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Author Topic: SURVIVE 4 — Land of Savages • [DAY 3 | Early Night | In the Squall]  (Read 31386 times)

Aif suspects a predator, possibly another human.  He looks around for a tree to climb.  He's somewhat weak from the relatively meager amount of food and drink he's managed to forage, bet feels he has it in him to get up one and stay out of the way of wild men or wolves or whatever else this strange land may hold.

The large birds look at Theric, seeing that he is not someone they have seen before. They squawk apprehensively, either lifting a leg or scraping it lightly in the dirt. A stablehand leads one toward the pen, with a leather harness around its head and woven leather lashing instead of ropes to lead it. He sees Theric and calls out to him, "What, you [unknown] you have never seen a khaliyuna [unknown]."

Theric looks over to the stablehand, blinking a little bit as he takes a step back to give the massive birds some space. "What are these?" he asks, simple as he can to make it obvious that he has no idea what the Khaliyuna actually are. "Are all your chickens this big?"

He also asks some questions about the surrounding area. Is this the only settlement, or are there more and where are they?

As Douzheng is already thirsty, the wine is already having an effect on him, however, he doesn't believe that the swig taken would anywhere near incapacitate his coordination and judgement. There is about half of the jug left.

His walk takes him along a rocky coastline and past a lot of driftwood, some of which were mere twigs and branches, and some great trees perhaps a century odd old. As he passes along the coast curving North, he finds the base of a great free-standing tree trunk, definitely driftwood, as it had been bared and stripped of its bark and bleached by an extended time by sun and sea. The trunk, however, had been propped upright and all kinds of colored beads and bronze bells are bedecked upon its branches, shimmering in the sun and ringing in the wind. Other driftwood had been cleared from this area.

As Aif gets up, the deer and her foals take off into the forest. He climbs up the tree and waits for several minutes, and nothing passes. The birds and squirrels chirp and twitter all the same.

The stable-hand responds to Theric in surprise, "Khaliyuni. We [unknown] them, we use them for [unknown]. And, no, they're not chickens." he finishes with a laugh.

"Settlement? What do you mean?"

Douzheng recognizes what appears to be a religious monument. He makes a wide berth past it, as he's got no interest in being ambushed by natives who're angry at him for disturbing hallowed ground.
« Last Edit: January 05, 2018, 12:30:45 AM by Juncoph »

Aif figures he's probably just getting paranoid from something in the berries and makes his way back down, then continues on his way.

"Settlement. Y'know. Villages? Cities?" Theric pauses, looking around before he holds his hands out towards the rest of the city behind them in a presenting manner. "Like this. Places like this. Are there any others?"

Theric also asks if there are any other people nearby that he should look out for, or be worried about. Or if there's any maps he can have a look at.

Douzheng keeps going on his trek along the shoreline and arrives at the northernmost boat. He couldn't see the second boat from the south now, as the curvature of the coastline and rise of the forest obscures if from view.

In inspecting the immediate area, he sees footsteps in the sand, a pile of ash that was recently was a fire, seeing that no moisture had caked the ashes, it could have been burning as late as last night. There is an indentation in the ground where a man may have lain down next to it. The boat also seems to have recently run aground. It appears to be of the make of the natives—those not of the  Romani lineage, but from the tribes that they conquered.

Several tracks of footsteps lead into the forest and one pair of footsteps he followed part of the way here.

Aif continues northward over hills and through forest. After going a fair distance, he hears rustling in the underbrush to the right of him. A woolswine, one with a gash on its face is staring at him from a distance, grinding its front hooves into the dirt and tossing its head, occasionally grunting at him. It appears to get more angry the longer he stands there.

The stable-hand stares at Theric blankly, but eventually the realization hits him, "Oh, yes! There are other towns and villages on this island. I haven't been to any of them though. If I remember correctly, there are . . . four?" He scratches his head while trying to recall.

When asked about suspicious character, he responds, "Yes. There is an old [unknown] man named Aanu who lives on this side of town. The [unknown] and some of the elders say he is [unknown]. He brings nothing but bad, they say. Stay away from him."

The khaliyuna, growing impatient for its food and drink, tosses its head and utters an annoyed squawk. "There, there, girl. We'll get you feed soon."

"Also, there's the Bogudani. Stay away from them at all costs." A man shouts angrily at the boy from atop a stack of hay bales, ordering him to get back to work. He shouts back in response, "Yes, coming!" He gives a short bow to Theric then extends a hand, "I'm Tuusan."

Väinö remains in agony for several hours, continually trying to vomit and suffering from runny stool, eventually entering shock and finally succumbing to a mix of dehydration and hypothermia. The next think he knows, he is laying on his back looking up at a white marble ceiling? Or is it the sky? Realizing the perplexity of his situation, he surveys his surroundings. He is sitting on some kind of pedestal or altar in some kind of ornate marble building, but the entire building is transparent. Below and around the building is a section of unknown forest shrouded in a very thick fog. There is an exit to the building, leading into the fog-enshrouded forest. A figure walks toward him from the other side of the building.

The figure appears to be male with a shaven face and head, wearing an elaborate garment made of silk or linen. He wields a gold staff with a blue stone at it's tip, and hanging gold rings fastening into the staff near the top.

"That wasn't very smart of you now was it?" Väinö, unsure of what was going on, blinked silently at the man. "It's not very common that we get outsiders here."

Douzheng begins to search the site for any useful materials.

Douzheng finds a good number of planks and beams that would be decent for small structures or for burning. By wading in the water around the ship, he also finds a small bag that had sunken down to the bottom. There's also a torn sailcloth up on deck, draped partially into the water. The entire ship reeks of fish.

Aif draws his sword - it'll have more clout than his walking stick, and backs away slowly, making sure to continue facing the boar as he goes, and once it's out of sight (providing it doesn't follow), makes a fairly wide circle downwind around the spot of his encounter and moves in the direction the boar came from.  He's heard tell of the hunts his forbears of great boar which could easily kill men with their sharp tusks, and at present he doesn't feel up to the task of fighting to the death, but judging by the gash on the animal's face, someone else might, hopefully not a larger predator, hopefully other men, hopefully not cannibals.  It may be a long shot, but it seems to Aif to be his best chances of quickly finding a real source of food and fresh water.

The Bolgil Woolswine doesn't seem to like Aif being there all the same and continues grunting as he backs away. After he is out of view, the beast doesn't seem to pursue, and Aif makes his way around through the forest, new bearing NWW. He climbs a particular gentle hill which leads him to a place which had been cleared for a campfire. The fire was here fairly recently. There is also various molested ground cover—It is unsure if this concerned foraging or a struggle with an animal. A single bloodstain is found on the south end of the clearing, and a light blood trail leads SSW.

Douzheng collects the sailcloth, squeezes water out of the formerly submerged portions, and drapes it over some driftwood so that it may dry properly. From the portion that's already dry, though, he tears off a loose, thin strip from one of the sail's edges, and fashions it into a sling for the bag he's found. He also inspects the bag's contents. Douzheng then tears off more portions, occasionally hitting stubborn threads with his chisel on one side and driftwood on another, until he's got two sections of cloth which he can tie around his lower legs for extra protection. He reinforces his sandals in a similar fashion. Finally, he takes out a portion which he fashions into a simple hood.

Collecting an approx. 6ft beam, Douzheng chamfers and fillets the edges on one end using his chisel until it can be comfortably gripped. He gets more sailcloth, secures it to the un-chamfered end of the beam, and fashions it into a sort of sealed pouch. He fills it with about 5lbs of rocks, and seals it as tightly as possible.

Preparing to move, he acquires three more portions of sail. With one, he creates a tube-shaped pouch, and drops approx. 2lbs of rocks into it, and ties the opening closed. With the other two portions of sail, he fashions a rucksack and a sling for it. He then heads inland.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2018, 02:27:10 PM by Juncoph »

Väinö, after scanning his surroundings, looks at the man and asks, "Who are you, and where in the world am I?", before promptly attempting to get on his feet, stepping off the altar.

The stable-hand stares at Theric blankly, but eventually the realization hits him, "Oh, yes! There are other towns and villages on this island. I haven't been to any of them though. If I remember correctly, there are . . . four?" He scratches his head while trying to recall.

When asked about suspicious character, he responds, "Yes. There is an old [unknown] man named Aanu who lives on this side of town. The [unknown] and some of the elders say he is [unknown]. He brings nothing but bad, they say. Stay away from him."

The khaliyuna, growing impatient for its food and drink, tosses its head and utters an annoyed squawk. "There, there, girl. We'll get you feed soon."

"Also, there's the Bogudani. Stay away from them at all costs." A man shouts angrily at the boy from atop a stack of hay bales, ordering him to get back to work. He shouts back in response, "Yes, coming!" He gives a short bow to Theric then extends a hand, "I'm Tuusan."

"Do you know anyone who has been to the other villages? I wanna get an idea of this place, if I'm to wander around."

Theric tilts his head to the side, "An old /what/ man?" he asks, clearly confused, "The /what/ and some of the-- He's //what///?" Theric makes it obvious that lots of those words o over his head, hoping for Tuusan to go into some detail.

"The Bogudani? Are they some other people or something?" he asks, before he's cut off by the yelling man. He stares up in the direction of the man- clearly somewhat annoyed that his conversation's being interrupted before he looks over to the extended hand. Theric gives a lazy bow back- as well as a fairly clumsy one, before he reaches out and grabs Tuusans hand, "I'm Theric. Nice to meet you."

Theric pauses, before he lets Tuusan go along with the rest of his work, and he opts to head back into the town for a bit. Now, he wants to go and find the elder. If he's gonna earn brownie points, he figures that guy will be the best to go to.

The bag which Douzheng finds contains a large stone flake and a piece of old bread which had entirely dissolved in the seawater. The polearm-like creation he makes is heavy; there is no way it could effectively be wielded with only one hand. Despite fastening the weighted rock end to his cudgel, it doesn't seem like this will stay secure for very long.

At a glance, he looks back at his original crash site. Black birds circle from above and descend upon the area.

The container for rocks seems to work out very well, but the material for the rucksack will not stay together very well at all. Hopes of carrying anything in this seem slim.

Douzheng nearly immediately finds a berry bush. Most of the berries had been plucked off, based on the many stems formed into clusters leading only to an empty node. The berries remaining on it are immature, but based on their gradient at various stages of their development, they're red and round. The stalks are smooth and the main trunk is protected by a Woody bark layer not unlike a rose bush, though the bush lacks thorns.

The man answers Väinö, "Most people call me Mirisham. I am the caretaker and guardian of this place. You may call this place a sanctuary, I suppose. Some very rare few on this island are provided more chances at life than the one they are given. Strangely enough, I have not seen any foreigners since humans first came here. When did you arrive?"

The chamber resonates as if they are in a sanctuary or temple.

Tuusan responds to Theric, "Y-yes. Many of the [unknown] have been [unknown]. Some of the elders also [unknown] for matters of the Akkeman."

"Gee, [unknown], I don't know where you're from, but just stay away from Aanu. I need to be back soon." The man's yelling nearly puts Tuusan in a panic, "I'm sorry, you'll need to ask [/i][unknown][/i] else." Despite his hurried manner, he still accepts the handshake and leads the khaliyuna back to the stable.

He heads across town. Most of the townspeople are working and have moved on since earlier in the afternoon. He passes the large building at the center of town where the guards were posted before. A cart drawn by a khaliyuna is briskly heading in his direction. Sitting in the passenger seat is Eetu, the elder of the house he had stayed in last night. Eetu's focus turns to you and he yells, angrily, "Theerriiiic!". The guards don't seem to react. They have their spears ready, but they seem more to be stifling a laugh.

Yana, finished with the mud foundation, finds a short but thick portion of wood and attempts to dig a moat around the mud-ellipse, leaving about half a foot from the wall for rocks which she plans to place there later to hopefully protect the base from some wear.

As the sun dips lower in the sky, she gathers tinder, kindling and logs for fire, this time, for more than one night. She places them on one side of the ellipse, but not close to where any wall would be.

After she finishes her fire, she remembers the potatoes in her bag and checks them to see if they had greened... Yep, too late... I'll have to eat these sooner next time. She breaks up the ground some distance away from her hut where a patch of sunlight beams through the trees and buries the potatoes about 6 inches under.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2018, 07:02:32 PM by SWAT One »