Author Topic: Youtube made another pride video  (Read 18309 times)

the idea that LGBT+ content is being "shoved into faces" is a load of stuff
why not complain about how heteroloveual content is being shoved into stuff all the time
the majority of advertising, movies, and books contain heteroloveual content even if it's unnecessary (see: action movies with forced romance subplots)
if just seeing two dudes being affectionate for eachother is having gayness "shoved into your face" then go out and keep a tally how much straight romantic nonsense you see every day, then realize that the gay stuff isn't as big of a problem as you think in comparison

the idea that LGBT+ content is being "shoved into faces" is a load of stuff
why not complain about how heteroloveual content is being shoved into stuff all the time

this is one of the dumbest things i've ever seen. lgbt people are roughly ~7% of the population so trying to say 93% of the population is shoving stuff in people's faces is ridiculous because it's the overwhelming state of normality. plus there's always the gay section on researchhub if you feel left out

PRIDE is handicapped, everyone knows gay people exist, we spend the entire year getting annoyed by them

Tbh life would be better if we shipped all LGBT people off-planet

PRIDE is handicapped, everyone knows gay people exist, we spend the entire year getting annoyed by them

Tbh life would be better if we shipped all LGBT people off-planet
the sad thing is i genuinely can't tell if you're joking or not because people actually think like this

the idea that LGBT+ content is being "shoved into faces" is a load of stuff
why not complain about how heteroloveual content is being shoved into stuff all the time
the majority of advertising, movies, and books contain heteroloveual content even if it's unnecessary (see: action movies with forced romance subplots)
if just seeing two dudes being affectionate for eachother is having gayness "shoved into your face" then go out and keep a tally how much straight romantic nonsense you see every day, then realize that the gay stuff isn't as big of a problem as you think in comparison
counterpoint: gays make up a small percentage of the overall population and are vastly over-represented in media relative to their population size when compared to straights

the sad thing is i genuinely can't tell if you're joking or not because people actually think like this

I mean honestly, its only 9 days in and I have to deal with all these friend commercials full of friends talking about how important it is that everyone knows they're a friend

No one gives a forget if you're a friend. I can loving tell you suck richard because of your friend ass wardrobe anyway. forget off of my screen I'm trying to play Solitaire for forget's sake.

And that goes for the lesbians too. Big shock, this fat loving bitch tiddy'd chick is a lesbian? I never would've thought. I don't care. I don't give a stuff. You have your rights. forget off, go home, leave me alone go DAMN

forget off of my screen I'm trying to play Solitaire for forget's sake.

old man alert

itt: annoying people complain about being annoyed, world keeps turning either way

counterpoint: gays make up a small percentage of the overall population and are vastly over-represented in media relative to their population size when compared to straights
are they? do you have a source for that? cus most people in movies and TV are straight. I think you're making stuff up
No one gives a forget if you're a friend.
it actually seems like you give many forgets

itt: annoying people complain about being annoyed, world keeps turning either way
this could be said for many topics

It keeps my brain active

coke can keep your brain active stop playing grandpa games

everyone knows gay people exist
everyone except gay or trans kids living in homophobic places that don't even realize it's possible for same-love love to exist, or that there's a term for being transgender and that there's other people like them

are they? do you have a source for that? cus most people in movies and TV are straight. I think you're making stuff upit actually seems like you give many forgets

I don't give a stuff about anyone being a rooster mongler until you feel the need to shove it in my face like I NEED to accept it

I already accepted it, forget off, LET ME PLAY

Nothing's interrupting you, you mongoloid. You're the one who's wasting your time taking offense.