Author Topic: banned for clickpushing  (Read 26372 times)

DestroyerOfBlocks really grabbed the game by the tits

the classic ancient technique of the titty twist and nipple pull

Well that turned out pretty much as expected

While i was going to make a comment on a certain admin's incompetence i will not. However i will say this.

DestroyerofBlocks, please stop trying to misinform the BLF in order to get unbanned off a server.

The impression I get here is that Razer was watching over the players and giving OP stuff for walking around and clicking people.
Actually, he's been loving around the entire round, doing nothing but annoying people. He also proceeded to gamethrow, which is against the rules because it will throw people off guard of the actual task. So here he is, breaking 2 rules, so I banned him for 2 hours. Then, he makes a drama. I don't get how you're siding with this guy, but have fun.

I never said it was okay. You're strawmanning my entire argument.
No I'm not lmao. What were you saying then? The only thing I see you saying is that it's a stupid rule and OP shouldn't have been banned for breaking it. You're saying it's okay.

this is the only thing i was arguing
If you think it's stupid then you probably think it's okay to break it, since it's stupid. I could see you doing the same thing OP did.

If you think it's stupid then you probably think it's okay to break it, since it's stupid. I could see you doing the same thing OP did.
What the forget are you even talking about anymore? I never said or implied that it's okay to break rules

Yeah my discord convo pretty much reflects how I feel about this.
There's forgetloads of misinformation (and I might've called you people stupid - sorry, i dont really mean it), so really, the whole point is - You was acting like a richard, was told to stop being a richard, decided to sass to admins and keep on being a richard and he got banned for being a richard. Clickpushing really has nothing to even do with it.
every admin here said it is about clickpushing, the ban reason says it is about clickpushing. "hes a richard" fully transcribes to "hes a richard because he clickpushed". i was never warned for "being a richard" despite given two warnings for clickpushing. i never interacted with the admins enough to sass them beyond them telling me not to clickpush. i don't even know what i did to powergame since i wandered around for my grand total of like 6 minutes on the server, doing nothing. clickpushing is not a weapon when in the investigative phase because the phase disables all weapons, nobody can kill each other until the game restarts. your admin staff is initially confused by your revisionism for a reason.

if my other heinous crime of claiming to be the murderer once is this entire richard thing
i said quote "i did it, it was me" while not being bloody, not near the crime scene when the murder happened, not during the trial phase, and while multiple other bloody people far more suspicious than me were nearby. if i had actively tried to ruin the trial phase or had been involved in the crime in some way you would have a point, but this is hardly the kind of knockout evidence you are presenting it as

even though im someone who almost lives by permanent bans,

yeah -___________-

the moral of the story, if an admin says to stop, you should stop.