Author Topic: adrenaline/d -  (Read 18101 times)

anyone wanna follow my twitter
I flip my finger and the thumb
blockland that game where you build stuff
anyone eat salad
im here to promote the 3rd oh shiitake mushrooms thread
It's at this point that you're now trying too hard and are just spamming Badspot's thread with unfunny and irrelevant garbage

I mean does it really detract from the thread? it just gives more reason as to why he should be purged

this needs to be on the top

he's now making posts doing [right ][/right] so it gets really annoying to read and you have to scan around to see the post's text

whats wrong
are u trying to tell the forum something inh
its not a bbcode exploit im changing the way we think about post formatting like why isnt it in the center or on the right.. its philosophical
fourth* i already made a third
except it doesnt break stretch or move anything it just aligns all the text to the right
we out here thinking
brain activity: 0

noedit theres more but i accidentally copy and pasted 7 in

he's now making posts doing [right ][/right] so it gets really annoying to read and you have to scan around to see the post's text
i think that's the point
its still beyond me why someone would intentionally be annoying but i guess if that's what you like

oh and because you're here can you explain this thread
and conspicuously afterwards he dramaed him
ik these are old posts but i never knew about that first thread, the drama's been dealt with already at this point but that first one and how it came a few days before that drama is really something
first its a meme
seems more like u wanted to try and talk stuff about me tho

im gonna start bumping this every time he says not funny for the millionth time since last year