not even a hammer. I might quickly rig a lua script to delete bricks of yours that you right click.

Assuming the server doesn't crash I won't mind hosting for a few days. I'll try and rig up a load-from-bls script for the server, as atm Blockland builds are converted to lua scripts first before loading. If not, then if/when the server crashes we might not immediately be able to restart the server with the same build.